Jewish World Review / Sept. 17, 1998 /26 Elul, 5758
Walter Williams
PRESIDENT CLINTON'S PECCADILLOES, lies to Americans, acts of perjury, likely obstruction of
justice and abuse of power, and the scorched earth defense he and his allies have chosen,
have potential for greater harm than anything President Nixon did.
Let's look at just a bit of the Clinton scandal and ask ourselves whether we want Clinton's
tactics to become a pattern for future presidents. Given the continuing public support for
Clinton, we might also ask what has become of our standards and values.
Regardless of what we think about Kenneth Starr, his investigative powers are lawful. He
has exercised no power that wasn't first given to him by the U.S. attorney general and a
three-judge panel. If Starr abuses
Should we also accept the idea that witnesses, who testify against or charge a public
official with crimes and misdeeds, should have their personal lives investigated in an
attempt to dig up dirt so as to impugn their character, as the president has done in the
cases of Kathleen Willey, Paula Jones and Gennifer Flowers?
What about the White House attempted rope-a-dope, saying that requiring Secret Service
agents to testify puts the lives of future presidents in jeopardy? Starr didn't want Secret
Service testimony about national or international policy discussions they may have
overheard. He wanted them to testify about misdeeds they may have witnessed in the
White House. Judges struck down the White House's specious privilege claims, but you
don't have to be a legal scholar to recognize the nonsense. Never in our history has there
been an assassination or attempted assassination in the White House.
For many politicians, there's little they wouldn't stoop to in order to advance or protect their
political careers. However, for over 200 years the nation's moral values have stood as a
shield against corrupt elected officials infecting the body politic. That's changing, as a result
of a generalized national moral decline, ignorance and successful White House spin.
Consider our new moral priorities. There was considerable public and media condemnation
of Linda Tripp for having secretly taped conversations with Monica Lewinsky. Very little
outrage was exhibited about the attempt to get Tripp to commit a felony (perjury) to protect
the president. Apparently, for today's Americans, secretly taping a friend is far more
worrisome than a president using his powers to cover up corruption.
What about the popular public sentiment shared by the president's defenders and many in
Congress that if Clinton only lied about sex he shouldn't resign or be impeached. People
who express this view are really arguing that in the case of the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal the
rule of law should be suspended and substituted by mob rule. Perjury is the criminal
offense of making false statements under oath. From my scant legal knowledge, there are
no instances where perjury is not criminal, even if it's about sex.
The Clinton presidency might have two more years of life; quite possibly the nation can
survive an immoral and dishonest presidency. The more important issue is whether we are
going to allow Clinton's cover-up and abuse of power to establish a pattern for future
presidents. You can bet the rent money that if Clinton gets away with this, some other
president will become more arrogant and
Clinton and future presidents
his powers, he can be instantly fired by the attorney
general. Should we accept as permissible behavior a president's, or other elected officials',
sending out of people to attack the integrity and undermine the work of a duly appointed
court officer?
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