Jewish World Review / August 28, 1998 / 6 Elul, 5758
Paul Greenberg
DO SOMETHING EVEN IF IT'S WRONG. Maybe that old sailor's axiom
explains Boris Yeltsin's latest 180-degree tack. Nothing else
does, including another vodka binge. For no drunk would do
anything so mundane: The Soviet president has just
reappointed the same prime minister he fired five months
ago. It's like Bill Clinton deciding to appoint Bernie Nussbaum
his new/old counsel.
The young banker, who's clearly no politician, was supposed
to be able to carry out unpopular reforms because he had no
constituency to offend. He did just that -- and offended
everybody. The unpopularity of a reform, it turns out, is no
guarantee that it'll work.
Premier Kiriyenko's latest brainstorm has been to devalue the
ruble, as if it weren't sinking fast enough, and to let it float a
bit -- to the bottom. Right now it seems headed for the ocean
floor. Nope, not exactly an economic revival.
Maybe the International Monetary Fund would approve of
this devaluation and the austerity it has made even more
austere, but the Russians were less than enthusiastic. And
understandably so. They're the ones who must bear the brunt
of all this theoretically fine, but practically disastrous, reform.
Why is it that when struggling economies dutifully follow the
sage advice of the International Monetary Fund (devalue and
be damned) they don't get out of economic trouble, but
further in? See Indonesia.
And now Russia seems headed the same way as Indonesia
and much of the rest of Asia: straight over the cliff. So Boris
Yeltsin decided to do something, even if it was wrong, and
even if it was the same wrong thing he'd done once before.
Namely, bring back the ponderous Viktor Chernomyrdin and
the economy of inertia. At least the free fall shouldn't be as
rapid under a stodgy administrator who still thinks -- well,
plods -- like the Soviet apparatchik he once was.
Suddenly old party boss Chernomyrdin started to look good,
the way a recession does when compared with a depression.
Turning the clock back to mere inertia can sound like
progress when you're whizzing toward sheer disaster.
Moral: Not everything that works in the West may work in
the East. Whoever said never the twain shall meet may have
understood a thing or two about the relevance of culture to
economics. The happy notion that Russia could simply
replace dictatorship with democracy, and a command
economy with private enterprise, always did have its
limitations. One might as well try slipping a computerized
16-valve under the hood in place of an old slant-six -- with no
thought about what else has to be changed to make the old
jalopy run. In this case, nobody, at least nobody in charge,
seems to have considered the traditions, expectations and
mentality of a whole people. As if the economy could be
divorced from the old culture. Or the old power structure.
Not all the whiz kids in the world, including a bright young
Russian banker suddenly proclaimed prime minister, may be
a match for the natural skepticism -- and passive aggression --
of the Russian people. Align both the country's peasantry and
its power structure against a leader, and who's left for him to
lead -- Russia's still meager technocracy?
And so Boris Yeltsin did something if only to be doing
something, and even if it was the same old thing. Going in a
circle is better than heading straight down, the way a tailspin
is preferable to a straight-down dive. Boris Yeltsin may have
lost his popularity, but he still has his wile. He knows that
change, any change, can keep hope, or at least interest, alive.
So he's taken a step -- even if it's a step backward.
Anyone who thinks this kind of politics -- and economics -- is
limited to mad Russians might recall what an American
president did in the depths of the Depression, when any
change would have been an improvement. Not even Franklin
Roosevelt stuck with his New Deal, or at least not with all of
it. He, too, changed course 180 degrees, and more than once.
FDR abandoned his loose talk about balanced budgets when
confronted by a country on its back. And he dropped even
the centerpiece of his economic policy -- the National
Recovery Act, with its blue eagle and price floors -- when it
didn't work out, constitutionally or economically. Time after
time, FDR headed in new and sometimes old directions,
following no policy but bold and persistent experimentation.
Franklin Roosevelt didn't succeed in ending the Depression so
much as in outlasting it. And he did it in no small part by
keeping the country hopeful, or at least interested. ("What in
the world is That Man going to do next?'') There's no telling
what Boris the Mad will do next, either. He keeps the world
guessing, even mystified, and therefore involved. Perplexity
beats despair any time. Anything does.
FDR was a lot better at pulling aces out of his sleeve, or
maybe just jokers, than Boris Yeltsin is. But this Russian joker
knows that consistency is the hobgoblin of small,
unimaginative minds. Sometimes going backward is the only
way to go forward, or at least survive till one can. So now this
Russian president and perplexity has reinstated an old
workhorse who's done nothing but plod. Yet at least under
Viktor Chernomyrdin's non-leadersip, some reforms were
made despite his opposition, while his replacement gave all
reforms a bad name.
When this country's president leaves his own chaos for
Russia's next week (at last Bill Clinton will get a real vacation),
he'll find that there are degrees of chaos in the world, and
that Russia's is the serious kind. Ours is only a crisis of
leadership; Russia's is a crisis of the whole system -- political
and economic, legal and philosophical.
To quote one Moscow daily, Sevodnya: "You can
poke as much fun as you like at American moral hypocrisy
and the desire to drag out the presidential dirty laundry
before a wide public. But in all this, note one obvious fact. If
the president feels obliged to explain himself to the nation on
live television even for adultery, the nation can be calm about
the future of the national
Boris Yeltsin's mind:
a riddle pickled in an
Five months ago, Boris the Mad replaced Viktor
Chernomyrdin, a Leonid Brezhnev without the charm, as his
prime minister. As a replacement, the always surprising
Russian president chose an antiseptic young banker because,
said Mr. Yeltsin, he wanted change. He must have wanted it
in the worst way, because that's how he got it. Under this
bright new, Western-approved reformist premier, Sergei
Kiriyenko, the Russian economy has gone from bleak to
Imagined or not,
Yelstin has missed the mark ---
big time!
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