Jewish World Review / August 6, 1998 / 14 Menachem-Av, 5758
Paul Greenberg
Let's tune in now to the further adventures of Stonewall
Reno, who continues to hold the fort, despite the onslaughts
of reason and justice.
Remember Charles La Bella, the latest expert to conclude that
an independent counsel was needed to investigate the
campaign finance scandal? Well, this administration has just
forgotten him.
Before he was called to Washington, Mr. La Bella had been
serving as interim U.S. attorney for San Diego. He was under
consideration for permanent appointment to that post, a job
he clearly coveted. But word got out this week that he won't
be appointed after all. Is anybody surprised?
Before he gave Ms. Reno some advice she clearly did not
want to hear, the attorney general seems to have had only the
highest regard for Mr. La Bella and the work he was doing.
He had done such a bang-up job investigating the
campaign-finance scandal that he was getting an interim
appointment in San Diego. But now somebody else has been
found for that U.S. attorney's job.
Charles La Bella isn't the only one to see the clear and present
need for an independent investigation of this far-reaching
scandal. It's been more than a year -- more than a year
-- since Louis Freeh, the director of he FBI, advised
Janet Reno that somebody besides Janet Reno should be
investigating the president, to whom she owes her job.
And it now has been more than six months since Charles La
Bella, brought in to provide a second opinion, told the
attorney general, the same thing -- job in San Diego or no job
in San Diego. He included his recommendation in the formal
report he made to the attorney general last month.
One wonders if General Reno would even have asked for this
second opinion if the first had been more to her liking. But
still she dawdles. Will she now ask for a third, or a fourth, till
she gets an opinion that will allow her to spare the president
and vice president an independent investigation, rather than
one by their own, always understanding Justice Department?
The attorney general claims to have an "open mind" about
whether to heed the advice of these two honest men. One
would never know it by the molasses-like pace at which she
and her minions have investigated this scandal. She's dug in
her heels, dragged her feet and thrown out anchors in all
If only Richard Nixon had been able to put his attorney
general, Richard Kleindienst, in complete charge of
Watergate, this is the kind of job he might have turned in: a
long, extensive hunt for only small fry.
Look at how long it took this Justice Department to track
down, interrogate and indict Charlie Trie after his connection
with illegal campaign contributions from abroad had been
detailed in newspaper stories and television specials. More
than a year after some television network interviewed him in
China, the Justice Department finally stumbled across Charlie
Trie, like a blind hog finding an acorn. Is this the work of an
open mind, too, or just a vacant one?
Dan Burton's committee in the House now has released the
clearest evidence to date of how foreign contributions flowed
into Democratic coffers during the last presidential campaign.
Some $50,000 in Indonesian travelers' checks, for example,
were issued to Mr. Trie and various associates, preparatory to
the money's winding up at the Democratic National
Little by little, it becomes clearer why that mysterious
Indonesian gardener who showed up to shake the president's
hand at a reception could say -- on the videotape -- "James
Riady sent me." Gardening must be a highly lucrative
profession in Indonesia; this one donated $450,000 to the
Democratic Party.
Now this congressional committee would like to look at the
memos that the FBI's director and her own hand-picked
expert, Mr. La Bella, wrote the attorney general. Both agreed
that she should step aside in favor of an independent counsel.
But she's still stonewalling. To turn over these memos, she
argues, would tip off suspects, complicate the case she's
building and generally lead to the fall of Western civilization.
In that case, she could offer the committee an excised version
of the memos -- one that focuses on the legal arguments for
an independent counsel without revealing any evidence she
wants kept confidential. Instead, she had to be pressed even
to acknowledge the possibility of an "accommodation." No
wonder the committee is running out of patience with her
delaying tactics.
Enough. The trail is already cold, and there are no signs that
this Justice Department has been seriously interested in
pursuing it. It's time, long past time, to turn this duty over to
someone who will do it without having so obvious a conflict
of interest -- a conflict now formally recognized in both those
memos she won't release.
Many of us have doubts about the number of independent
counsels roaming the country with far-reaching powers, but
Janet Reno's farce of an "investigation" into this undeniable
scandal demonstrates the need for still another. She's never
been all that interested in pursuing the evidence that was
splashed all over the front pages years ago, and now she
seems even less interested in having somebody competent
pursue it.
When the vice president explained that there was "no
controlling legal authority" over the kind of boiler-room calls
he and the president made from the White House, he could
have been talking about this attorney general.
No surprises dept. -- promotion denied
Called in to advise Janet Reno on her duty as attorney
general, Mr. La Bella suggested she do it. His
recommendation seems to have had no effect on Ms. Reno
but may have had considerable on his own career.
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so what else is
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