Jewish World Review / June 24, 1998 / 30 Sivan, 5758
Paul Greenberg
SPEAKING FROM OREGON the other day -- still another state that
is overcoming its shock at a school shooting -- Bill Clinton let
loose at the violence that has become a staple of teen culture
in this country, and not just teen culture.
In his weekly radio talk, the president spoke of the movies,
the television programs, the song lyrics that romanticize killing
-- and can twist the minds of the young and impressionable.
"When mindless killing becomes a staple of family
entertainment, when over and over, children see cinematic
conflicts resolved not with words, but with weapons, we
shouldn't be surprised when children, from impulse or design,
follow suit."
Bill Clinton's words might have been even more welcome if
they had been delivered at one of his Hollywood fund-raisers.
But they should be applauded anyway. It's a good sign for the
society when Bill Clinton starts to sound like Dan Quayle.
For it is not just the fans of trash culture who are
dehumanized by it; it is the innocent who may be killed by it,
and the larger society that is demeaned by it. Nor is violence
the only form of degradation that pop culture pushes with
unrelenting, mercantile zeal. To quote one critic, Myron
Magnet, on the junk culture that was shocking in the Sixties
and has become all too conventional in the '90s:
"Just as you didn't have to frequent singles bars to be
affected by the sexual revolution, you didn't have to live in a
commune and eat mushrooms to be affected by the
counterculture's quest for personal liberation. The new
In the 90s, it is the defenders of traditional values who have
become unconventional. But as the toll of a permissive
culture mounts, not even the left can fail to notice what that
culture is doing to society. And whom it hurts. To quote Mark
Lilla in the New York Review of Books, scarcely a
conservative journal:
"When drug pushers and vagrants are permitted to set the
tone in public parks, it is not the police who lose. It is poor
urban families who lose their back yards. When children are
coddled and undisciplined in the schools, they are the first to
suffer, their families next. When universities cater to the
whimsical tastes of their students and the aggressive demands
of political interests, they cease to be retreats for serious
cultivation of the self. When pornography is readily available
on cable TV or the World Wide Web, the sleaze merchants
profit and we are all demeaned."
When presidents like Bill Clinton and journals like the New
York Review of Books begin repeating and amplifying
conservative critiques of the culture, there's hope for a
counterrevolution in popular taste. Styles do change. And can be changed.
No, we don't have to accept the violence, the smut, the
brutality that permeates pop culture. Now even presidents
begin to speak out against it. This one has never been a slouch
at detecting the direction of public opinion. And that may be
the most encouraging thing about his forthright comments
over the weekend: They may mirror the popular perception
-- and disgust.
There is a rising new, Victorian tide in discussions of the
culture. The signs begin to multiply: Manners are coming
back. The cult of violence is drawing a backlash. And single
motherhood turns out to be not quite so glamorous as it was
depicted on "Murphy Brown."
Indeed, the star of that show -- Candice Bergen -- has been
heard to say that Dan Quayle was right when he spoke up
years ago about the paramount importance of family values
to a society. ("The body of the speech was completely
sound," she now says.)
Yes, permissivessnes is out and discipline is in. It's going to be
a long struggle, and it will require patience, as well as outrage.
And the fight to redeem the culture will take small, daily acts
of civility, as well as presidential addresses. The good news is
that we don't have to capitulate to the trash culture; we can
When Clinton follows Quayle's lead
It's good to see the bully pulpit that a president of the United
States commands being used to address not just the state of
the Union, but the state of the culture, which is all too violent.
And so are its results. To quote the president:
adversary stance toward conventional beliefs and ideals,
breathlessly reported by the press and diffused almost
instantly among the young, quickly put traditional values on
the defensive, making them newly problematic even for those
who continued to hold them."
6/22/98: Independence Day, 2002
6/18/98: Adventures in poli-speke