Jewish World Review / July 27, 1998 / 4 Menachem-Av, 5758
Paul Greenberg
Forget about Bubba,
HOW MANY TIMES now has the attorney general of the United
States had to invoke independent counsels to investigate this
administration --10? And month after month, she's been
staring at the need for an 11th --to investigate her boss'
campaign finances.
Janet Reno still hasn't run out of excuses for inaction.
Although one after another, her advisers have pointed out
that she has no choice -- no decent or legal or moral choice --
but to turn this matter over to the proper authorities, which
donot include her. Or anybody she controls. Or
any other appointee of the current suspect-in-chief.
For how can an attorney general investigate her own
colleagues, or her own boss, without risking the kind of
conflict that independent counsels were created to avoid? No
way. But still the attorney general searches for one.
Ms. Reno has been dodging her responsibility, and the
obvious, for some time. It's now going on a year since the
director of the FBI, Louis Freeh, said of this campaign-finance
scandal: "It is difficult to imagine a more compelling case for
appointing an independent counsel." Indeed it is.
But when it comes to not facing facts, Ms. Reno may be the
most dilatory attorney general the country has known since
Richard Nixon's buddy, John Mitchell. Or maybe since Harry
Daugherty of the Harding era and debacle.
Well, the comparison to Warren Harding and his cronies may
not be exact, for the country eventually found out about all
the Harding scandals. But thanks to Janet Reno, the country
may never be able to determine the full extent of the Clinton
Follies. Even if she appoints an independent counsel now,
there has been plenty of time for any culprits to get their
stories straight and hide the evidence. Time is on the side of
the guilty.
Now word is out that the learned counsel General Reno
appointed from within her own Justice Department -- Charles
La Bella -- has agreed that she has no alternative but to
appoint still another independent counsel.
What else could he say? For this is the kind of scandal that
independent counsels were designed to investigate -- a
scandal that reaches so high that the attorney general cannot
investigate it without the clear and increasingly present
danger that her duty will conflict with the interest of the
president who appointed her. Not to mention the vice
president and other higher-ups. That is what Louis Freeh
concluded ages ago as today's politics go. And now Charles La
Bella agrees.
What will the attorney general do now, bring in still another
lawyer until she finds one who will somehow, some way, let
her and the president off the hook? We wouldn't put it past
her. In her own stolid way, she's as slick as any other
clintonoid. Look at how she evaded any real responsibility for
that fiery horror outside Waco, Texas, early on in this
administration and continuous scandal.
First, the attorney general found a way to block any
independent investigation of those highly dubious phone calls
the president and vice president made from the White House.
You know, the ones that were perfectly legal but that Messrs.
Clinton and Gore have made it clear they wouldn't make
again. When the vice president talked about no controlling
legal authority in that context, he might as well have been
talking about Janet Reno's role in this administration.
As for the other campaign scandals that have gone
uninvestigated in any meaningful or competent way, the trail
already has grown cold thanks to the Justice Department's
diligent search for only small fry. If the attorney general will
just continue to consult instead of act, not even the most
independent of counsels might be able to get to the bottom of
this dankness. Nothing hides guilt like time.
And so the madcap adventures of Warren G. Clinton
continue. Or should that be Richard M. Clinton? Both those
role models come to mind -- Tricky Dick and the poor slob
who gave us Normalcy -- when one looks for precedents for
the ethical wasteland this administration has made of
government. Even as this president proclaimed it The Most
Ethical Administration in history. (Bill Clinton always did like
his little joke.)
And still Janet Reno dithers, deliberates, delays. There
apparently is to be no end to it, any more than there is to be
an end to Clinton scandals.
For it is not the first scandal of an administration that sets its
tone, but how that administration treats it. It can act swiftly,
dismiss those responsible and insist on a government "clean
as a hound's tooth," to quote Dwight Eisenhower. Now there
was a president who knew how to end a scandal -- even if it
meant firing his closest and oldest political associate, his right
hand, Sherman Adams.
Then again, an administration can shut its eyes, hold out until
it can't possibly hold out any longer, vilify the prosecutors or,
better yet, find a way not to appoint prosecutors in the first
place. Which is what the Hardings and Nixons tried. And
which is what this president and his attorney general are
trying now. With considerable success. Indeed this president is
proving as popular as Richard M. Nixon was --in 1972.
It is too early to talk about the impeachment of William J.
Clinton. But if his attorney general fails to uphold the law,
and violates its clear mandate in this case, it won't be too
early to talk about the impeachment of Janet Reno.
it's time to investigate Reno
And still she dawdles. This wouldn't be the first campaign to
re-elect the president (CREEP) that needed investigating. But
thanks to this attorney general's molasses-like progress, CREEP
II may never be exposed. The price of exoneration is eternal
Reflective Reno.
7/23/98: Ghosts on the roof, 1998
7/21/98: The new elegance
7/16/98: In defense of manners
7/13/98: Another day, another delay: what's missing from the scandal news
7/9/98:The language-wars continue
7/7/98:The new Detente
7/2/98: Bubba in Beijing: history does occur twice
6/30/98: Hurry back, Mr. President -- to freedom
6/24/98: When Clinton follows Quayle's lead
6/22/98: Independence Day, 2002
6/18/98: Adventures in poli-speke