Jewish World Review / September 7, 1998 / 16 Elul, 5758
Paul Greenberg
Republican of Texas and, all too often, Ring-Tail Roarer of the
Yep. Great issues have a way of invoking greatness, even in
the most unlikely of politicians. Not long ago, the majority
leader of the House -- Missouri's Dick Gephardt -- sounded
positively statesmanlike when he both reprehended Bill
Clinton's behavior and called for sober deliberation, not a
lynch mob. Now comes the majority whip, Mr. DeLay, who
suggests that, when Kenneth Starr's report reaches Congress, it
be considered, acted on and put behind us -- rather than on
the shelf. There is no guide through troubled waters like duty.
It's remarkable how effective simply following the law can be.
In this case, it's called the impeachment process, and it came
with the original Constitution the way a fire escape does with
good construction. The process has been remodeled over the
years by various precedents provided by defendants as
different as Andrew Johnson and Richard Nixon, but it's still a
remarkably serviceable exit in case of emergencies. All the
nation has to do is follow the instuctions.
But the president, speaking from Moscow, urged the country
to move on. Indeed we should. With dispatch, with
deliberation, with justice. Unflinchingly. "Going back to
work,'' as the president put it, need not be a synonym for
"forget it and let it fester.'' Some things can't just be put out
of mind. Let's lance this boil and get it over with. But the
president acts as if he can put the operation off forever.
When do you think this boy is going to stop climbing fool's hill
-- when he falls all the way down? Most of us learned better
sometime in adolescence -- thanks to a mother's eye that
missed nothing, or a preacher who kept uncomfortably close
tabs on our behavior, or a teacher who knew just what we
were trying to get away with. Here's the curse that the Bill
Clintons of the world labor under: They're too bright to be
caught early. They don't get hauled down till they rise so high
that their fall hurts everybody.
By now the political questions about impeachment have been
explored every which way: Will impeachment proceedings
hurt Republicans or Democrats more this fall? Does the GOP
really want to proceed with a process that could give Al Gore
all the advantages of an incumbent president come 2000?
Couldn't some way be found to let congressmen off the hook,
like a nice innocuous resolution of censure? Yes, almost every
ramification of this mess has been explored except simple
duty. In this case, Congress' duty to act if presented with
evidence of high crimes and misdemeanors.
And what of Kenneth Starr's duty? Will it be concluded once
he hands off his report to Congress and is free to take the next
dean's job that pops up? Why not? For a remarkable
assumption has grown up that the president of the United
States is not subject to the criminal law -- not so long as he
occupies the White House, anyway. A sitting president, it's
said, may be only impeached -- not indicted.
This notion is an extension of the separation of powers in the
Constitution: To be a truly independent branch, it is argued,
the executive must not be subject to the judiciary, or at least
to the criminal courts. Yes, it's a remarkable assumption: A
chief executive whose actions are clearly subject to the civil
law -- see Jones v. Clinton and any number of other
precedents -- is said to be immune to the criminal law except
through impeachment. Taken to its logical conclusion, a
president who took it into his head to grab an Uzi and start
shooting down folks on Pennsylvania Avenue couldn't be
restrained till Congress gathered, deliberated impeached and
It's an interesting theory, not to say a bizarre one. Maybe you
have to be learned in the law to buy into it. I can't. Leon
Jaworski gave this daffy doctrine a big boost when he
persuaded a grand jury to name Richard Nixon an unindicted
co-conspirator in Watergate rather than a prime mover.
Such confusions might be cleared away, or at least organized,
if constitutional scholars were to discuss this curious corner of
the law. Sure enough, still another member of Congress has
done the responsible thing and will chair a hearing on just this
question Wednesday. That's when Senator John Ashcroft --
another Missourian -- is inviting various experts before his
committee to debate whether the president of the United
States is subject to the criminal law.
Here some of us naifs had thought that the president was not
only bound by the law but had a constitutional duty to
faithfully execute it. It is another tribute to the corrosive
influence of William Jefferson Clinton that he should have
turned so innocent an assumption into another constitutional
question -- the way he has all those presidential privileges he
stretched to the breaking point and beyond. Once again, our
clever president has added a whole new layer of
sophistication to American law, or at least a whole new layer
Toward impeachment
In the Senate, Joseph Lieberman raised the whole level of
discussion several planes and was joined there by Bob Kerrey
and Daniel Patrick Moynihan, who has made a habit of
raising the level of public discourse. Let us think on such men
the next time it's tempting to dismiss Congress with a
wisecrack. It turns out that the Democratic Party has a
conscience after all. And its voice last week was Joe
Lieberman's. He deserved the respectful hearing he got. A
sober sense of responsibility is being reborn on both sides of
the aisle.
Lieberman and Bubba: How times change.
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so what else is
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