Jewish World Review / August 27, 1998 /5 Elul, 5758
Cal Thomas
IT DIDN'T TAKE LONG for the recent bombings in Kenya and
Tanzania and the American cruise missile response on
terrorist camps in Afghanistan and Sudan for some people to
blame everything on Israel. That's what a delegate to an Arab
conference in Cairo told one American radio network.
As if that critique were not laughable enough, the newspaper
of the Palestinian Authority, Al Hayat Al-Jadeeda, blamed the
"Monica-gate scandal'' on "the power of the Zionist lobby
in the United States.'' She's Jewish, you see, as is the
"American media, which is controlled and managed by the
Jews.'' Then, in a mind-boggling comparison between the
sexual exploits of John Kennedy and Bill Clinton, the
newspaper says: "President Clinton is an angel compared to
A war against this kind of ignorance, religious bigotry and
historical revisionism cannot be won. But the war President
Clinton says he wants to fight against terrorism, while not
completely winnable, can be aggressively prosecuted to the
benefit of America and American citizens, if it is properly
First, it would be helpful to begin cultivating the good will of
moderate Islam, which must be as outraged by the unfair
stereotyping of an entire faith as Christians are disgusted by
those who bomb buildings in Northern Ireland and abortion
clinics in the United States "in the name of God.'' Isolating
and discriminating against the extremists, while cultivating the
good will of peaceful Muslims, would enlist moderates as
effective soldiers in the fight against terrorism.
Second, the United States must take a pro-active approach to
international terrorism, using surrogates when possible, but
striking terrorist training centers if governments that allow
such activity on their territory will not act.
Third, the United States should do something about the
terrorists among us. Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) said recently
on "Meet the Press'' there are an estimated 1,500 to 2,000
"known terrorists'' in the United States. According to the
Spring 1998 issue of the Journal of Counterterrorism and
Security International, these groups are headquartered in
major cities, including Boston, New York, Washington,
Houston, Detroit, Kansas City, Los Angeles, San Francisco,
Seattle and Raleigh, N.C.
The magazine says the Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP),
with offices in Richardson, Texas, and Chicago, is the
principal American front for Hamas, which has as its primary
goal the destruction of Israel and the creation in its place of
an Islamic Palestinian state. Its annual conferences have been
used as vehicles to bring leading Islamic militants into the
United States. At one conference in Kansas City, reports the
Journal, a featured speaker was the head of the military wing
of Hamas. At another conference, young terrorists were
taught how to make bombs. Records from the World Trade
Center bombing trials show calls made to the IAP by
conspirators who were later convicted.
The United Association for Studies and Research (UASR) has
offices in Springfield, Va., and Chicago. It is the strategic arm
of Hamas in the United States. The founding president of
UASR's board was Musa Abu Marzook, the chief of Hamas'
political affairs bureau who was arrested in the United States
in 1995 and deported to Jordan in 1997. FBI Director Louis
Freeh testified before Congress that the Marzook case
demonstrated that Hamas recruited members and raised
funds in the United States. The current head of UASR, Ahmed
bin Yousef, is a leading Hamas ideologue who has called for
the annihilation of Israel.
There are similar stories coming from other cities where
Hamas and related radical organizations maintain offices.
Question: Shouldn't we be deporting such people, or not
letting them into the country in the first place? We do great
injury to our precious civil liberties when we admit and
tolerate dangerous fanatics who would undermine them, not
by free speech but by force. That is sedition. A real war
against terrorism needs to start on the home
Combating the terrorists among us
President Kennedy and his brothers ... but Marilyn Monroe
did not approach an independent prosecutor to litigate the
president because she was not a Jew of Polish background
and was not connected to AIPAC (American Israel Public
Affairs Committee) and Jewish pressure groups.''
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