Jewish World Review / May 13, 1998 / 17 Iyar, 5758
Cal Thomas
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. -- Former presidential candidate and
Christian Coalition founder Pat Robertson has an interesting
theory about the next presidential election.
"Bill Clinton may be setting up a Republican Jimmy Carter --
somebody who talks about honesty, decency, morality and
spiritual values," he told me. "Such a person would find a
warm reception in the American electorate." Robertson said,
"If the Republican Party would give its nomination to
(Missouri Republican Sen.) John Ashcroft, he'd win the
Robertson believes the nation's prosperity clouds the public's
concern about our moral direction, and especially that of
children. That's why in almost every statement President
Clinton makes, he refers to "our children" or "the children."
Robertson believes the public would respond to an "I'll
never lie to you" Jimmy Carter-type messenger if his message
is something he practices as well as preaches.
Ashcroft, who is a minister's son and has written a book about
the values instilled in him by his late father, was the
commencement speaker at Robertson's Regent University. He
seemed to be road-testing campaign themes. Moral
utterances are tricky. You have to speak about them in ways
that don't make the listener think you are "holier" than they
are, and at the same time you can't be a hypocrite.
Ashcroft's commencement address had a little politics in it
and some concern about drug use among the young, but it
mostly addressed the importance of developing good
character and virtue. "Choices have consequences," he said.
He quoted sociologist James Q. Wilson: "Drug use is wrong
because it is immoral, and it is immoral because it enslaves
the mind and destroys the soul." An appeal to an unchanging
standard by which morality and immorality, right and wrong,
are measured is not always the first thing one notices in
contemporary political discourse. Not many can deliver such
a message without inviting an investigation of their own moral
shortcomings. Like Jimmy Carter, Ashcroft appears to have
the right message at the right time.
Preaching such a message to "a wicked and adulterous
generation," as one ancient writer said of his contemporaries,
requires a delicate balance. The baby boomers like to feel
guilty, but they don't want to feel shame. If Ashcroft can get
them to "repent" without taking responsibility for the moral
chaos they helped unleash in the '60s, he might win
considerable support.
Ashcroft seemed to be putting politics in its proper place
when he told the graduates: "The most important thing we
can ever aspire to be is good parents. And the most important
thing we can ever aspire to do is transmit to our own children
the values our parents gave to us. We know that to be true.
Now much of America is finding it to be true as well ...." He
cited a recent poll of teenagers that found parents were their
most important role model. Could such a finding help
reshape how parents work and think when it comes to the
quantity time required to rear successful children?
In a recent interview, Ashcroft told me that we now stigmatize
what we once affirmed and we affirm what we once
stigmatized. He knows that laws alone cannot redeem a
society mesmerized by materialism and only sometimes
interested in character and moral development. But he
believes that political leaders can help refocus public
That seems to be what Pat Robertson was getting at when he
said, "In the last election, surveys I saw taken of voters after
they left the polls showed a vast majority did not like Clinton,
but they said, ‘You Republicans gave us no alternatives ....'
Had Republicans nominated a vigorous, attractive individual,
he could have beaten Clinton."
Like Jimmy Carter in 1976 who, after Richard Nixon, gave
voters a chance to cleanse themselves? Like John Ashcroft in
2000? The times may be different, but the unease over the
nation's moral direction is the
John Ashcroft: another Jimmy Carter?
"I firmly believe that an honest man with a great deal of
moral integrity, (who is) quite intelligent, very experienced
and who carries within himself Midwest,
heartland-of-America values, would do very, very well all
over the country," said Robertson.
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