Jewish World Review / May 19, 1998 / 23 Iyar, 5758
Mona Charen
China's friend in the White House
DURING THE CAMPAIGN of 1992, it was President George Bush who was vulnerable on the
China question. His national security adviser, Brent Scowcroft, was photographed toasting
Chinese leaders while the blood was still being scrubbed from the stones of Tienanmen
Square. The ever-adaptable Bill Clinton pounced on Bush for this and promised a much
more aggressive posture toward the butchers of Beijing.
At the time, his stance evoked admiration from political gurus. How shrewd of a Democrat,
As we now know, to our sorrow, candidate Clinton's words about China were utterly hollow.
He had no strategic plan regarding relations with that country, only a plan for scoring
debating points against Bush. President Clinton uses words the way he seems to use
women -- for immediate gratification and with no thought of the long-term consequences.
It is now looking as if the Clinton administration's policy toward China has been infinitely
worse than Bush's. However ill-conceived the Bush administration's coddling of the
Chinese may have been, it had the virtue of at least being based on some evaluation of the
national interest. Bush and Scowcroft thought that good relations with China were a
necessary counterweight to the Soviet Union, which was then still in business.
The Clinton approach to China, by contrast, appears to be motivated by the crassest of
personal interests -- Bill Clinton's own re-election -- with a near total disregard for the
national security implications.
According to reporting in The New York Times, the Washington Times and National
Review, the re-election campaign of the president received tens of thousands of dollars
(and probably much more) directly from the People's Liberation Army of Communist China.
The conduit for this bit of campaign cash was reportedly Johnny Chung, who pled guilty to
several crimes last March and is now cooperating with prosecutors. The activities of John
Huang, the Commerce official and Democratic fund-raiser who paid so many unexplained
visits to the Chinese embassy, will surface in due course.
Johnny Chung befriended a Chinese aerospace executive, Liu Chao-ying, who is the
daughter of Gen. Liu Huaqing, China's military leader and a member of China's Politburo.
Liu pere was known to be pushing China's military toward modernization and was eager to
sell military equipment and technology to other countries (like Iran and Pakistan) in order to
get hard currency to buy Western technology.
Liu's daughter, whose company sells missiles for the military and is involved in satellite
technology, was very interested in influencing American elections, and Chung gave her
access that was probably beyond her wildest expectations. He took her to see Clinton
himself, first at a Beverly Hilton fund-raiser in Los Angeles and later at a private dinner
($25,000 per couple) at the home of a Democratic donor.
All harmless? In 1993, reports Bill Gertz in National Review, the Clinton administration
altered U.S. export control laws to make it easier to sell weapons technology to potential
adversaries. In March 1996, the administration transferred authority over satellite licensing
from the State Department to the Commerce Department (which seems to have become
an arm of the Clinton re-election committee).
Many satellite firms have been eager to use China's Long March missile to launch satellites
because it is much cheaper than American or European rockets. The problem was, the
Long March blew up on the launch pad 75 percent of the time. Thanks to the Clinton
administration, several firms, including Loral Space and Communications, gave the Chinese
the ability to improve their rocket.
What this means is that China now has the capacity to reach American cities with its
intercontinental ballistic missiles. Other firms, with Commerce Department approval, have
given the Chinese the capacity to MIRV their missiles -- thus multiplying their deadly
Is it any wonder that India, which has made no secret of its fear of China, should now be
exploding hydrogen bombs?
This president, who can see no danger other than his own defeat at the polls, has made the
world a more dangerous place and may well have damaged our own national security. But
heck, the economy is doing
we were told, to get to the right of a Republican on foreign policy! How bold!
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