Jewish World Review / July 10, 1998 / 16 Tamuz, 5758
Cal Thomas
HOUSTON -- The cover of this month's Texas Monthly
magazine depicts a mock campaign button which says "Bush
for President?" On it is a smiling image of the Texas governor
who carries a past and possibly future presidential name.
The article, by Paul Burka, analyzes the strengths that Gov.
The contrasts between Bush and President Clinton, both baby
boomers, couldn't be more obvious. Though Bush, if he runs,
would not face Clinton, he presents an image that would
project without his saying so a sense of integrity, stability,
honor and humility that is in stark contrast to the current
White House occupant. People from all political persuasions
could vote for him without having to admit they made a
mistake in voting for Clinton.
Bush has several strong personal qualities that come through
as one gets to know him. As the Burka article notes, he makes
one feel the person he is talking to is the most important one
in the room. At a baseball game last month in Arlington, he
arrived drenched in sweat after jogging in the oppressive
Texas heat. Instead of rushing to the shower and heading for
his seat, he hung around in his jogging clothes exchanging
pleasantries with a small number of people inside the
executive offices of the Texas Rangers Baseball Club, which
he had just sold at a $10 million profit. In response to a
question he told me that he favors school choice, but thinks it
should be handled locally by individual jurisdictions and the
federal government should stay out of it. That's a hot issue
with Republican social conservatives who share his position.
Like Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush doesn't appear to need
the presidency to complete his personality. Bill Clinton
wanted to be president since he was a kid. "I'm not sure I
want to spend the rest of my life living in the bubble," says
Bush, referring to Washington. He is concerned that his and
wife Laura's twin 16-year-old daughters might have to spend
their college years in Washington, accompanied by Secret
Service agents. "Parenting is the most important thing a
person does," he tells Burka. "Parenting requires sacrifice. I
believe that. It's my legacy." His remarks recall a speech his
popular mother made several years ago at Wellesley College.
Barbara Bush said, "If you have children, they must come
first. Your success as a family, our success as a nation,
depends not on what happens in the White House, but on
what happens in your house."
Bush might not be the first choice of some social
conservatives. Though he believes many of the things they do
-- he is pro-life for the unborn and favors capital punishment
for killers -- he is more of a persuader than a fire-breather.
He appears to realize that zeal alone is not enough to make a
majority believe as you do. Great changes often take time and
must be achieved incrementally. Such a strategy might well
put the Reagan coalition back together, something no other
potential presidential candidate appears capable of doing.
Bush also has a "conversion story." He gave up drinking 11
years ago and has left behind his self-described "wild" life.
Again, this contrasts with Clinton who is unwilling to rise
above his lower nature. It's another reason why some might
vote for him for president without having to admit the
country needs purifying. Blessed with more political talent, he
could be Jimmy Carter II.
In one of John Keats' poems, he writes that fame is like a coy
woman who, when pursued, pretends she doesn't notice, but
if ignored, might decide she likes the man "and may follow"
him. George W. Bush is being coy. Fame, not to mention the
presidency, may be about to start flirting with
George W. Bush: a different 'boomer'
could bring to the Republican Party and the presidency
if he a) runs, b) is nominated and, c) is elected. In Texas,
where it's being predicted that Bush will only blow away his
Democratic opponent and be reelected in November, but
also possibly lead a Republican sweep of state offices, "a"
and "b" are foregone conclusions and "c" is an article of growing faith among Republicans.
George, Jr.
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