Jewish World Review / Sept. 8, 1998 /17 Elul, 5758
Cal Thomas
days, so when it is on display, as it was when Sen. Joseph
Lieberman (D-Conn.) took to the Senate floor to chastise
President Clinton for moronic behavior, lying and
dissembling, people take notice.
Twenty-four years after Barry Goldwater led a delegation of
Republicans to the White House to tell Richard Nixon his
time in office had expired,
Truth has such a distinctive ring to it that it is immediately
discernible above the whine, finger-pointing and
self-justification of "spinners.'' Speaking in properly serious
tones, Lieberman brilliantly linked the president's conduct to
the Hollywood culture with which Clinton feels so
comfortable. As a frequent critic of slime TV and degrading
films, Lieberman is uniquely qualified to draw the analogy.
Lieberman rejected the claim by the president and his
enablers that he was engaged in "private'' behavior with
Monica Lewinsky. He said the president is a role model, and
that the role he has been modeling "is embarrassing for us
all as Americans.''
Lieberman also took on the president's blatant hypocrisy:
"The president's relationship with Miss Lewinsky not only
contradicted the values he has publicly embraced over the
past six years. It has compromised his moral authority at a
time when Americans of every political persuasion agree that
the decline of the family is one of the most pressing problems
we as a nation are facing.'' He called the president
"deceptive'' and said his lies were "intentional and
premeditated.'' He said they have weakened the power of his
office and put his presidency "in peril.''
Lieberman was quickly joined by two other conscientious
Democrats, Sens. Bob Kerrey of Nebraska and Daniel Patrick
Moynihan of New York, both of whom gave impromptu
seconding speeches. Later, Kerrey issued a more formal
statement in which he said he wants his and other children to
know "there is truth and there is falsehood and that their
responsibility lies with the former. I do not believe public
leaders can condone the parsing of words into pieces so small
they no longer convey plain meaning. The coinage of
democracy is language, and I believe when we distort the
meaning of words we devalue the currency by which the
commerce of democracy is conducted. Legal technicality is
not an adequate standard for truth for my children, for me or
for the leader of our country.''
Soundings from the White House indicate Clinton will reach
into his familiar trick bag andmay try to pick a fight with
congressional Republicans again over self-described efforts to
"protect our children'' and shut down the government. It
won't work this time, not only because we've seen this tired
act before, but because the Ken Starr report is about to land
on Capitol Hill with an impact that will send shock waves
throughout the nation. There are reports circulating in
Washington of imminent disclosures about affairs the
president might have had with other young women under his
Despite his reluctantly offered apologies, Clinton is damaged
goods, and increasing numbers of Democrats know it. The
only instinct natural to all politicians is survival, and
Democrats see themselves an endangered political species
this fall, perhaps losing between 15 and 30 and seats in the
House and enough in the Senate to give Republicans a
veto-proof majority of 60.
The drill now will be for them to cut their losses. The debate
within Democratic ranks is whether cutting losses means
cutting loose Bill Clinton. Even that may not work with new
concerns about broken campaign finance laws and fears that
Al Gore may be up to his telephone calling card in violations.
Thanks to Lieberman, Kerrey and Moynihan, it is becoming
easier to distinguish between self-serving politicians and
genuine statesmen who believe that the preservation of the
nation and its ideals is more important than any person or
party. That's what America used to be about. With leaders
like these, maybe it can be
Joe Lieberman and the Democrats' conscience
Lieberman may soon find himself
in a similar position, walking "the last mile'' to inform
President Clinton of the ultimate in political capital
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