Jewish World Review / August 10, 1998 / 18 Menachem-Av, 5758
Cal Thomas
died this year: Shari Lewis, Roy Rogers, "Buffalo Bob'' Smith,
Alan Shepard, Robert Young and Jerome Robbins? The
answer is that they all contributed something worthy of our
approval, praise and emulation.
When I was young, my parents never worried that I might
learn something bad from "Buffalo Bob'' and Shari Lewis.
Television was a welcome guest in our home. You could even
watch the news as a family. Other shows -- like "Kukla, Fran
and Ollie,'' "Ding Dong School'' and "Romper Room'' --
taught children right from wrong and instilled positive moral
and patriotic values. Some scoff at such things today, but it
might be argued that the rejection of those values has led to
many of our present predicaments. Then, a stained dress
went to the cleaners. Now, it goes to the FBI crime lab.
"Captain Kangaroo,'' "My Friend Flicka'' (and another horse
named "Fury''), "Lassie,'' "The Mickey Mouse Club'' and so
many other shows were part of the clean entertainment and
virtue building blocks that television in those days accepted as
its duty to impose. Yes, impose!
Alan Shepard, one of the original seven American astronauts,
gave us something to look up to, literally. Years ago I worked
in Houston and came to know many of the astronauts. While
some had personal struggles and failings common to
humanity, they carried with them the greatness and hopes of
their nation. Much of the space program is now taken for
granted, but who can watch the original films of those Apollo
launches, or the dramatic re-creations by Tom Hanks, and
not feel the thrill come back? You can see it still in the eyes of
the once-and-future astronaut, John Glenn.
Robert Young, though troubled later in life by personal
demons that led to a suicide attempt, personified what we
wished our families could be in "Father Knows Best.'' His
gentle, loving leadership taught lessons we have forgotten in
our sex-obsessed age. Young, a successful screen actor before
coming to television, was equally wonderful in the TV series
"Marcus Welby, M.D.''
Jerome Robbins made the human body beautiful on stage.
His choreography in "West Side Story'' and in so many other
outstanding American musicals (made truly great by his
dances) lifted spirits and caused audiences to forget their
troubles, c'mon be happy.
The fun and excitement these people gave us was good and it
was clean, and that's why those of us old enough to have
personally experienced it can tell our children and
grandchildren about them with pride. I wonder what this
generation will want to share with the future? Old videos of
"Dawson's Creek,'' or "Ellen,'' or "Married With Children''?
Larry King recently interviewed four men from television's
Golden Age: Milton Berle, Sid Caesar, Steve Allen and Art
Linkletter. In addition to expressing their criticism of and
contempt for much of what passes for contemporary
entertainment, these men talked about what they couldn't do
on TV because of censorship in those days -- and what they
would never think of doing. But these men had real talent,
and the laughs they got were from live audiences, not laugh
tracks. Falling ratings are the people's verdict on the trash
served up today.
The federal government recently announced it is adding a
West Coast salmon to a list of threatened species. Too bad we
don't have a similar way to preserve the principles of some of
those brave and talented people who have died this year.
To say that Lewis, Rogers, Smith, Shepard, Young and Roberts
will be missed is only part of it. Who will replace
Endangered species
It can be dangerous to live in the past, but the loss of such
wonderful people within weeks of each other is an occasion
to consider the substantial truths they taught and might still
teach us.
The late, great Shari Lewis and friend
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