Jewish World Review / August 25, 1998 /3 Elul, 5758
Cal Thomas
ASKED TO PROVIDE A CHARACTER reference following President
Clinton's decision to strike at terrorist camps in Afghanistan
and Sudan, the public first thought of a movie, "Wag The
Dog,'' a fictional story about White House aides and a
Hollywood producer who divert public attention from a
presidential sex scandal to a phony war with Albania.
That's the problem with character. If you are thought not to
have any, then your credibility suffers.
An unnamed White House aide was quoted by
one network as saying his blood boiled because of questions
raised about the President's motive for a military strike,
coming less than 72 hours after Clinton's "personal
responsibility'' speech and on the same day Monica Lewinsky
concluded her grand jury testimony. But what argument
would the aide use to persuade us the President should be
believed, when he has admitted to lying for seven months?
Call it Chicken Little syndrome. The President lies, not only
about sex, but about so many other things, from Social
Security, health care, the travel office firings, the purloined
FBI files, cattle futures, the era of big government being over,
and more. Then he pleads to be believed when he and his
minions tell us that the Monica Lewinsky saga had nothing to
do with his decision to hit terrorist camps.
Americans are torn between their natural inclination to rally
behind their President at such a moment and the feeling of
betrayal from hearing him admit he has been lying about his
relationship with Lewinsky for seven months. What happens
when the sky really falls? How will we know until we're hit on
the head, perhaps by a terrorist missile?
Sen. Dan Coats (R-Ind.), was one of the few brave enough to
say what others were thinking. Coats said he thought about
the cruise-missile attack "long and hard'' and he concluded
that "once the President has deceived the American people
and broken the bond of trust, one wonders about his
That is the point made by a number of America's critics
around the world. How can this President be believed? How
can we know that his resolve is genuine or just more political
manipulation designed to delay his day of reckoning? We
want to believe him because he is the President, but why
should we? Why, after telling us so many lies, should Chicken
Little be believed when he finally tells the truth?
Fyodor Dostoevsky eloquently described the effects of a
congenital liar in The Brothers Karamazov. He wrote,
"Above all, don't lie to yourself. The man who lies to himself
and listens to his own lie comes to such a pass that he cannot
distinguish the truth within him, or around him, and so loses
all respect for himself and for others. And having no respect
he ceases to love, and in order to occupy and distract himself
without love he gives way to passions and coarse pleasures,
and sinks to bestiality in his vices, all from continual lying to
other men and to himself ...''
If an effective war is to be waged against terrorism, it must be
fought under the leadership of a President whose resolve,
commitment, integrity and credibility are believed by those
who would do America harm. A compromised President who
has become fodder for late-night comedians and the rest of
the world is not such a man. It is why calls for his resignation
or impeachment will increase.
Independent Counsel Ken Starr's report to the House, which
could be delivered next month, will likely be about far more
than sex. At that time President Clinton's nakedness will be
revealed to the world as increasing numbers of Democrats
recall a chant used by Clinton and Al Gore during the 1992
campaign about the Bush Administration: "It's time for them
The president as 'Chicken Little'
Yes, virtually everyone agrees, the United States should have
retaliated against those whom our intelligence agencies tell us
are responsible for the bombings of U.S. embassies in Kenya
and Tanzania. And, yes, the President's motivation for doing
so right now is suspect. It is possible to simultaneously hold
both views.
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