Jewish World Review / May 15, 1998 / 19 Iyar, 5758
Mona Charen
Look out feminists: here comes the true backlash
IN 1991, SUSAN FALUDI wrote a heralded book titled Backlash. The title said it all.
America resented strong women -- Hillary Clinton would later become the totem of this
belief -- and would do everything possible to thwart women's progress.
Well, there is a backlash against feminism, but Faludi missed it. It is not to be found
among the corporate, government or academic elite -- feminism enjoys a stranglehold
on those institutions. And it isn't to be found among men. The voice of anti-feminism is a
female voice. In January 1999, Danielle Crittenden, editor of the Women's Quarterly,
will publish What Our Mothers Didn't Tell Us an analysis of the way feminism has
steered women into unhappiness.
And already on the shelves is F. Carolyn Graglia's Domestic Tranquillity: A Brief
Against Feminism, which smites every leading assumption of the modern feminist
The idea that women were, like blacks, the victims of decades if not centuries of
discrimination, Graglia argues, is a retrospective invention cooked up to gain women a
place at the affirmative action trough. It was only when affirmative action became
widespread that feminists launched the discrimination argument. Before that, they had
relied instead on shaming women out of motherhood and housewifery.
Citing feminist pioneers like Betty Freidan, Graglia notes that their beef was with
women, not men. Why, Freidan asked in 1965, when "all professions are finally open to
women in America" and with the removal of "all legal, political, economic and
educational barriers that once kept woman from being man's equal," do so many
women have no higher ambition than "to be a wife and mother"? Freidan's answer was
that the "feminine mystique" had women trapped in an unsatisfying and infantalizing
Graglia, an attorney who chose to stay at home to raise her children, announces
proudly that being a wife and mother was the most satisfying and fulfilling part of her
life's work. "One of the greatest injustices to women," she writes, "is feminists' own
success in convincing society to treat as a sacrifice what for some women can be the
most rewarding occupation of their lives."
Not only has feminism succeeded in devaluing the roles of wife and mother, she says,
but feminists have also rewritten history to insert victimhood where none existed. From
the moment she resolved to become a lawyer in junior high school, Graglia recalls, to
the time she ceased working to raise her daughters, she received nothing but help and
encouragement from teachers, counselors, employers and even acquaintances. As the
daughter of a working-class divorced lady, Graglia would not have been able to aim for
a career in law without scholarships. At no time did her sex hold her back.
Her experience stands in sharp contrast to the treatment Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
recalled of the same period. Ginsburg and Graglia were both students at Columbia
Law School in the 1950s. Yet, Ginsburg, who was editor of the Law Review and tied
for first in her class, told the Senate Judiciary Committee that when she graduated,
"not a law firm in the city of New York bid for my employment as a lawyer."
Graglia is skeptical. When she had graduated a few years previously, also on Law
Review though not first in her class, she had no trouble gaining employment at a Wall
Street firm. If Ginsburg got the cold shoulder from those firms, Graglia argues, it was
probably because she was Jewish, not because she was female. Anti-Jewish and
anti-ethnic bias of every kind were characteristic of Wall Street law offices in those
years -- which is why Jewish, Italian and other lawyers founded their own firms in
mid-town. (Graglia believes, with justification, that Ginsburg must not have shopped her
resume around New York. Surely, one of the less snobbish firms would have leaped at
the chance to hire her. But, as the justice told the committee, she was waiting for
Graglia writes passionately about the joys of family life, even including conjugal sex --
which is hard to square with her grandmotherly appearance. But the feminist
movement, after years of unchallenged hegemony, is being attacked by those it has
betrayed: women
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