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About Jewish World Review

Jewish World Review

August 8, 2012

If successful people have one common trait, it's an utter lack of cynicism. The world owes them nothing. They go out and find what they need without asking for permission; they're driven, talented, and work through negatives by focusing on the positives.   —   Mike Zimmerman

kosher living
'Modest' swimwear sheds its mothballs in US

While still a niche industry, modest swim wear is experiencing a boom as retailers see a steady stream of new buyers eager to snap up their four -- yes, four-piece swim sets, cover-up dresses and body suits

peace is not the question
Sudan's struggling government offers to go '100 percent Islamic'
By Scott Peterson

With 75 percent of its income gone, country faces dangerous new pressures. What they mean for those outside the region

good news!
Cholesterol levels of US children down significantly
By Melissa Healy

Given the high rates of obesity and diabetes among children and their well-chronicled sedentary behavior, it is unlikely that children are adopting heart-healthy habits

gezunt/ on health
Fainting spells have a genetic basis, study suggests
By Erin Loury

Fainting, like dimples and dyslexia, can run in the family

it's NOT one world!
Veiled Muslim woman charged with inciting riot

She allegedly tried to bite police and scratched one of them before being taken into custody

Which are the healthiest fats for baking?
By Harvard Health Letters

Assesing the worst of the bad

Man found dead behind the wheel of car that ran red light
By John M. Glionna

You've heard of "dead man walking," used to describe the condemned's long stroll to the execution chamber?

But dead man driving?

ess, ess/ eat, eat!
The Kosher Gourmet
By Julie Rothman

Some call it bread, others cake. This simple ZUCCHINI LOAF is so good, you'll forget you're eating your veggies

4 books

[ D A I L Y     I N S P I R A T I O N ]

Forgiveness: Don't Let Resentment Keep You Captive
By Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski, M.D.

Someone steps on your toe and apologizes; you forgive him. But what if someone steps on your ego? On your bank account? On your life?

Rabbi Dr. Abraham Twerski - beloved author, scholar, and psychiatrist - shows us how vitally important it is to sincerely forgive those who have hurt us.

Rage and resentment weigh us down; forgiveness lets us cast off those burdens and be the people we really want to be.

TODAY: Two Common Denominators

[ W O R T H  1 0 0 0  W O R D S  ]

Ripleys Believe It Or Not!
9 to 5
Andy Capp
The Born Loser
Bottom Liners
Flo & Friends
Frank & Ernest
The Grizzwells
Mallard Filmore
Moderately Confused
One Big Happy
The Other Coast
Prickly City
The Wizard of Id

Robert Arial
John Deering
John Deering BONUS!
Bob Gorrell
Walt Handelsman
Steve Kelley
Chan Lowe
Jack Ohman
Dana Summers
Gary Varvel
Kirk Walters
Dan Wasserman
Michael Ramirez
Michael Ramirez BONUS!

(Attention working columnists and editorial cartoonists: Think you have what it takes to be featured on JWR? Drop us a note by clicking here. Readers, please make suggestions, as well.)

[ L I F E S T Y L E S ]

Bookmark These: How the drought affects your budget

Ask Doctor K by Anthony L. Komaroff, M.D.: Black specks in vision are usually harmless floaters

Frugal Living by Sara Noel: You ask; I answer

Bruce Williams on JWR: Retirement is tempting, but there's that issue of money; more

William Katz: A sickening display

Heather Robinson : Romney in Israel Sunday: 'We must lead' in preventing Iran nuke

[ I N S I G H T ]

John Stossel: Wars To End War

Argus Hamilton: The News in Zingers

News of the Weird by Chuck Shepherd: The Role of Alcohol in Parenting; Best Water Ever

The Village Idiot by Jim Mullen: That buzzing you hear is the sound of time flying

Cal Thomas: One singular sensation

Dave Weinbaum: "FIRE THE LIAR!" My Tea Party speech

Dale McFeatters: What to do about killer cats?

Paul Greenberg: The trouble with Harry

Jonah Goldberg: No more boring white guys for the GOP

Ron Hart: 'You didn't build that' Speech Justifies Obama's Confiscation of Our Money

Nat Hentoff: Digitalized smart constitution vs. Obama and maybe Romney

Kathleen Parker: Run for your life

Michelle Malkin: Meet the Real Workers Obama Screwed Over

Roger Simon: Shock, Awe, Life, Death

Arnold Ahlert: Soc Sec Propaganda: the Left's Greatest Triumph

Thomas Sowell: Harlem Then and Now

Walter Williams: Libs, Progressives and Socialists



Andrew Silow-Carroll : Unoriginal sins

Gunmen kill at least 15 in attack on Nigerian church

Eryn Brown : Genetics study of North African Jews reveals migrations

Egypt v. Hamas? Muslim Brotherhood nation army vows to avenge the killing of 16 guards by gunmen near the Israeli border

Fred Weir: Russians fear Pussy Riot trial is just the start

Lori Zanteson: The Blackberry: Enjoy summer's antioxidant powerhouse

Howard LeWine, M.D.: Ask the Harvard Experts: Could melatonin cause my dizziness?

The Kosher Gourmet by Susie Middleton: Tips and techniques for stress-free veggie grilling

Jonathan Tobin: Vidal, Buckley, and Anti-Semitism

Are latest detainees held by Iranian authorities also lying about their -- and Israel's -- role in killing nuclear scientists?

Israel kills terrorists --- who attacked Egypt

Kerri-Ann Jennings, M.D., R.S.: Foods to fight asthma and allergies: What works and what doesn't

Mayo Clinic Medical Edge: Condition causes significant drop in blood pressure upon standing

Allergies Linked To Reduced Risk Of Brain Tumors

The Kosher Gourmet by Kim Ode:Exuding a bit of quiet elegance, surprisingly simple REFRIGERATOR CAKE is a timeless dessert

Rabbi Tzvi Hersh Weinreb: Worrying about idolatry

Caroline B. Glick Obama's wedge issue

Sharon Palmer, R.D.: 11 proven weight-loss tips

Harvard Health Letters: Tingling hands at night

Warren Richey Free speech: Can school fire 'redneck' over Confederate flag on his truck?

Scientists treat ulcers with 'spray-on skin'

Mitchell Landsberg: Democratic committee apologizes to GOP donor Sheldon Adelson

Mitchell Landsberg: Susan G. Komen for the Cure foundation uses misleading statistics in its pro-screening campaigns: Experts

The Kosher Gourmet by Susie Middleton: Zucchini ribbons with lime, garlic, cilantro and mint requires very little effort to deliver a dish with restaurant-quality good looks and a lovely flavor and texture

Jeremy D. Mayer: The best pick for Romney vice president? The one no one's talking about

Clifford D. May After the Fall: When his regime ends, will a new slaughter begin?

Rosie Mestel and Eryn Brown: Stem cell findings point toward new cancer treatments

Howard LeWine, M.D.: Ask the Harvard Experts: Hepatitis C not responsive to herbal therapy

Linda Geddes Soldiers of the Future: Genetic Tests Might Help Pinpoint Strengths, Weaknesses

Young witnesses to child abuse, or victims of it, undergo changes to their brain structure: study

New York apartment listed for $100 million

The Kosher Gourmet by: A savory, quiche-like pie that highlights the stars of late summer

Rabbi Dov Fischer: Contrasting cultures

Mitchell Landsberg Evangelical leaders: US no longer a Christian nation

Anna Gorman: Annual retainer fee buys patients more time with their doctors

Pete Spotts: Are we all extraterrestrials? Scientists discover traces of DNA in space

Michael Mellon, Ph.D. Medical Edge from Mayo Clinic: When and how to address repetitive behaviors in children

Harvard Heart Letter: Daily aspirin prevents dangerous clots

US aircrew's remains found in sunken WWII aircraft

Larry Gordon $5 million grant to boost study of immortality

The Kosher Gourmet by John Kessler : 3 frozen libations for adult tastes

Wesley Pruden: The Jewish problem for Barack Obama

Frank J. Gaffney Jr. Anderson Cooper crosses the line

Paul Greenberg: Amidst the ruins

Could Supreme Court's ruling on Same-sex marriage impact the election?

Onward Jewish soldiers! Jewish communities across Europe uniting to take on countries seeking to outlaw sacred rite

Claire Ainsworth: Saving Sight From Macular Degeneration: New Therapies Show Promise

Ask the Harvard Experts: Worrying about low nighttime blood pressure?

Computer game aims to zap teen depression

Cambodian town with gruesome past lures tourists

The Kosher Gourmet by Emily McKenna: 4 secrets for healthy, delicious Banana-Blueberry Buttermilk Bread

Maeve Reston: Romney not embarrassed nor scared to pick sides in Middle East crises

Romney's Jerusalem speech (16-MINUTE VIDEO)

Romney Jerusalem remarks 'harm US interests': Palestinians

Warren Richey: US judge lets Catholic-owned firm cut contraception from coverage

Kerri-Ann Jennings, M.S., R.D.: The no-diet diet

Harvard Health Letter: New knee helps your heart

Fake online editorial fools New York Times

Science fiction comes to life in Italian lab

Indian rail is world's largest 'open toilet'

The Kosher Gourmet by Joe Bonwich: Keeping it cool: Best summer desserts often require no oven or stove

Caroline B. Glick: The Muslim Brotherhood's American defenders

Historic Jerusalem mill gets new wind in sails

Cyber defenders urged to go on the offense

Should taking someone else's discarded garbage be a crime?

Sheep Prove That Selfish Herding Theory Is True

Thea Singer: Stress 101: The Science Behind Your Stressful Emotions

Harvard Health Letters: Do women need mammograms?

All eyes on new writing device for the disabled

The Kosher Gourmet by Diane Rossen Worthington: Grilled marinated chicken brochettes with a Moroccan twist

Jonathan S. Tobin: Obama Buyer's Remorse Not About Adelson

Brian Bennett: Congress warned that al-Qaida in Iraq is coming to America

Palestinian economy not ready for statehood: World Bank

East Jerusalem concert nixed after claims of 'normalization'

Florida puppeteer plotted to cook and eat children

Sharon Palmer, R.D. : Soothe pain with foods, from fish to fruits

Michael J. Ackerman, M.D., Ph.D. : Mayo Clinic Medical Edge: Long QT syndrome makes heart vulnerable to fast, chaotic heartbeat

Egypt all-veiled TV aims to cover women's needs

The Kosher Gourmet by Faith Durand: Smoke gets in your guac

Anti-circumcision move spreading across Europe

Ken Dilanian: Why can't America do anything about the mass-murder of innocent Syrian citizens? Because Obama's CIA has little if any presence there and, in turn, no intel

No evidence of Hezbollah's terrorism? E.U. refuses to blacklist group

Sue Gleiter: Atheist files complaint over restaurant's discount for churchgoers

Connie K. Ho: Nutrient Mixture Boosts Memory For Early Alzheimer’s Patients

Environmental Nutrition Editors: CLA supplements may not be worth it

Katie Nelson: Club patron threats suit unless comedian Eddie Griffin apologizes for lesbian remarks

The Kosher Gourmet by Jackie Burrell: Celebrating Caprese: 4 ITALIAN-INSPIRED TOMATO DISHES STIR CHEFS' CREATIVITY

Rabbi Avi Shafran Are you a biological automaton?

Michael A. Memoli and Kathleen Hennessey: Obama campaign accuses Romney of harboring a 'secret' foreign policy

Israel's moving toward energy independence and possibly an exporter, comes at a high cost

Cyber war on Iran has only just begun

Donna Gehrke-White: 'Second wives' activist fights lifelong alimony

Joanne Capano: How not to hydrate

Harvard Health Letters: What Can I Do About a Plugged-Up Feeling in One Ear?

Kissenger: Virtual lips for long-distance lovers

The Kosher Gourmet by Noelle Carter: THE BEST VEGGIE BURGER ON THE PLANET?

Maeve Reston Romney tour to emphasize unity with Israel and European allies

Jeff Jacoby: How the marriage gap favors Obama

Marjie Lundstrom: 2 neurosurgeons banned from human research

Teen could face jail time for Tweets outing boys who sexually assaulted her

Lab-engineered jellyfish may mend a broken heart

Harvard Men's Health Watch: Do people really get nightmares from eating late?

'Minority Report' software hits the real world

Lauren F. Friedman: Beauty Treatment: I Feel Pretty?

The Kosher Gourmet by Mario Batali: A winning summer combination: FRESH BEANS AND PESTO GENOVESE

Rabbi Berel Wein On the road again --- and again and again

Joshua Mitnick: Were Netanyahu's threats of retaliation for Bulgaria bus bombing just empty words?

Fred Weir: Attacks target voices of moderate Islam in central Russia

Jill Weisenberger, M.S., R.D., C.D.E.: Feed your 'good' bacteria

Howard LeWine, M.D. : Ask the Harvard Experts: Risk of alcohol abuse increases after weight-loss surgery

How cybersecurity specialists are enabling more attacks

Online woes spark first ever loss for Microsoft

'Fat pride' latest empowerment movement Victor Davis Hanson Blowing up history

Clifford D. May: Why are we still tolerating terrorists?

Homicide bomber who murdered Israelis in Bulgaria had fake Michigan driver's licence

Kevin G. Hall and David Lightman Most members of Congress keep their tax returns secret

Frighten the folks or fight the fiends?:

Rosie Mestel: Prostate cancer study questions surgery

Cancer victim's 'confession' obituary goes viral

The Kosher Gourmet by Faith Durand: A ZESTY, LIGHTLY SMOKY potato salad

Elaine Durbach: A rabbi and priest walk into a bar … almost

Jordan "Gorf" Gorfinkel's Everything's Relative

Mark Clayton: Senators spar with power providers: Are we safe from cyberattack?

Stacy Teicher Khadaroo: Students sue school district for violating their 'right to read'

Harvard Health Letters Does colonoscopy save lives?

Susan B. Garland: Survive the Medicare enrollment maze

Hara Estroff Marano: A stroke of luck

Amy Hubbard: Man is accused of soliciting rape of his wife on Craigslist

The Kosher Gourmet: PLUM BETTY, humble yet deeply satisfying

Jonathan Tobin: Hillary's Role in Obama's Mideast Disasters

Frank J. Gaffney, Jr.: The company they keep: Team Obama has welcomed Islamists in their midst

Sept. 11 hearing postponed for Ramadan: lawyer

Hungary says probing No 1 Nazi suspect 'raises problems'

Stephanie Faubion, M.D. Mayo Clinic Medical Edge: Migraine headaches and fertility?

Connie K. Ho: Breastfeeding Mothers Have Lower BMI In Their 50s

James Mitchell Crow: Venomous drugs: The pressure-drop viper

Are athletic records reaching their limits?

The Kosher Gourmet by Diane Rossen Worthington:BAKED TOMATOES make a seriously simple, marvelous accompaniment to grilled fish, chicken or beef (Includes tips & techniques)

CAUGHT! No. 1 Nazi suspect located --- But will he see justice?

Kimberly Winston: Do atheists have a sexual harassment problem?

Mark Steyn: Today's Kids Inherit World Reverting To Barbarism

'Monica, Monica' chants taunt Clinton in Egypt

Jason Walsh: A US federal appeals court has ruled that researchers' right to free inquiry is overridden by the British state's right to investigate past crimes

Monica Eng: Can't sleep? It could be the iPad

Environmental Nutrition Newsletter: Those extra ZZZZZ's can aid weight loss

Harvard Health Letter: Do we really need all that calcium?

Indian village bans "love marriages"

The Kosher Gourmet by Kathy Hunt: FUN WITH PHYLLO: Whether you're searching for exotic appetizers or just a lighter alternative to standard dessert crusts, take a leaf from the Turks --- literally (3 recipes; includes techniques)

Rabbi David Aaron: Finding Love and Peace in Our Battle against evil

Caroline B. Glick: Obama's spectacular failure

Diana West: Israel is on its own in war against terrorism

Charles Krauthammer: The Islamist ascendancy: What the Arab Spring has wrought

Rabbis call on German Jews to defy circumcision ruling

Elizabeth Svoboda: Field Guide to the People-Pleaser: May I Serve as Your Doormat?

Harvard Health Letters: Rubbing it in: Do topical pain relievers really work?

Scientists find anti-Alzheimer's gene mutation

US wineries uncork Internet innovations

The Kosher Gourmet by Diane Rossen Worthington: Lemon mint cabbage slaw, a colorful and refreshing summer salad

John Rosemond: Feelings need to be under intellectual control

Victor Davis Hanson : The world is changing minute by minute

Fred Weir: Moscow sends warships to Syria: War games or evacuation?

Jews, Muslims unite to condemn German circumcision ruling

How much is a snuffed-out fetus worth in China? $11 k

Kimberly Lankford: Your Health Care: What's Next

Hayley Crawford: Eat your broccoli, smokers, it helps clean your lungs

Amanda Alvarez: Study: Don't look to the eyes to find lies

Your T-Shirt May Soon Charge Your Mobile Devices

The Kosher Gourmet by Sara Kate Gillingham-Ryan : GOAT TACOS: A simple introduction to a sumptuous meat

Laura Petrecca: Welcome to Mourning 2.0

Marisa Taylor : US spy agency accused of illegally collecting personal data

Carol Rosenberg: They killed in the name of their religion, now they want it to be accommodated in court

Obama administration refuses to brand mass-murdering anti-Christian group as terrorists

Post-Kadhafi Libya to be lead by Islamist party spawned by Muslim Brotherhood

Putin takes lead in moving away from Arab oil dependence

Harvard Health Letters: Are sunless tanning products safe?

When you eat trumps what you eat in staying healthy

Not his half-brother's keeper: Leader of the Free World's kin found living in Kenya slums

The Kosher Gourmet by Susan M. Selasky: Getting two meals out of one: Let 'em eat cakes --- made from leftover salmon

Dennis Prager: THE 'G0D-PARTICLE' AND G0D

Dozens in their apartment building were murdered, but now they won't be forgotten

More legalized 'settlements' in Judea and Samaria?

Ian Duncan: Congress preparing for a 'cashless society'

Wesley Pruden: The new terrorists --- they're all of us

Kimberly Railey: Got student debt? Move fast, and some cities will help you pay it off

Marc Garnick, M.D.: Ask the Harvard Experts: Prostate Supplements of Dubious Value

Lisa Tsakos: How Diet Induces Restful Sleep

Want To Reverse The Effects Of Aging On The Brain? Look To The Noble Bee

The Kosher Gourmet by Betty Rosbottom: ROMAINE, MINT AND RICOTTA: A Salad Combination that Steals the Show

Isabelle de Pommereau: Son of an anti-Nazi hero uses family estate to nurture democracy and rule of law

Jacy Meyer: UN condemns 'baby boxes' across Europe

Proud jihadist gets one last lick at limelight

Kimberly Winston: This fall, get ready for more atheist clubs at high schools

Monte Morin: Entanglement study makes a quantum leap

Robert Shmerling, M.D.: Ask the Harvard Experts: How to handle a tick bite

Sharon Palmer, R.D.: ALL 'processed' foods are bad?

Newly minited Egyptian 'democracy' takes aim at border jumpers --- literally

Bride takes out-of-wedlock stigma seriously

The Kosher Gourmet by Diane Rossen Worthington: Soft, velvety and slightly tart, SUMMER SQUASH BUTTERMILK BISQUE celebrates bright colored produce and tastes like a special occasion soup

Rabbi Nathan Lopes Cardozo : Who is this strange figure called God?

Janet Stobart: GOTCHA! British police arrest 6 jihadist suspects in London

WikiLeaks begins publishing two million Syria emails

Fred Weir : Many Russian NGOs face 'foreign agent' label

Israel to resume work on 'controversial' protective barrier

Sue Hubbard, M.D. : The Kid's Doctor: Monitor moles in children

Harvard Health Letters: Carefully weigh benefits, dangers of coconut oil

Internet shutdown looms as US fix expires

Peter Aldhous Virtual reality provides relief from soldiers' trauma

The Kosher Gourmet by Mario Batali : This sweet tarte is the ideal way to enjoy local, seasonal fruits

Clifford D. May: New York Times v. Adelson

Fred Weir: KGB vs. KGB: Putin's crackdown extends to old comrades

Jim Giles: Gadgets work under your skin --- but are you ready?

Iraqi women face court-ordered virginity tests

Elaine Woo: Judith Wallerstein, psychologist who conducted pioneering research about impact of divorce

Harvard Health Letters: Stomach bug: How to prevent norovirus from ruining your summer

Brierly Wright, M.S., R.D.: EatingWell: What to eat and what to avoid at the salad bar

Scientists suspect link between cat feces, female suicide

Lifeguard fired after saving drowning man

The Kosher Gourmet by Leela Cyd Ross: A summer grain salad everybody will love

Mordechai Schiller: AT EASE

General, far from shivering, calls leader (?) of Free World's threats 'politically discourteous to the Iranian people'; Warns West

Mark Clayton: The latest in cybercrime? Fully automated bank heists

Indian teen girl kills father, brother over affair

Steven Goldberg: Get Used to Market Volatility

Harvard Mental Health Letter: Why songs get 'stuck' in people's heads

Lisa Tsakos: Is There a Very Low Carbohydrate Cereal?

Sleep deprived? Don't read this unless you want nightmares

Jim Sanders: California bill would allow a child to have more than two parents

The Kosher Gourmet by Lee Svitak Dean: Fresh ideas using the season's produce

It's now official, Jesus was a Palestinian

Jordan king urges 'reform' by mainstreaming of jihadists

Jonathan Tobin The Lessons of Yitzhak Shamir

Kiplinger Reports, Summarized

Kathy Kristof: Insights for Investors from the 2012 Morningstar Conference

Harvard Mental Health Letter: Chewing gum and memory

Harvard Health Letter: What are the differences between soluble and insoluble fiber?

Doctor pulls 13cm live worm from man's eye in India

The Kosher Gourmet by Betsy Berthin RD, LD: Put More Power in Your Breakfast

Rabbi Dov Fischer: Misunderstanding Moses' misfeasance and the nature of true leadership

Caroline B. Glick About those Jews . . .

Egypt ex-minister jailed 15 years over Israel gas deal

Kathy Kristof Fallen IPOs to Invest in Now

Jerome Idaszak: What Will Be the Jobs of Tomorrow?

Harvard Mental Health Letter: Preventing driving accidents involving teenagers

Harvard Health Letter: Is not washing your face good for your skin?

Research team unveils spray-on battery

The Kosher Gourmet by Diane Rossen Worthington: A five minutes, no-fail, wow dessert: ICE CREAM SUNDAE PIE WITH BERRY SAUCE (Includes tips and techniques)

Nicholas Blanford: Syria's chemical weapons: How secure are they from jihadists?

Daniel Burke Religious groups vie for Internet space in domain name grab

Botched circumcision of Muslim child leads to outlawing bris in Germany

Lisa Gerstner 9 Tips to Make the Most of Your Internship

Cameron Huddleston: The Game I Play With the Cable Company

Harvard Men's Health Watch: Aspirin and cancer: Will a tablet a day keep tumors at bay?

Katrina Bertol: Superfoods Boost Health and Energy

Anita Creamer: Is Facebook cutting demand for high school reunions?

Too much math is tough for scientists: study

The Kosher Gourmet by Margaret M. Johnson: Quick SUMMER BREADS are delicious and colorful way to brighten up a summer supper, picnic or garden party (3 recipes)

Fred Weir: Putin and Netanyahu joining forces in quest for stability

Frank J. Gaffney, Jr. Muslim Brotherhood's bait-and-switch

Steven Goldberg: 5 Surprising Secrets of Investing

Anjelica Tan: Find a Worry-Free Credit Card

Harvard Health Letter: Nutrition's dynamic duos

Harvard Mental Health Letter: Still depressed after taking several antidepressants? It may not be in your head

New surveys on teens and the Internet reveal surprises, need for caution

Woody Allen dislikes own films, but won't retire

Sleeping Through Class May Result In Better Grades

The Kosher Gourmet by Betty Rosbottom: Fork tender and covered by a light crust, CARROT AND TURNIP GRATIN will turn your main into afterthought

Former Dem presidential candidate Kerry urges world not to 'prejudge' Muslim Brotherhood winner

Steven Emerson Tough 'South Park' Sentence a Win for Free Speech

WikiLeaks founder wants guarantee he won't be sent to US

Putin taking leadership role as he heads to Middle East to assess and address war, strife

Rachel L. Sheedy: A Lifetime Stream of Tax-Free Income

Kiplinger's: Tax Planning for Your First Job

Environmental Nutrition Editors: Kombucha tea: More hype than health

Harvard Men's Health Watch: Convinced it's Alzheimer's? You may be wrong

Vending machine trades tea for tweets in Twitter first

World loses species with death of Lonesome George

The Kosher Gourmet by Betty Rosbottom: Simple and stress free, it's 'easy living' with GRILLED LEMON AND MINT KABOBS as a main

Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski: Quantum leap to evil

Caroline B. Glick The Brotherhood's useful idiots

David G. Savage: Supreme Court deals blow to unions

Indian father beheads daughter over 'affairs'

Nazi beach resort an unwieldy legacy for Germany

Turning Your Stock-Market Lemons into Lemonade

Kimberly Lankford : Using 529 Plan Funds to Pay Rent

Harvard Men's Health Watch: Nutrition and fertility

Sharon Palmer, R.D. Foods for females

Google sets out to save dying languages

The Kosher Gourmet by Diane Rossen Worthington: ASIAN GRAVLAX WITH GINGER MUSTARD SAUCE: A no-cook appetizer for warm summer days

Bob Tyrrell: G0D AND MAN AND FDR

Abraham Cooper and Yitzchok Adlerstein Nobel winner's problem with 'a peculiar people' and Israel

Paul Greenberg: Death the deliverer

Steven Emerson: At Islamic radicalization hearings, moderate Muslims warn Congress while Dems question their very participation

Jeff Jacoby: Forget the research; our minds are made up

Jeffrey R. Kosnett: Find Good Yields With Triple-B Bonds

Cameron Huddleston: 10 Secrets to Saving Money When Dining Out With Kids

How Humans Predict Other's Decisions

Harvard Mental Health Letter Depression and heart disease

No laughing matter: Indian yoga gigglers banned

The Kosher Gourmet by Jenn Garbee: Pancake dreams: Batters (plural) that let you hit the snooze button

Arnold Ahlert: So Much For Stopping the Leaks

Putin fears dollar collapse

9/11 judge must recuse himself, lawyer says

Jay Hancock: Even if health care law dies, many of its changes won't, industry says

Daniel Malloy: Congress looks at cutting military sports sponsorships

James K. Glassman: 8 Stocks With Star Potential

Kiplinger Reports, Summarized

Harvard Heart Letter: Store bought heart-healthy muffins? Don't fall for the con

Dawn Davis, M.D. Mayo Clinic Medical Edge: Fingernails are a window to your health

Night work may boost women's breast cancer risk: study

The Kosher Gourmet by Kathy Hunt: Don't mistake a a savory Italian entree for a luscious treat: DISHING UP VERY DIFFERENT DUMPLINGS (3 recipes; includes techniques)

Rabbi Berel Wein: Christians retaliate after three more churches bombed in Nigeria

Lee Lawrence: Bachelor's degree: Has it lost its edge and its value?

Elie Wiesel returns Hungary honor over Nazi 'whitewash'

Kimberly Lankford: Claim a Tax Credit for Summer Camp Costs

Kathy Kristof: 5 Spinoff Stocks to Cash In On

Harvard Health Letters: Dieting? Have some cake

Harvard Men's Health Watch: Learning while you sleep: Dream or reality?

Harnessing The Power Of Fireflies

'Vampire' rites still have bite in Bulgaria

The Kosher Gourmet by Joe Bonwich: Turning up the juice: Unexpected combinations can lead to delicious results

Ibrahim Garba: Christians retaliate after three more churches bombed in Nigeria

Egypt's thwarted transition to democracy

Taliban to U.S.: If you kill us, we'll kill us

Rene Stutzman: Why public's opinions on Zimmerman is shifting

Kathy Kristof: An Old Tech Lion Roars Back

Stacy Rapacon: How to Save for Retirement and Higher Education Costs at the Same Time

Doug Cook, R.D., MHSc, CDE: Foods That Help Men Stay Healthy

Howard LeWine, M.D.: Ask the Harvard Experts: Get rid of cracking skin at mouth corners

Susannah Snider: 11 Great, FREE Apps for Road Trips

Indian female athlete 'a man' says ex-lover

The Kosher Gourmet by Diane Rossen Worthington: The Little Black Dress of Side Dishes: GARDEN VEGETABLE SAUTE

Rabbi Ephraim Buchwald : Achieving immortality

Caroline B. Glick Dreamy foreign policies

Iran warns US over military bases in Afghanistan

Darren Barbee:Judge throws out $14 million jury award in online libel case

Jennifer Schonberger: CSC Small Cap Value Fund: Investing Like Buffett and Graham

Cameron Huddleston: 50 Free or Cheap Things to Do With Kids

Harvard Health Letters: Concerns about orange juice with added calcium

Linda Geddes: Saunas could heal your mood and your heart

Grave concern: Widow moves into hubbie's tomb

The Kosher Gourmet by Faith Durand: It ain't sophisticated, but this FROZEN CHOCOLATE OREO ICE CREAM CAKE is a showstopper

Jonathan Tobin: The Beginning of the End for Liberal Jewry

W.J. Hennigan Pint-sized drones to be deployed to war zones

Obama's Pentagon to Russia: You're acting immorally but, sure, we'll do business with you

Kimberly Lankford: Insurance Coverage When You're on Vacation

Jennifer Schonberger: 5 Stocks From the New Class of Rising Blue Chips

Harvard Health Letters: The many faces of depression

Sanjay Patel, M.D.: Mayo Clinic Medical Edge: The impossibility of cataract surgery after LASIK?

Stem cells can be harvested long after death: study

The Kosher Gourmet by Joanne Capano: SPICE SECRETS: A guide to some common herbs and spices and suggested uses to help you create flavorful meals without any added salt

Mike Eckel: Frontline in War on Religion is North Dakota. No, really

'Palestinian' concern over Vatican talks with Israel

Toulouse terrorist's father files murder suit

Pat Mertz Esswein: An Expiring Tax Break

Kathy Kristof: Practical Investing: Why You Need REITs

Celeste Robb-Nicholson, M.D.: Harvard Health Letters: Carbonated Water Harming Bones

Amina Khan: When it comes to talking, we're smarter than Siri

Surgery offers hope for victims of female genital mutilation

The Kosher Gourmet by Noelle Carter: Savoring amazing fruit focaccia

Jonathan Tobin: Double Standards on Politicians in Pulpits

Franca Gbabo and Kate Thomas: Islamics blow up two more Nigerian churches while parishoners pray

Unlike America, Israel takes its illegal alien problem seriously

Flame spy virus gets order to vanish: experts

Jeff Bertolucci: 4 Big-Screen Smart Phones Worth a Look

Bob Frick: How to Lease Your Own Home Solar Power System

Harvard Health Special Reports: Getting in shape: Tips for choosing the right exercise equipment

Nicci Micco, M.S.: EatingWell: 5 things in your kitchen that could make you sick

Is the secret to great wine under the sea?

The Kosher Gourmet by Diane Rossen Worthington: A refreshing No-Cook Soup for Summer: Herbed Cucumber Soup with Toasted Almonds

Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb: What Moses knew about motivation

Caroline B. Glick: Defeating the Alinskyites --- ours

Mark Clayton: Hackers could access US weapons systems through vulnerable chip

Chris Lisee: House GOP moves to act on religion in vets' funerals

Steven Goldberg: U.S. Stocks and Bonds: Best of a Bad Lot?

Caitlin Dewey: What You Need to Know About Streaming Video

Tim Bongartz, M.D. : Mayo Clinic Medical Edge: Lower risk of gout attacks without meds

Early Brain Development Delayed By Stress

Rene Stutzman: Assigned Zimmerman's old phone number, his life becomes hell

The Kosher Gourmet by Emma Christensen: An ice cream pie to reckon with

Rabbi Dov Fischer: Of course Zuckerberg didn't 'like' Judaism --- why should he?

Jonah Mandel: Netanyahu's math: 5 = 300

Steven Emerson : Why is the U.S. State Department hampering Americans from collecting settlements against terrorists?

Anne Kates Smith: Where to Invest in the Second Half of 2012

Cameron Huddleston: Best and Worst Buys of June

Sandi Doughton: Sinister or scientific breakthrough? Researchers assemble first comprehensive genetic map of an unborn child

Howard LeWine, M.D. : Ask the Harvard Experts: Craving chalk is not a sign of being emotionally disturbed

CT scans in childhood increase cancer risk: study

Shakespeare theatre unearthed in London

The Kosher Gourmet by Faith Durand: Sweet, spicy, salty and melting in the middle: Ginger and Cilantro Baked Tilapia --- or flounder or snapper or . . .

Jonathan Tobin: Winning Six Day War doomed Israel?

Fred Weir: Russia returning to its old ways?

In Disney's Wonderful World, apparently teaching responsibility is a fantasy

Melissa Healy: That guilt you feel? There's a place (in your brain) for that

Schuyler Velasco: 'Bachelorette' lawsuit settled. Can spoilers help reality TV?

Kiplinger Reports, Summarized

Harvard Health Letters: After heart attack, 'going by the book' can be wrong

Nicci Micco, M.S.: True or false: How much do you really know about cholesterol?

Joan Goldwasser: 3 Rewards Credit Cards for Big Spenders

The Kosher Gourmet by Diane Rossen Worthington: Breakfast Egg Crostini: Scrumptious breakfast bites

Mitchell Landsberg: An unspoken campaign truce on issues of faith

UN body to bestow heritage statuses on make-believe country:

Anna Mulrine: How a US strike on Syria might look: cyberwar could play key role

From diplomacy to diss: Country turns table on Obama, demanding apology . . . or else

David G. Savage: High Court ponders -- and rules on -- safety and security v. free speech

Kimberly Lankford: Annuities on the Rise in 401(k) Plans

Harvard Health Letters: Side effects of cortisone shots

Eryn Brown: Turning DNA into a hard drive

Study shows how dyslexic children can read faster and better

The Kosher Gourmet by Linda Gassenheimer: Deep-Dish Apple Pie: 4 Tricks to Make It Healthier and Still Delicious

Jeffrey Fleishman and Amro Hassan: Mubarak gets life sentence in an Egypt not yet free of his grip

Aminu Abubakar: At least 15 Christians murdered by practitioners of that 'religion of peace' in Nigerian church bombing

Israel's enemies agree to take responsibility for 'permanent refugees' of Judea and Samaria

Vietnam opens new areas for US MIA hunt

David G. Savage: When is a campaign donation a bribe? Supreme Court may decide

Kiplinger Reports, Summarized

Jeffrey R. Kosnett: Stay Calm to Profit in This Bond Market

Harvard Health Letters: Faint knowledge

Thomas Goldsmith: Efforts mount to cut improper use of antipsychotics for seniors

The Kosher Gourmet by Hilary Meyer : Deep-Dish Apple Pie: 4 Tricks to Make It Healthier and Still Delicious

Rabbi Dr. Warren Goldstein: In the army now . . . and always

Caroline B. Glick: The reign of the fantasists

Wesley Pruden: The curse of a golden tongue

Warren Richey: Why a federal court struck down the Defense of Marriage Act

New therapy motivates paralyzed rats to walk

Amina Khan: Elderly people pass the smell test

Our galaxy on a collision course with another: NASA

Women, tie-sellers targeted in Iran clothing purge

The Kosher Gourmet by Marialisa Calta : A saute of spring vegetables that's fresh, fast, healthy and delicious (TWO RECIPES)

Polish Jews, gentiles demand personal apology from Obama for WW II slur

Kyle Scott: With 'Lord on their side,' Romney and Republicans may very well prevail

Clifford D. May : Whose Middle East Policy Is It, Anyway?

US sees window for Iran nuclear talks closing

Kimberly Lankford: Navigate a Course for Long-Term Care

Sue Hubbard, M.D. : The Kid's Doctor: Viruses Linger During End of School Year

Dose of zinc boosts recovery chances for sick babies

Israeli scientists invent 'cannabis without the high'

Blacks, whites in US shunning diverse areas: study

The Kosher Gourmet by Mario Batali: Famed chef Mario Batali introduces us to the king of custards, Sicilian style

Jill Coody Smits: Field Guide To The Overachiever

Obama 'misspoke' over Nazi death camp says White House :

Religion, gay row won't impact Pacquiao in ring

Hillary meets wife of US aid worker jailed in Cuba

Chris Farrell: Before you buy that dream house today

Harvard Health Letters: Is Vaseline a good face cream?

Bernard Gersh, M.B., Ch.B., D.Phil.: Mayo Clinic Medical Edge: New blood thinners offer new benefits, but also drawbacks

India's unlikely romance with Ayn Rand

The Kosher Gourmet by Diane Rossen Worthington: A happy combination of flavors: Shredded Kale and Romaine Salad with Quinoa, Currants and Almonds

Rabbi Yonason Goldson: Thinking About Faith

Mark Clayton: Is Hillary's State Dept. hacking Al Qaeda? Not quite

David G. Savage: Supreme Court limits protection against double jeopardy

Ashley Powers: A nightmare, then conviction is tossed

Erika Bolstad: Temple cancels Wasserman Schultz speech

Deroy Murdock: WWII hero Karski to receive U.S. Medal of Freedom

Kimberly Lankford: Health Coverage for College Grads

New therapy helps tinnitus sufferers

Jeff Jacoby: The peace process battered Israel's reputation

Clifford D. May: What Iran's Rulers Want

Michael Muskal: 'Pro-choice' position hits record low, according to poll

Bryan McIver, M.B., Ch.B., Ph.D.: Mayo Clinic Medical Edge: Understanding hyperthyroidism and its variety of treatment options

Art Markman, Ph.D.: Get smart: How to bulk up your creativity muscles

Environmental Nutrition editors: The lowdown on a low-acid diet

Caroline B. Glick: Embracing dangerous delusions and not our friends

The Kosher Gourmet by Faith Duran : Cheesy Potato Breakfast Casserole with Cheddar and Sun-Dried Tomatoes

Jackson Holahan: The Aleppo Codex

Jonathan Tobin : Iran Declares Victory in Nuclear Talks

Nando Pelusi, Ph.D.: The privacy paradox: Surrounded by strangers, we risk isolation, anxiety

Harvard Health Letters: Heart disease and dementia

Rabbi B. Shafier: Why happiness will always be elusive

Jett Stone: Forget face-lifts and fake knees. Scientists have seen the fountain of youth --- and it's broccoli

Clifford D. May: The Real Palestinian Refugee Problem

Jeff Bertolucci: Get Home Phone Service for Less Than $10 a Month

The Kosher Gourmet by Betty Rosbottom: Gleaming with its golden, crimson, and snowy white hues, this silken smooth and creamy STRAWBERRY ORANGE TRIFLE looks impressive, but is easy to prepare

John Rosemond: Parents, stop destroying the American male

Rabbi Nathan Lopes Cardozo: Holy 'trivialities'

Frank J. Gaffney Jr.: Wanted: A competent commander in chief: Obama's leadership is resulting in a degraded military

Sarah Korones: Curing insomnia, naturally

Frank J. Gaffney Jr.: Losing the jihadists' war on America: lslamist propaganda is slowly blinding us to the enemy within

Martha Grogan, M.D.: Mayo Clinic Medical Edge: Energy Drinks Can Have a Variety of Adverse Effects on the Body

Harvard Health Letter: Say 'good night' to neck pain

Melissa Healy: Blood test looks promising in diagnosing depression

Ewen Callaway: Fighting Drugs With the Power of Sleep

Clifford D. May: Dare we actually listen to the Islamists?

Julie Bodenmann: Keen Cuisine: Time to Go Nuts

Mary Pickett, M.D.: Ask the Harvard experts: Do statins prevent dementia?

Frank J. Gaffney Jr.: Truth about Islam or lies?

Mary Beth McCauley: The faith factor: What Campaign 2012's taking religion seriously says about us

Rabbi Tzvi Hersh Weinreb: Commuting and Commenting: Conversations of a Life in Motion

Michal Ish Shalom: Tombstone sleuth

Rabbi Nathan Lopes Cardozo: Authentic Religiosity: Reality or Dream?

Clifford D. May: The Case for Palestinian Nationalism

Rabbi Y.Y. Rubinstein: A parenting guide for the perplexed

Chief Rabbi Dr Warren Goldstein: Laughter And Destiny

Mordechai Schiller: Salute to a Liberator

Caroline B. Glick : With friends like these

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