Jewish World Review / June 26, 1998 / 2 Tamuz, 5758
Mona Charen
The Republican city
SAY THE WORDS "SELF-EFFACING, modest, straightforward and dedicated to principle," and who would conclude that you were describing a politician? But those are the words that first leap to mind when Mayor Stephen Goldsmith of Indianapolis is the subject.
In two terms as mayor, Goldsmith has produced a small urban miracle in the nation's 12th
largest city. A dedicated small-government conservative whose hero and mentor is Milton
Friedman, Goldsmith has put into practice ideas that Republicans never tire of discussing
but almost never implement. How many Republican candidates have promised to run the
city (state, country) "like a business." But once in office, many Republicans become
creatures of government instead of critics, protecting their own slices of pork and providing
patronage to favored friends.
Goldsmith didn't attempt to run the city like a business --he knows governments are never
going to have the discipline of the market to rein them in -- but he did attempt wherever and
whenever possible to introduce the element of competition.
As he explains in his surprisingly readable new book "The Twenty-First Century City:
Resurrecting Urban America," it looked to most observers in the 1970s and 1980s that
America's major cities were caught in an irreversible downward vortex. In order to
redistribute income, cities raised taxes. Higher taxes and urban crime rates drove more city
dwellers into the suburbs. Faced with the loss of revenue due to middle-class flight, cities
raised taxes even more, which in turn drove more people out, and down the spiral went.
Goldsmith believed his city could avoid going down the drain. He believed that by adhering
to free-market principles, the city could be run more efficiently as well as more
economically -- that the city could save money and avoid raising taxes.
His first experiment in "marketization" concerning filling potholes. When word got out that
the mayor intended to seek competitive bids on street maintenance, the union representing
transportation workers was in an uproar. Though Goldsmith promised that they were free to
bid on the work, they were certain that he was setting them up.
In a private meeting, union representatives told the mayor that it was unfair to expect them
to bid competitively when they were saddled with 32 politically appointed supervisors at
But Goldsmith perceived that if he flinched on streamlining the supervisors, his credibility as
a free-market reformer would be sacrificed, and so he transferred or terminated 14 of the
32 supervisors and also provided the union with a consultant to help prepare its bid.
The results were dramatic. With the spur of competition, the union devised a thousand
ways to improve efficiency. They did in fact submit the low bid. And whereas the city had
previously been paying $425 per ton filling potholes with asphalt, the new proposal brought
the city's cost down to $307 per ton, a 25 percent reduction.
The city of Indianapolis applied this lesson over the next eight years to 70 different areas of
service. Pre-Goldsmith, the city had been operating three print shops at a cost of $1.4
million annually. After the work was contracted out, Pitney-Bowes was able to do all of the
tasks the city had done plus more for only $1 million per year.
From towing abandoned vehicles to waste-water treatment, Indianapolis saved money for
taxpayers and improved service by turning to competitive bidding. Goldsmith got into some
trouble for saying that a city could be run with "just a mayor, a police chief, a planning
director, a purchasing agent and a handful of contract monitors." He was exaggerating but
not by much.
By streamlining non-essential services and "marketizing" everything else, Goldsmith was
able to add 100 new police officers, improve fire protection and spend $750 million on
infrastructure. During each year of his mayoralty, the city's budget was reduced, and taxes
declined slightly.
The city is now enjoying an unprecedented boom and has been host to 3,500 mayors,
governors and councilmen from around the world seeking the key to such success.
But as Goldsmith will tell you, the key is easy -- stick to your
Miracle mayor Goldsmith
very comfortable salaries. Complicating matters for Goldsmith was the fact that the
supervisors were all Republicans. Indianapolis has been a Republican city for some time.
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