Jewish World Review / September 10, 1998 / 19 Elul, 5758
Paul Greenberg
Judges tend to get a bit miffed when some slick defendant
with a law degree starts playing games, confident he can
outwit the rubes asking him questions.
Or as Bill Clinton, aka POTUS, put it in that semi-apology of
his to the nation on his own, personal Black Monday: ``As
you know, in a deposition in
So much for the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the
truth. In the president's words, you can hear not only his
regret, at least at having been caught, but also something else:
The swagger behind the confession. The not very well
concealed pride in his cleverness, in his lawyership, in his
having escaped the net of the law, at least so far. ``While my
answers were legally accurate, I did not volunteer
information.'' It's as if we're supposed to admire that. The way
one does a mischievous child, a clever rascal, a Philadelphia
lawyer, a good ol' boy up to sly devilment.
I immediately thought of the letter a much younger Bill
Clinton had written a certain Colonel Holmes long, long ago.
In it, the young man had halfway apologized for having
played the old soldier for a fool, but you could see he was
kind of proud of it, too, and unable to resist showing off how
clever he had been at avoiding the draft and even ROTC
while all the fools wound up serving. For he had more
important things to think about, namely his ``political
Some people don't really change all that much, do they? To
quote just a few all too transparent sentences from the most
revealing and still most relevant letter Bill Clinton ever wrote:
``First, I want to thank you, not just for saving me from the
draft, but for being so kind and decent to me last summer,
when I was as low as I have ever been. One thing which made
the bond we struck in good faith somewhat palatable to me
was my high regard for you personally. In retrospect, it seems
that the admiration might not have been mutual had you
known a little more about me, about my political beliefs and
activities. At least you might have thought me more fit for the
draft than the ROTC. ... I began to think I had deceived you,
not by lies -- there were none -- but by failing to tell you all
the things I'm writing now.''
There it is, all of it: the ingratiating manner, the reach for a
personal connection the sublime confidence in his own ability
to deceive without technically lying, and even the unstated
wait for applause at the end, as if all this were somehow
admirable. But just possibly, Bill Clinton made the
same mistake in his fateful testimony last January that any
number of clever people do: They're not clever enough.
Because they trust their own cleverness more than the truth,
the whole truth and nothing but the truth. And despite their
charm, here and there an occasional authority figure -- an old
colonel or maybe a judge down in Arkansas -- may see
through them. Because you can't fool all the people all the
And now the judge who presided over Bill Clinton's
oh-so-clever testimony seven months ago, the Honorable and
honorable Susan Webber Wright of Little Rock, Ark., has
appended an ominous footnote to a decision of hers. The
decision was about whether to release some of the sealed
testimony in the Paula Jones case. The footnote was one of
those whose significance overshadows the decision it's
attached to:
"Although the court has concerns about the nature of the
president's Jan. 17, 1998, deposition testimony given his
recent public statements, the court makes no findings at this
time regarding whether the president may be in contempt.''
At this time. Maybe later? Maybe after Her Honor
has read up on the law and examined the facts and
re-re-reviewed the tricky testimony? Once again, William
Jefferson Clinton, Esq., is being left to twist in the wind.
You can almost feel the great maw of the law closing one
more little notch in its tortuously slow but implacable course.
The mills of the law, like those of the gods, grind slow but
exceeding fine. Those who enter its precincts do so at their
peril, particularly if they think they can outwit the great jaws.
For those whom the law would destroy it first makes cagey.
And so the great question hanging over the Union now
becomes: Do you think Bill Clinton was tricky enough this
time? Not the least of our boy president's offenses is that he
should have reduced American politics, law and morality to
an exercise in pettifoggery -- to the parsing of his little clinton
clauses. So this is what the Republic envisioned in the
Federalist Papers has come to: a lawyers' game that would
demean a police court.
The cleverness of the sophisticated may prove no substitute
for the innocence of the simple. For the most intricately
tangled web may not stand up to the comfort of having tried
to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
What a great insurance policy the truth is; it protects even
dummies. Also, it doesn't offend judges, who really don't like
to be made fools
Here comes the judge
January I was asked questions
about my relationship with Monica Lewinsky. While my
answers were legally accurate, I did not volunteer
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