Jewish World Review / June 23, 1998 / 29 Sivan, 5758
Cal Thomas
AS PRESIDENT CLINTON DEPARTS for China, no one should wish
him ill because he carries the prestige and interests of the
United States with him. Yet he leaves behind the matter of
missile-technology transfers to Beijing and the question of
whether they have damaged American security interests as
part of a trade-out with contributors to his 1996 reelection
Former Defense Secretary William Perry has responded to a
number of questions I asked concerning his knowledge of the
When he was Under Secretary of Defense in the Carter
Administration, Perry says he considered the transfer of U.S.
military technology to China in order to provide additional
military balance with the Soviet Union, a position consistent
with the ``China card'' strategy of Richard Nixon and Henry
Kissinger. After visiting some of China's technical facilities,
Perry says he recommended against the transfers because,
among other things, he believed they would be useless to
both sides.
"By the time I became secretary (of defense in 1994)," he
says, "the situation was entirely different because of
developments both in Russia and China. We no longer had
any reason to seek an offset to the Soviet Union's military
power, and, in the meantime, China had grown militarily and
more distant politically. So I did not, and do not, favor making
any transfers of military technology to them."
Perry says he does believe in "engaging" the Chinese, and
after his 1994 visit he established a Defense Conversion
Commission whose goal was converting military plants to
produce commercial goods instead of military hardware. A
similar commission had been established with the Russians,
and he believed it could produce the same positive results
with China.
Perry later concluded that the Defense Conversion
Commission was "a waste of time" with China. The Chinese
military already was producing a number of commercial
products, and the Chinese interest in the commission was
primarily the transfer of military technology, "which I did
not believe was in our security interest." Perry says he told his
staff in 1995 to terminate the commission. During its brief
life, he says, the only project the commission ever undertook
was to help the Chinese establish a safer air traffic control
system, which was ultimately turned over to the Federal
Aviation Administration.
Asked if he ever felt pressured by the White House or anyone
else regarding technology transfers to the Chinese, Perry says
he did not and, furthermore, is "not aware of such pressure
being applied to others." Regarding the recent nuclear tests in
India and Pakistan, Perry says, "It is a calamity which we
unsuccessfully tried to prevent." While he says he can't be sure
that China had no role in the nuclear programs of India and
Pakistan, he doesn't believe that it was a "critical role" and
that both countries have "very capable engineers and
scientists who have been working to develop nuclear
weapons for many years."
An April 1996 article in the conservative American Spectator
accused Perry of encouraging technology exports that helped
fuel China's modernization of its military plants. "I have
never been so angry" about an article, he said. "It was
riddled with gross errors of fact, not to mention statements
that were egregiously defamatory."
Clearly there is more to be learned about the relationship
among American companies, the Clinton-Gore reelection
effort and the Chinese government and its military. It is clear
that William Perry now joins a growing list of former and
current Cabinet-level advisors who opposed
missile-technology transfers to China. Not heeding the advice
was their boss, Bill
William Perry opposed
technology transfers to
transfers and whether he felt pressured to approve
Perry says he supports allowing U.S. companies to sell
commercial products to any country not under sanctions,
even though some may be converted for military applications,
especially if these products are freely available from other
countries. Some American products, he says, can be
effectively restricted. But he thinks that to ban technology
available elsewhere not only hurts U.S. companies but does
nothing to advance our nonproliferation goals.