Jewish World Review / May 27, 1998 / 2 Sivan, 5758
Mona Charen
Romance in the '90s
THE STYLE PAGES OF THE PAPER are where manners and mores are defined --
where the acceptable is carefully limned and the unacceptable ruthlessly
The New York Times had an entry in its "Vows" section recently that quite
neatly summed up the state of morality on the subject of marriage.
Carolyn Bender and Louis Sagar first met six years ago at a party. They
were, the Times tips us, "as different as yoga and high-impact aerobics."
Nonetheless, cupid being a crafty fellow, "they had such an instant
connection that when they left the party, they went to a cafe and talked
late into the night." Boy meets girl.
Now, the next installment: He was married. "So we became very good
friends," Bender explained. "Then, we had some sort of fight and didn't talk
for months. I think I was falling in love, and he wasn't available. So I
went on my merry way, and he went on his."
But a year later, Sagar phoned, saying that he had gotten a divorce, and
was Bender free for dinner? "I said 'Great, let's go.'"
You knew these two were meant for each other because even though they had
very different ideas about decorating and gracious living -- her apartment
The Sagar/Bender wedding was a lavish event. Each table was decorated with
Japanese river stones, moss, flowers and candles -- all red, the bride's
favorite color. Red moss? Well, as long as it's ecologically correct.
A bit of traditional wedding reporting does creep into this story in the
description of the bride's dress, but with a twist. "Ms. Bender," writes
Lois Smith Brady, "wore a sleeveless silk taffeta gown with a plunging
neckline, a wrinkly skirt, a tiered organza overskirt and a furry boa." And
then this: "'Carolyn didn't want to hide that she was pregnant,' said Mary
Adams, the Manhattan couturier who designed the dress." Due in August.
Such a breezy, approving tone teaches lessons. The primary consumers of
wedding news are young women, dreaming of their own wedding days. And here
is the tale of a home-wrecker presented as courtly love. (Did I fail to
mention that he reads love poetry and serves breakfast in hand-crafted
cereal bowls?)
How dare she "become very good friends" with a married man? And let's not
be deceived by the term "friends." Whether or not sex was involved, this was
clearly a sexual relationship from the start. Ordinary friends rarely get
into the kind of fights that cause them to stop speaking.
Bender is clearly not one for tradition. Described as a "superserious
career woman," she prefers to cohabit first, get pregnant second and get
married third. One wonders whether they did the honeymoon before the
As for Sagar, at 45 (she is 31), he is very likely to be a father, most
probably of young children. This is not mentioned in the Vows column.
Actually, one cannot read these wedding stories without the impression that
the title of the column must be intended ironically. What of Sagar's vows to
his first wife? What of his obligations to his children? His first marriage
seems to have been treated by bride and groom alike as a temporary
inconvenience. They are like teenagers, moving from one boyfriend to the
next, first wearing Tom's letter sweater, later Harry's. A marriage is
treated like the adult version of going steady.
The whole notion of an elaborate second wedding was once considered in bad
taste -- for good reasons. There are the feelings of children and former
spouses to consider or, in really ancient history, respect for the deceased
spouse. It didn't mean second marriages couldn't take place, only that a
slightly more restrained and decorous wedding was the rule. (Teddy
Roosevelt, whose first wife died in childbirth, felt guilty about remarrying
at all, though he did do so, quite happily.)
Bender is happy now. But her husband has a lousy track record -- as do so
many marriages undertaken in this modern
was full of rundown furniture, whereas his was adorned with ecologically
aware fresh flowers -- they decided to move in together on their very first
post-divorce date. Oh, did I fail to mention another detail? When Bender
returned home from that dinner with Sagar, she told her boyfriend to move
out. That's amore.
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