Jewish World Review / July 24, 1998 / 1 Menachem-Av, 5758
Mona Charen
Making the military
SECRETARY OF DEFENSE WILLIAM COHEN announced last week that the military's standards
on adultery were too harsh and ought to be reformed. Under the new Cohen standard,
adultery will remain a crime under the Uniform Code of Military Justice, but it will be
prosecuted only when it interferes with the smooth functioning of a military unit or
disrupts morale.
Or with life at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., eh? Even if there were a good case to be made
for softening the military's anti-adultery rules, this administration ought to be ashamed
to raise the matter. The snickers this new policy evokes are already audible around the
"Seems like they want the White House Intern policy in the Army, Navy and Marines,
too. Ho ho," observed one Clinton-watcher. Or perhaps the president, recalling his
pleading in the Paula Jones case, really believes he is on active duty in the military by
virtue of being commander in chief and worries that Ken Starr might prosecute him for
adultery, as well perjury. (The president's lawyers floated the argument that the
commander in chief should be immune from civil suits under the Soldiers and Sailors
Relief Act, which protects active duty servicemen from civil suits.)
The military services each treat adultery in their own fashion, and there has been some
grumbling that officers are treated more leniently than enlisted men. Still, the new policy
has met resistance, most vehemently from the Marine Corps. "'Semper Fidelis' (always
faithful) is not just a slogan," Col. Stuart Wagner told The New York Times.
If the military's harsh approach toward infidelity is out of step with civilian life, so much
the worse for civilian life. But the military also has different priorities. Adultery by its
very nature represents a threat to morale and discipline. Two-thirds of the members of
the military are married. Wives and husbands (female soldiers exist, though one may
still hold the line at combat) provide support and security that make their spouses
better soldiers.
Particularly in the age of a sex-integrated military, spouses need to know that adultery
is treated as a serious crime. Under current rules, adultery can lead to a dishonorable
discharge, in which the guilty party loses all pensions and other benefits. Under the
Cohen standard, it would lead only to a bad-conduct discharge, with no loss of
Adultery is forbidden for some of the same reasons that fraternization is -- to prevent
even the appearance of unfairness or favoritism. When a commander has the lives of
his men (and, alas, women) in his hands, his subordinates must trust that his orders are
given without fear or favor. If your commanding officer orders you to take the next hill,
you must trust that he is doing so for sound military reasons, and not because he is
sleeping with your wife and would like to see an end of you.
Still, the Pentagon may be fighting a rear-guard action in a battle already lost. What
Cohen cannot see is that loose sexual mores are already shredding morale and
discipline in the military. The sexual-harassment problem, about which the Pentagon
professes to be concerned, could not exist in a society that still valued virginity among
women and honor among men.
To alter the rules about adultery now, in the face of embarrassing scandals like that of
1st Lt. Kelly Flinn and Gen. Joseph Ralston, sends a signal that lying and betrayal are
regarded by the military just as they are by civilians, as peccadilloes, not character
The truth is that in civilian life, we no longer believe in character at all. If people behave
badly, we never blame bad character. We blame a bad environment, genes or
addiction. The military was the last holdout for standards of honor and self-command --
and the military's abandonment of these will be a loss that reverberates beyond the
more like us
In an approving editorial, The New York Times declared: "The mores and values of
military life are by necessity somewhat different from those of the civilian world. But the
gap cannot be so great as to create a sense that the military is completely out of step
with life outside."
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