Jewish World Review / September 1, 1998 / 10 Elul, 5758
Paul Greenberg
president is full of it. Reacting indignantly to the American
raid on that oh-so-innocuous pharmaceutical plant in
Khartoum -- the one that was also turning out a key
ingredient of nerve gas -- the Sudanese president said that the
United States had put innocent civilians in peril by attacking
the plant.
Sudan's president is part right: Innocent people
were put in peril, but by a regime
One would like to think that the raids of Aug. 20 sent a
message to all those governments in the world who would let
their territory become staging bases for attacks on innocent
Americans: They place their own people in imminent danger.
Not just American embassies are threatened by terrorists;
those capitals that play host to terror may find themselves
targeted, too.
This is not a message that's likely to be put across with just a
couple of raids on terrorist operations -- not after the years of
neglect this administration has lavished on the war against
terrorism. Even now, this country lacks an anti-missile defense
or even the beginnings of one. Speaking loudly and carrying a
small stick has inspired little respect for American foreign
policy -- at home or abroad.
With the credibility of this administration being what it is,
seldom has it been so necessary for Washington to produce
evidence that its retaliation was warranted.
The brief but highly effective raids on that plant in Khartoum
and against Osama bin Laden's little university for terrorists in
the Afghan wilderness came as a welcome break with what
this administration has done in the past to quell terrorism,
namely not much.
Madeleine Albright's State Department has even tried to
thwart an American family's attempt to sue Iran in this
country's courts for Teheran's role in the attack that took their
daughter's life in Israel. After withdrawing the American
armada from the Persian Gulf earlier this year, Washington
went comatose.
Result: Iraq's Saddam Hussein still represents a clear, present
and ever more dangerous threat to the peace of the Mideast
-- and the world.
All of this doubtless will be remembered when the next war
erupts in the Mideast -- a war that might have been
prevented by taking vigorous action earlier this year. Or even
Instead, after a show of force that was mainly show, the
problem of Iraqi defiance has been handed over to the
United Nations. That is, it has been ignored. Which is pretty
much what Scott Ritter -- captain, U.S. Marine Corps, and an
honest man -- noted in his letter of resignation as part of the
arms inspection team in Iraq.
The administration heatedly denied his accusation, and the
obvious. Well, whom would you believe, (a) Scott Ritter or (b)
Bill Clinton and Madeleine Albright put together in one
quivering mass of vacillation?
The arm of the law is still long, and the American eagle can
still soar, as the raids in the Sudan and Afghanistan
demonstrated. One hopes those raids were the beginning of a
new and vigorous policy of armed response to outrage, not
just bright exceptions to a dismal
The eagle can
still soar
that has
cooperated with a worldwide network of terrorists and
allowed the likes of Osama bin Laden to use its territory,
possibly to produce chemical weapons.
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