Jewish World Review / August 4, 1998 / 12 Menachem-Av, 5758
Cal Thomas
PLYMOUTH NOTCH, Vt. -- Seventy-five years ago in the
pre-dawn hours of Aug. 3, following the death of Warren
Harding, Calvin Coolidge was sworn in as president of the
United States by his father, a notary public, on the tiny family
Not only does the 30th president have much to teach modern
politicians and citizens about the role and cost of government
(he cut taxes four times and reduced the national debt by
one-third while maintaining a surplus every year in office), we
might consider the unity of his public and private character,
which led to an administration and life unstained by scandal.
In his 1940 book on Coolidge, Claude Feuss wrote of the
period immediately after Harding, "... the United States was
not looking for either heroism or romanticism. What it
wanted was plain ordinary common sense. Calvin Coolidge
had character -- and in the long run character outlasts what is
temporarily spectacular."
Coolidge said much the same in his autobiography: "...
unless men live right they die. Things are so ordered in this
world that those who violate its laws cannot escape the
penalty. Nature is inexorable. If men do not follow the truth
they cannot live."
The Rutland Daily Herald editorialized last Saturday: "He
carried with him into the larger world values of integrity,
honesty and simplicity ...." That style, noted the editorial, is
"in sharp contrast to the confessional and sentimental styles
of the 1990s. (Coolidge) does not shy from revealing the
passions and griefs of his life, but he maintains dignity and
humor through understatement and economy of words."
As he left office on March 1, 1929, the New York Times
editorialized about "Coolidge's rugged integrity .... While the
country was left shuddering and ashamed by the revelations
of corruption under President Harding, it turned with relief
and confidence to the unchallenged simplicity and purity of
life which, both official and private, was going on
in the White House. Mr. Coolidge had such a shield in his
demonstrated character that political arrows fell from it
blunted and broken" (italics mine). Is there any Coolidge-like
politician out there today who might pick up the pieces from
the shambles the current president is making of the office?
Robert Sobel offers this quote from Democrat Al Smith as the
ultimate accolade to Coolidge: "His great task was to restore
the dignity and prestige of the presidency when it had
reached the lowest ebb in our history, and to afford in a time
of extravagance and waste a shining public example of the
simple and honest virtues which came down to him from his
New England ancestors. These are no small achievements,
and history will not forget them."
Of himself, Coolidge modestly said: "It is a great advantage
to a president, and a major source of safety to the country, for
him to know that he is not a great man. When a man begins
to feel that he is the only one who can lead in this republic,
he is guilty of treason to the spirit of our institutions."
Silent Cal? Hardly. Here was a man who spoke only when he
had something to say. And he had plenty to say that was good
and even funny if one understands the reserved humor of
Vermont. We could do much worse than to have a principled
man like Calvin Coolidge in the White House today, which is
precisely what we are doing -- a lot
In search of an unstained president
Recently, a four-day celebration of Coolidge was held in
Boston, where he served as a legislator, lieutenant governor
and governor of Massachusetts, and in the Vermont hamlet
he called home. There is much to reconsider and learn from a
man who is often misquoted by those who have read only
historians and not his actual words. Two timely biographies
by more objective historians Robert Ferrell and Robert Sobel
take aim at the misconceptions and misperceptions
surrounding Coolidge.
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