Jewish World Review / August 26, 1998 / 4 Elul, 5758
Paul Greenberg
THE CLEAREST GUIDE to the agony of Bill Clinton remains the
travail of Richard Nixon in what should have been his year of
triumph. The surreal political atmosphere of 1973-74
returned like a flashback Thursday as the news spread that
Bill Clinton was making another command performance
before the television cameras.
In the end, one cannot separate the speech from the speaker.
Can anyone have heard this commander-in-chief's resolute
words last week about the need to fight terrorism, and not for
a single moment entertained a skeptical thought?
So does character reinforce words, and the lack of it make
even fine words suspect. It's a problem this president, and this
country, will have to live with for the rest of his tenure,
however long that may prove. The nixonization of Bill Clinton
began long ago, but now it becomes undeniable.
The lines between all the boxes in Bill Clinton's neatly
compartmentalized mind begin to dissolve. It grows
impossible, as it did for Richard Nixon, to separate his office
from the thought of how he has abused it. It may take some
time, but rot spreads. Scandal cannot be contained; it must
be faced. Until it is, it will become more and more difficult to
distract the country, change the subject or just tend to
This was no nuclear alert Bill Clinton was announcing
Thursday, but the kind of prompt and decisive action that a
Ronald Reagan might have slept through, so automatic was
the American response to terrorism back in the decade when
the Cold War was won. The dream of a better world order
still beckoned bright, and victory had not yet dribbled away
into indecision and apathy.
If only for an instant Thursday, Bill Clinton revived the
prospect of an awakened America, prepared to strike against
terror without hesitation or vacillation. But does the country
have the moral leadership to match the spirit and
effectiveness of its military? Morale is all in such matters, and
the country now has a president -- and commander-in-chief
-- who cannot walk into the Oval Office without bringing
along a pile of baggage. By now it is beginning to tower over
that presidential seal.
For there is no longer any ignoring the questions and doubts.
They mount daily, in court and out. This president steps out of
the Oval Office into a minefield of political choices:
Resignation? Impeachment? Prosecution? Or try to ignore it
all and pretend nothing's wrong? That's what our impassive
secretary of defense did when he was asked if he'd seen
"Wag the Dog.'' But how long can everyone overlook the
elephant in the room?
Nothing became Richard Nixon in office like his leaving it,
even though he waited till his departure had become
inevitable. Will Bill Clinton be able to ride this out, or will he
only prolong his ordeal and the country's? Will he, too,
choose honor only as a last resort?
Already the White House takes on the air of a bunker. No
one resigns anymore. For there are still spins to be spun,
memoirs to be written, internecine wars to be waged and,
always, others to be blamed. Not just words like ``truth'' and
"honor,'' "confession'' and "redemption'' have
disappeared from the political vocabulary, but the concepts.
Standards are replaced by legalistic distinctions without a
difference. Lawyers, talking heads and assorted kibitzers now
produce a 24-hour cycle of convolutions. And evasions and
excuses fill the airy spaces of the Constitution like so much
junk thought; it's like watching a great cathedral being used
for a rummage sale.
This, too, will pass -- but how long will it go on before the
slow, hard, patient work of restoring the dignity of the
American presidency can begin? Will this president finally
dismiss the campaign manager and alter ego responsible for
so much of his rise and fall, Slick Willie, or choose to rely on
that ever-elusive wizard once again? By now there have been
more Clinton comebacks than there were new Nixons. Is one
more still possible? And if the president gets past this scandal,
too, how long before the next scandal erupts? Because there
is always another for a leader with his elastic definition of
It is a time for reflection at Martha's Vineyard, but Bill Clinton
may only retreat to the war room he carries everywhere with
him. For in the war room, there is no moral crisis that cannot
be finessed, no reality that is anything more than perception,
and the only thing that counts is the latest poll.
Even if Bill Clinton were to shake Slick Willie after all these
years, and look inside himself, would he find anything? After
all the layers are peeled away from his stories, what would he
find left? What would he find at the heart of his being? What
principle would he not sacrifice for the be-all and end-all of
his career, political viability?
"It is a long road you have opened,'' Thomas More tells the
court in Robert Bolt's A Man for All Seasons, "for first men
will disclaim their hearts and presently they will have no
hearts. God help the people whose statesmen walk your
Whenever this president finds himself in trouble, it is too easy
to forget what a perfect reflection he is of us -- of the
American culture circa 1998. In his words and
actions, his rises and falls, Bill Clinton does indeed represent
America. And when he is caught out, it is too easy for those of
us who aren't surprised to forget that he needs our prayers
even more than our criticisms. And we in Arkansas need to
remember that, after all is said and done and regretted, this
president of the United States is also our native son, and
would be welcome home.
Clinton agonistes, or: Twisting in the wind
This time he was breaking off his vacation in cool, green Martha's Vineyard to address the
country from the Oval Office about war and peace. Yet he
could not leave the aura of scandal behind, any more than
Richard Nixon could. The shadow of Watergate hung over
that president even when he was ordering a nuclear alert, for
now every sentence and nuance would be weighed by an
increasingly suspicious public.
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