Jewish World Review / August 14, 1998 / 22 Menachem-Av, 5758
Cal Thomas
AS PRESIDENT CLINTON PREPARES TO testify before a grand jury
Monday, his dwindling number of true-believer supporters
have been reduced to speaking absurdities. CNN "Crossfire''
co-host Bill Press wonders whether there would be a "DNA
stain'' on Monica Lewinsky's dress if the president has had a
vasectomy. And full-time spinner Lanny Davis even suggests
that the dress may be soiled with "someone else's semen.''
This is where decades of inattention to private and public
virtue has brought us.
Much of the debate now centers on whether the president
will tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth,
so help him God.
Does it make sense that anyone who is a truth-teller would
behave as this president does? His inconsistencies and
bald-faced lies have covered a political career and a personal
life in which truth is the casualty of whatever promotes his
own interests and personal pleasure. A truth-teller doesn't
need a Hollywood producer to help him with body language
and acting skills or to scorch the Earth with the bodies of
those who tell the truth about him.
Ervin C. Hargrove, professor of political science at Vanderbilt
University, writes in his new book, The President as
Leader: "Truth-telling and persuasion are better
instruments of action in American democracy than lying,
control and demagogy as long as citizens respond to 'the
better angels of our nature.' Leadership based on those two
principles has two consequences for the quality of democratic
life. It nourishes the practice of truth-telling in politics, thus
permitting us to potentially confront the real problems that
face us. And American democracy must receive infusions of
idealistic leadership if it is to be true to the purposes for which
the Union was founded."
Hargrove also argues that the presidency is a "seat of power
and an engine for policy making, but it is also a moral agent
for the articulation of the ideals of American democracy. The
character of American governmental institutions and political
culture invites presidents to be moral leaders."
Who among us considers Bill Clinton a moral leader or even
a moral agent? His policies and ability to lead have been
rendered impotent in direct proportion to his unwillingness to
tell the truth. How many of us hire people for important jobs,
from day care to home repair, without first checking their
references, including character references? The first implied
or direct question we want answered is, Are they honest?
How much more so in a president?
Bill Clinton is like food poisoning. We're going to have to wait
until he passes out of our system. Still, he accurately reflects
the valueless society that twice elected him. If we care only
about material things and not moral things; if we're carrying
on in our personal lives as if judgment day will never come; if
we think we can do as we please, why shouldn't we expect a
president who reflects the majority behavior and opinion?
The fault is not entirely in our president. It is in ourselves. To
hold him accountable means we would have to hold
ourselves accountable. So we lie and we'll tolerate the lies of
Bill Clinton, even to a grand jury, because to do otherwise
would mean we would have to confess our own individual
and collective guilt. And as the man said in the '70s about
love, in the '90s politics means never having to say you're
sorry. Or having to tell the
Untruths, half-truths and anything but the
Of course, he won't. Not when his entire
life has been built on a house of cards made up solely of
jokers. In his new book, Finish Strong,: former Miami
Herald publisher Richard Capen Jr. quotes Rabbi Wayne
Dosick as saying: "The reality is, if we tell the truth, we only
have to tell the truth once. If you lie, you have to keep lying
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