Jewish World Review / May 19, 1998 / 23 Iyar, 5758
Cal Thomas
FORMER SEN. GARY HART is on a book tour, trying to expunge
his image as a philanderer, not by confession but by
debunking such behavior as irrelevant to overall character
and leadership skills. Philanderers talk like that. It insulates
them from reality, responsibility and accountability.
Psychiatrist Frank Pittman has written a sobering article for
the May/June issue of the professional journal Family Therapy
Networker. In it he rips apart such thinking. Using President
Clinton as his example, Pittman writes, "... we elected an
apparently post-patriarchal leader -- a noncompetitive
idealist, a pot-smoking pacifist who called for love, not war, a
feminist with a powerful wife as an equal partner -- and now
he seems to want the privilege of old-style patriarchs, like
Greek gods, Roman emperors, Renaissance popes and
The beauty of his article is that it isn't about politics. His views
result from years of clinical experience with philanderers: "I
see people in post-traumatic shock from their own affairs or
those of their loved ones. There may be greater sins than
adultery, but not when it is happening in your family, in your
marriage or in the marriage of your parents. While the
betrayed spouses in my practice can't understand how a man
can betray his loved ones, his country, his place in history for
something so insignificant as a sexual dalliance, the
philanderers find it perfectly reasonable. They consider such
behavior normal. They proudly include the president as one
of their group. These men, usually either fatherless or the sons
of philanderers, avoid intimacy and often sex at home, while
devoting a lifetime to the seduction and abandonment of
strange women, forever reliving puberty rituals they hoped
would make them feel like men."
For those, like Gary Hart, who believe public and private
character can be separated, Pittman responds:
"Philandering requires a life of duplicity, constant betrayals,
sexual obsession and gender preoccupation. It may be a good
way to build seductive skills, but not a good way to develop
character or responsibility. Philanderers lie."
Pittman says while the public can live with what the president
has done, they still want the truth. In his experience, he says,
the only thing that hurts a husband or wife more than
extramarital sex is the lies and cover-up efforts, which are the
greater betrayal.
Sexual freedom comes with a price, notes Pittman. "We give
up our right to throw stones." He seems to partially excuse
philanderers like the president, saying they've never been told
the truth. But that's too easy. Truth is available to any person.
The president can find it in a book he carries to church on
Based on his clients' patterns of denial, Pittman predicts
President Clinton will continue to deny any sexual
misadventures and will be supported, though not believed.
While Pittman forecasts no crippling legal consequences,
Clinton "will live out his damaged term amidst derision and
contempt and he will go down in history as a fool rather than
the hero he aspired to be." In the process, we lose respect for
the presidency until it is again filled with someone worthy of
our respect. "The philanderers among us will see only that
another man defeated his female accusers and won; the rest
of us will see what he lost. And the whole thing will continue
to be a national joke."
Hart cites great presidents who allegedly had affairs, saying
we wouldn't have them if today's standards applied.
Thankfully, we didn't have Hart as president because
standards did apply. And it's fair to ask if he and
Clinton would lie to their wives, on what basis should we
believe other promises they
Clinton on the couch
Pittman goes deeper than Rep. Dan Burton, who called
Clinton a "scumbag." He says, "Clinton was our yuppie
Schindler -- the badly flawed man who could save his soul by
saving our lives. But we see now that his services come too
high, requiring too much compromise of our values. It's hard
to live a lie, let alone defend one. It messes with our minds to
defend the president."
John Ashcroft: another
Jimmy Carter?
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