Jewish World Review / August 18, 1998 / 26 Menachem-Av, 5758
Cal Thomas
A FEDERAL JUDGE IN MIAMI has declared Joe's Stone Crab restaurant
guilty of sex discrimination for not hiring an arbitrary number of
female servers dictated by the Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission. Four women, only one of whom formally applied
for a job at the upscale, 85-year-old family-owned (and
female-run) eatery, will split $154,205 in "back wages'' and
benefits. The EEOC had sought more than $905,000.
As if this were not outrageous enough, Judge Hurley appointed
himself overseer of Joe's hiring practices through 2001. Not only
will the court supervise hiring, Joe's must pay for the services of
an industrial psychologist who will participate in training sessions
"which will last a minimum of four hours'' for the purpose of
sensitizing the interview panel that will receive job applications
and conduct interviews. It must also pay for advertising virtually
written by the court and other expenses related to carrying out
the court's dictatorial mandate.
Judge Hurley declared Joe's "guilt'' based on the usual
government standards that can find injuries to certain protected
classes or groups without regard to whether harm to an individual
has been proved. His "reasoning'' included language that three
of the women "intended to apply'' for jobs at Joe's but were
dissuaded because they had "heard'' of the restaurant's
"reputation'' for not hiring female servers. And what is the
evidence that these women are telling the truth? Judge Hurley
claimed it is ``based upon the court's ability to observe the
demeanor of the witnesses and to consider other criteria for
judging their credibility.'' This is a practice fit for a fortuneteller,
not the law.
Judge Hurley noted that following a court order last October,
when Joe's instituted formal training for members of the job
interview panel and began utilizing a new server evaluation form,
female and male servers started wearing black and yellow
campaign-style buttons that said "JOE'S STAFF, I AM
GOVERNMENT APPROVED.'' The EEOC obtained some of the
offending buttons and gave them to the court, which determined
this was an improper exercise of First Amendment rights, an
indication of "management's insensitivity to the serious issues in
this case'' and evidence of "its disdain for court-ordered
remedial measures.''
Disdain is precisely what the EEOC and the court deserve. As
Rep. Jay Dickey (R-Ark.) noted in an Aug. 5 speech on the House
floor, Joe's has been owned by the same family for 85 years and
practiced diversity in its hiring practices long before the law
required it. Said Dickey: "(Joe's) has been targeted and
victimized by the EEOC, not because there are too few female
employees ... but (because) there are too few female servers,
according to the EEOC. This is in contrast to what is happening
with Hooters (which) has only female servers.'' Dickey chided the
EEOC for conducting "a reign of terror'' against Joe's and said he
opposes a requested $18.5 million increase in the agency's
EEOC violated its own regulations that state a complaint must be
filed within 300 days prior to any finding of discrimination. No
individual filed a complaint. This was strictly an EEOC operation.
The ruling against Joe's, which owner Jo Ann Bass says she will
appeal, is another example of big government attempting to
crush a small business under the federal boot. Since the judge
doesn't like the buttons Joe's female and male workers have been
wearing, perhaps the restaurant should try another tactic. It should
put a large barrel at the door along with highlighted copies of the
judge's ludicrous ruling and invite patrons to "fight big
government'' by contributing to a legal defense fund. The
president has one. Why not
Big government's
crab grab
Judge Daniel T.K. Hurley ruled that the women did not seek
employment at Joe's because they had "heard'' the restaurant
refused to hire females. Hurley said that is enough to "prove''
discrimination under EEOC regulations. He dismissed evidence
of nondiscrimination that included the growth of the server staff to
22 percent female since 1992 when the EEOC targeted Joe's and
sought to make an example of the place. This is government
group-think: You do not have to present evidence of personal
injury; the government must only conclude that an injury has
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