Jewish World Review / July 21, 1998 / 27 Tamuz, 5758
Paul Greenberg
Washington is that the Supremes have rediscovered common
sense. Some of us thought we had seen its funeral as a legal
principle back in 1994, when Philip K. Howard came out
with his classic polemic, The Death of Common Sense:
How Law Is Suffocating America.
Perhaps the simplest and most refreshing of the court's
decisions this term came in its 6-to-3 ruling against the
misbegotten line-item veto, which essentially gave the
executive the power to legislate. Under this bill, a president
could veto specific appropriations or tax breaks in a bill rather
than veto the whole thing. He could thus change the law to
suit his taste before signing it.
By giving away its power over taxes and spending, line by line,
Congress substituted a confusing and dangerous new political
dynamic for the old separation of powers, and this court
wasn't having it. To quote one congressman, Colorado's David
Skaggs: ``The Supreme Court has saved Congress from itself.''
And the separation of powers for the people.
Those of us who want to trim government spending will have
to find a better way than simply delegating the job to the
president, with all the dangers that change risks.
To quote the concurring opinion of Justice Anthony M.
Kennedy: "Failure of political will does not justify
unconstitutional remedies.'' Congress will have to do the job
itself. Or the people will have to insist on a new Congress.
Some powers cannot be surrendered without surrendering
liberty, too. A people cannot be free without being
self-reliant. Some things we have to do for ourselves, like
keep an eye on Congress before it gives away not only its
rights but ours.
In another return to common sense, not to say common
decency, the court upheld the sensible requirement that the
National Endowment for the Arts take into account "general
standards of decency and respect for the diverse beliefs and
values of the American public'' when awarding grants for the
arts. Without that kind of simple respect for others, and for
the decencies of life, no consensus and therefore no public art
might be possible.
Remember Karen Finley? She's the woman who smears
herself with chocolate -- it's supposed to be feces in order to
represent the degraded state of women in this goshawful
sexist society, She saw in the court's simple, clear decision the
end of freedom. The chocolate lady seems to confuse
freedom with her right to take your money for her "art.''
Patrons have rights, too, and the patron of public art is the
public, which should have the right to assert that there are
much better uses for its money, not to mention for perfectly
good chocolate. If she wants to make like a chocolate bar, let
her do it with her own money.
The court also upheld the attorney-client privilege -- even
after the client has died. This is more than an act of respect
for the dead; it is a service to the living. The court now has
assured that an American can talk to his lawyer with some
assurance that what he says will not be revealed after his
death. This time, the independent counsel, seeking
information about the late Vince Foster and what he might
have told his attorney, went too far.
Unfortunately, the attorney-client privilege has been sorely
abused in other cases by the administration, which has
claimed it on behalf of White House lawyer, friend,
trouble-shooter and general political operative Bruce Lindsey.
But his client is the one who pays him: The people of the
United States. And he should answer to his client. With the
attorney-client privilege there should go an attorney-client
responsibility -- to the American people. If it turns out that his
immediate superior, the president of the United States, needs
a criminal lawyer, then let the president hire one. This guy
works for us.
Dissenting from both the decision against the line-item veto
and for the attorney-client privilege was Associate Justice
Antonin Scalia. It may be said of Mr. Justice Scalia that if he
had a brain, he would be dangerous. He does, and he is. He
may be the clearest thinker and therefore writer on the court.
When this justice errs, at least his errors are remarkably clear.
It is a great service to the people -- and the language.
Mr. Justice Scalia does not wrap his wrong-headed decisions
in the verbal fog that other errant justices favor. So that when
he puts "practical'' considerations above great ideas in law --
like the separation of powers or the confidentiality of
attorney-client conversations -- the dangers of his law
become unmistakably clear. In these cases, he has reached for
short-term gains at the risk of long-term liberty. It's not a trade
Americans should make.
In all three of these important cases, the Supreme Court
revived the clarity and simplicity of classical law, putting clear
principle above fuzzy drift. After all, tradition is coming back
in architecture, grace in manners, civility in politics and even
a certain refinement in daily life. Why not law? At this rate, by
the next century we may have advanced to the Victorian Age.
American society has had to resurrect some old standards out
of sheer necessity, as the consequences of abandoning
tradition have become clear for the family, the state and, yes,
the law. For in the end, as Oliver Wendell Holmes observed,
law is shaped by "the felt necessities of the time.'' Americans
now hunger for a return to the clarity and simplicity -- the
profound, many-layered simplicity -- that marks our greatest
poets and painters -- and has characterized our greatest
There is a word for the simple, artful, effective solution that
mathematicians use when they hit upon it: elegant. Let us
return to the elegant in law, too.
The new elegance
It was the book of the year,
or should have been.
But in case after case this year, the Supreme Court of the
United States managed to resurrect common sense. Not to
mention grace, elegance and clarity. Thomas Jefferson called
it republican simplicity.
For those interested
the book is available
in paperback
7/16/98: In defense of manners
7/13/98: Another day, another delay: what's missing from the scandal news
7/9/98:The language-wars continue
7/7/98:The new Detente
7/2/98: Bubba in Beijing: history does occur twice
6/30/98: Hurry back, Mr. President -- to freedom
6/24/98: When Clinton follows Quayle's lead
6/22/98: Independence Day, 2002
6/18/98: Adventures in poli-speke