Jewish World Review / July 7, 1998 / 13 Tamuz, 5758
Paul Greenberg
every turn. Last week it was at speaking flattery to power.
Not even Nixon-Kissinger at the height, or rather depth, of
their Detente with the Soviet Union ever actually endorsed
Leonid Brezhnev as the visionary leader who was going to
guide Russia to freedom. Everyone would have laughed, or at
least everyone beyond the reach of the Soviet penal code.
But all that was just the beginning of William Jefferson
Clinton's encomiums to the tyrant. Comrade Jiang is also
following the "morally right" course for his country. What's
more, and "profoundly important at this moment in our
history when there is so much change going on, he has a good
imagination -- he has vision."
The president's praise could have come straight out of a profile of the Hero of Tiananmen
Square in some fully authorized biography. Bill Clinton
sounded not just polite but eager to endorse the tyrant and
call his rule reform: "And what I would like to see is the
present government, headed by this president and this
premier, who are clearly committed to reform, ride the wave
of change and take China fully into the 21st Century and
basically dismantle the resistance to it. I believe they are." Yes,
these are ni-i-ice Communists.
The most impressive, and frightening, aspect of such endorsements is not that Bill
Clinton would say such things -- he long ago stopped
complaining about George Bush's coddling dictators -- but
that nobody laughs.
On the contrary, Americans are expected to applaud when
our president grovels. And we do. Just look at the polls. And
the Happy Faces on teevee. The president's tour of China is
being hailed as a great success, and indeed it may prove the
most noteworthy achievement of American diplomacy since
My explanation for all this drivel is a simple one: Bill Clinton
has heard too many nominating speeches at national
conventions. How else explain why an American president
would go on so long and so enthusiastically about the virtues
of a nonentity?
But there he was, Richard Milhous Clinton, seeing vision and
imagination in one more faceless face thrown up by a fading
gerontocracy. A certain amount of sycophancy is always
expected on these occasions, but the prolefeed Bill Clinton
was handing out about Red China sounded worse than
insincere; it sounded sincere.
Just listen to the chief executive of the Republic praise
Comrade Jiang, that well known Jeffersonian democrat:
"There's a very good chance that China has the right
leadership at the right time." You bet. Ask any Tibetan. Ask
the dissidents in the Chinese gulag, and all those
troublemakers swept off the streets in anticipation of the
American president's visit. Or those three reporters from
Radio Free Asia denied visas to cover the presidential
pilgrimage to Beijing.
Ask the 21 million free Chinese in the real Republic of China
on Taiwan. You can imagine how thrilled its people must be
at the spectacle of an American president slavishly repeating,
word for word, the Three No's of the party line: No two
Chinas, no independence for Taiwan, no one China and one
And in exchange for what? A smile from the dictator? A
promise to keep using our technological know-how for
military purposes? And to keep taking our money as America's
trade deficit with the Chinese mainland grows?
Comrade Jiang, that great leader of imagination and vision
who is going to usher in democracy on the mainland,
pointedly refused to renounce the use of force to conquer
Taiwan. And in return an American president smiled sweetly.
All right, perhaps the comparison with Yalta is overdrawn. A
fairer one might be with Dean Acheson's brilliant stroke of
diplomacy in 1949, when he excluded South Korea from the
American defensive perimeter. Naturally, the Communists
invaded in 1950. Aggressors know an invitation when they
hear one, and they can spot weakness even if an American
president hadn't just displayed it at every stop from Beijing to
At least this presidential innocent abroad didn't apply the phrase "peace-loving" to
the China of Jiang Zemin and the People's Liberation Army.
But that was about the only cliche Bill Clinton spared us.
Some things about the regime on the mainland not even he
may be able to believe.
Very well then, what should Bill Clinton have said in the teeth of the dragon?
He could have made it clear that America hopes not for One China, Two
Systems, but one China, one system. One free system. He could have
repeated what Ronald Reagan told the West at the outset of
his remarkable presidency: "While we must be cautious about forcing the pace of change, we must not hesitate to declare our ultimate objectives and to take concrete actions
to move toward them. We must be staunch in our conviction
that freedom is not the sole prerogative of a lucky few, but
the inalienable and universal right of all human beings."
That kind of candor might have cleared up any
misunderstandings about where America stands. For the
world can be a dangerous place when dictators sense that
Americans have grown ambivalent about expanding freedom
and defending the peace.
Or as Ronald Reagan said at the end of his remarkable
presidency, when an evil empire was tottering and the future
was bright with a hope that has dimmed considerably in more
recent years:
"In the years of Detente we tended to forget the greatest
weapon the democracies have in their struggle is public
candor: the truth. We must never do that again. It's not an act
of belligerence to speak to the fundamental differences
between totalitarianism and democracy; it's a moral
imperative. It doesn't slow down the pace of negotiations; it
moves them forward. Throughout history, we see evidence
that adversaries negotiate seriously with democratic nations
only when they know the democracies have no illusions
about those adversaries."
Ronald Reagan is but a shadowy presence now. We have
grown disdainful of greatness, fearful of it. We want illusions,
and we have a president just brimming with them about what
a great, imaginative, visionary leader Communist China now
We don't want to hear from China's dissidents, or press the
case of captive nations like Tibet, or pay even a ceremonial
nod to the remnant of Sun Yat-Sen's free China on its
embattled isle. That's what the polls say, and the polls are our
government now. And they would seem to indicate that,
much like Comrade Jiang, all we Americans want to hear
from an American president these days is More Mush From
The new Detente
How things have changed, and not necessarily for the better.
Last week an American president laid the fatuous praise on
not with a trowel but a shovel -- an earthmover. Before
departing Communist China, our president described its
current dictator as a leader of "imagination," a statesman of
"extraordinary intellect" and "very high energy."
Well, maybe Bubba did
learn something in China.
7/2/98: Bubba in Beijing: history does occur twice
6/30/98: Hurry back, Mr. President -- to freedom
6/24/98: When Clinton follows Quayle's lead
6/22/98: Independence Day, 2002
6/18/98: Adventures in poli-speke