Jewish World Review / Sept. 4, 1998 /13 Elul, 5758
Cal Thomas
TEN YEARS AFTER Ronald Reagan addressed students and faculty
at Moscow State University, President Clinton spoke to a new
generation of students at the same school.
What a difference!
Reagan spoke of a world in which "man creates his own
destiny.'' And the key to a happy destiny, he said, is
"freedom -- freedom of thought, freedom of information,
freedom of communication.'' In Reagan's mind, there was
little role for government in this pursuit, except to get out of
the way: "It's so hard for government planners, no matter
how sophisticated, to ever substitute for millions of
individuals working night and day to make their dreams come
true. The fact is, bureaucracies are a problem around the
Bill Clinton's address contained the familiar grievances of class
warfare. He warned, as he has at home, about "special
bailouts for a privileged few (which) come at the expense of
the whole nation.'' More government, not less. More
centralized power, not less. More taxes, not less. It sounded as
if his real audience was the Congress, warning them not to
think of tax cuts no matter how weak he may appear.
What a contrast to President Reagan, who praised democracy
as "one of the most powerful political movements of our age
.... Freedom is the recognition that no single person, no single
authority or government has a monopoly on the truth, but
that every individual life is infinitely precious, that every one
of us put in this world has been put there for a reason and has
something to offer.'' Reagan spoke of freedom stirring the air
``and the heart beat(ing) to the accelerated rhythm of hope,
when the accumulated spiritual energies of a long silence
yearn to break free.'' But that was then -- while Russia was still
dominated by the Communist Party. Bill Clinton, like Boris
Yeltsin, is simply trying to hold on to personal power that is
rapidly slipping away.
Holding on to power is the major preoccupation of those who
defend President Clinton. Off the clock, some of those who
spin for Clinton on television tell me they never liked him and
don't respect him. But they fear the loss of the White House
to a conservative Republican who, with a Republican
Congress, might select two or three conservative judges for
the Supreme Court. They fear this could lead to a weakening
or rejection of abortion rights, the shrinking of big
government, reduction of taxes, school choice, a slowing of
the "gay rights'' juggernaut and the relegation of "global
warming'' to the category of junk science where it belongs.
Democrats made a Faustian bargain when they picked Bill
Clinton. They knew that an unvarnished liberal like Michael
Dukakis and Walter Mondale could not win. So they settled
for a "new Democrat,'' who tried giving them what they
wanted but was thwarted by a Republican Congress and his
own reckless and shameful personal life, which now
jeopardizes his ability to lead on public issues or to speak with
authority in Moscow or anywhere else.
A decade ago, Ronald Reagan told the Moscow students:
"Every once in a while, somebody has to get the
bureaucracy by the neck and shake it loose and say `stop
doing what you're doing.' '' Bill Clinton might have delivered
such a message, but he didn't. His message was to spend more
on the bureaucracy. Vice President Al Gore even suggested
that Yeltsin raise taxes!
That's why, in 2000, a majority of Americans, if they are
properly focused, will take liberalism by the neck and shake
us loose from it. But don't look for the liberals to go quietly.
Already this administration has promised a scorched-earth
strategy, even smearing anyone in Congress or anywhere else
who threatens their hold on bureaucratic power. Ronald
Reagan's address is a reminder of when we had a president
we could be proud
Clinton vs. Reagan and the struggle for power
Clinton lauded the power of government: "Governments
need stable revenues to pay their tax bills, support salaries,
pensions and health care. That requires decisive action to
assure that everyone pays their fair share of taxes.'' In a
country where a lot of people are not receiving their "fair
share'' of salaries, it's hard to see how they should be expected
to cough up more taxes for a largely dysfunctional
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