Jewish World Review /September 7, 1998 / 16 Elul, 5758
Mona Charen
Liar's Poker
AS THE NATION ATTEMPTS to assimilate the news that its president is a confessed liar and
certain perjurer, it is becoming clear that many Americans have a confused notion of
what it is presidents do.
To judge by opinion polls, most Americans think the president presides over the
national economy and determines recessions or booms. They also think he "runs the
country," though it is hard to imagine what people mean by that. Do they suppose that
no mail will be delivered, Social Security checks issued or taxes collected if the
president falls ill or is removed from office? Do they imagine that the government in
general "runs the country"?
Nevertheless, President Clinton has been dining out on the strength of the economy for
five years now. Call it the "being there" award. The nation has given him credit he does
not deserve and is simultaneously disregarding the one area in which presidents really
do have latitude for action: foreign policy.
This week brings news from three fronts that not only confirm the execrable policies
this administration has pursued around the globe but also point up the demoralizing
effects of being led by a man whose word cannot be trusted.
When the president ordered the bombing of terrorist sites in Afghanistan and Sudan
two weeks ago, most Americans believed that his motives were honorable, but a
significant minority thought the attacks were pure "Wag the Dog." Even many who
thought the attacks were justified questioned the timing and style. George Bush
seemed to conduct large parts of Desert Storm from the golf course, yet President
Clinton seized the opportunity to fly back to Washington and address the nation from
the Oval Office.
Now, reports are surfacing that the administration may have relied on incomplete
intelligence about the pharmaceutical plant that was bombed in Khartoum. Sudan
claims that the factory was used for peaceful purposes only and has invited the United
Nations to inspect the wreckage. In normal times, Americans would turn to the
administration for clarification. But with this president, can our minds be completely at
rest about his motives or his reassurances?
It becomes clear, when considering the president's anti-terrorism policy, that the
president's personal behavior and reputation for honesty matter a great deal.
Another event this week illustrates the honesty problem in a different context. Scott
Ritter resigned from the U.N. weapons inspection team rather than participate in what
he regards as the U.S. administration's charade of arms control in Iraq. The Clinton
administration says it simply doesn't want to act on Saddam's timetable. Ritter and
other intelligent observers think the administration simply doesn't want to act. By
privately signaling the inspectors to hold back while publicly proclaiming that we are
keeping close tabs on Iraq, this administration is permitting Saddam to acquire every
terror weapon the modern world can devise. This is not lying about sex; it is lying about
the security of our country.
And finally, the folly of the president's 1994 handling of North Korea is now on display.
North Korea is one of the world's most sinister regimes, but its people are starving to
death in large numbers. In 1994, North Korea's nuclear weapons program was
alarming Japan and our other allies in Asia. President Clinton's response: Stand up to
the North Koreans and force them to abandon their nuclear weapons program? No.
President Clinton chose to give a huge aid package including a 10-year supply of fuel
oil and two nuclear power plants in exchange for a mere promise to refrain from
developing nuclear weapons. His cravenness was rewarded last week when North
Korea fired a new, longer-range ballistic missile into the Sea of Japan.
A president cannot conduct a firm foreign policy without the implicit threat of force, and
he cannot credibly threaten force unless the American people trust his word. That is
why this president is not just an embarrassment; he is a
In truth, while presidents are not completely irrelevant to the state of the economy, they
are largely so. This president ran on a pledge that he would end the recession, which
was convenient since the recession had already ended before he took office and long
before any of his policies had had time to take effect.
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