Jewish World Review / Sept. 11, 1998 /20 Elul, 5758
Cal Thomas
occur in America. In taking possession of the Office of the
Independent Counsel's findings about alleged lawbreaking by
the president of the United States, Congress is embarking on a
process which must be performed with careful deliberation
and gravity if the principles of our free society are to be
upheld. The debate is about the president and the
Constitution; it should not deteriorate into a personality clash
between Ken Starr and Bill Clinton.
Arguing for not undoing the results of the last two elections
might have some validity if we lived in a pure democracy. But
we live in a constitutional republic. The people decide who
they want as their leader, but that leader does not assume the
powers, privileges and responsibilities of the office of
president of the United States until he takes an oath before
the American people. It is then that he is subject to another
and higher authority when he swears to "preserve, protect
and defend the Constitution of the United States'' and to
"faithfully execute'' the office of president of the United
States, which implies upholding the law.
When a president is shown to have violated his oath, the
Founders established a process by which he might be
removed from office, no matter what the polls may say. The
process is rooted in the law, not the feelings of people who
may still like an elected leader.
Article One, Sectigress fulfill their duties, the system suffers --
lawbreaking becomes easier for future presidents, and
average Americans will properly want to know why they
cannot be allowed to escape punishment for violating the
law, but the president can.
If the evidence of lawbreaking compiled by Starr is
irrefutable, the constitutionally mandated impeachment
proceeding should begin. Impeachment is a purifying
instrument given us by the Founders to expose and punish
wrongdoing at the top before it corrupts us
Faithfully executing:
Congress vs. the President
The dwindling number of President Clinton's defenders have
cited opinion polls as a reason for keeping him in office.
Though the public's view of his "job performance'' is
declining, it remains above 50 percent. This is reason enough,
say the defenders, to keep him "doing the job the American
people twice elected him to do.''
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