Jewish World Review / August 31, 1998 / 9 Elul, 5758
Don Feder
IT'S A HUMID AUGUST EVENING and Sen. John Ashcroft, Republican of Missouri and
presidential hopeful, is talking to about 30 people in a backyard in Manchester, N.H.
Though the senator doesn't mention the Clinton follies (the presidential libido and a cast
of thousands) in his off-the-cuff comments, the subject is broached by a question from
the audience.
While most of his party cowers in a corner, the Missourian has been out front here.
When the scandal broke in January, Ashcroft said the president should resign if the
allegations were true.
He's a graduate of Yale and the University of Chicago Law School. But the senator's
views are also informed by his background as the son and grandson of evangelical
Ashcroft may have the most polished resume of any of the aspirants for 2000 -- one
term as state auditor, two terms as Missouri attorney general, two terms as governor
and now a senator since 1995.
In Democratic-leaning Missouri, Ashcroft was re-elected governer by 64 percent of the
vote and carried every county in the state in his Senate race.
Add to his experience the Ashcroft advantage. On national issues, all of the other
prospective GOP candidates are saying to conservatives, who ultimately will decide the
nomination, "If elected, this is what I'll do for you."
Ashcroft alone can say, "This is what I'm doing for you, right now, today."
In the Senate, he led the conservative revolt against the leadership's Scroogian tax-cut
plan, which, the senator noted in an article in Investor's Business Daily, would have
resulted in tax relief of a whole $1.83 a month for each American.
Ashcroft also led the charge against National Endowment for the Arts funding and the
judicial nomination, eventually withdrawn, of Frederica Massiah-Jackson (who never
met a criminal she didn't want to cuddle).
He tried unsuccessfully to block David Satcher, Clinton's pick for surgeon general, for
his stands on abortion and drugs, so reminiscent of Satcher's predecessor, the
certifiable Joycelyn Elders.
Clinton's tobacco bill was not to Ashcroft's liking. "The only things in Washington more
addictive than nicotine are taxes and spending," he told delegates to the South Carolina
Republican State Convention in May, then led a field of 22 in their presidential straw
He has fought to end the federal marriage tax penalty, by which the average married
couple, filing jointly, pays an additional $1,400 annually. "Our tax system in America is
at war with our values as Americans," Ashcroft comments. Religious and fiscal
conservatives harmonize in singing his praises.
Insiders wonder if this gentleman farmer can raise the necessary bread for a
presidential campaign. Keith Appell, an Ashcroft consultant, notes the senator's Spirit
of America PAC exceeded its 1997 fundraising ($300,000) in the first month of 1998.
Its goal for the current year ($1 million) was passed in June.
Should Ashcroft run, Appell says, the campaign will be based on message, media,
momentum and money.
Message he certainly has. Discussing standard GOP issues (taxes, the growth of
government) Ashcroft is adequate. When he talks about character and values, as he
did in an interview after the Manchester meeting, he rises above the Republican herd.
Clinton's conduct and his excuse-making "devalues the morality of the American
people," Ashcroft told me. "It sets a low level of expectation. It tells people entering
marriage that they will probably fail, thereby creating an expectation of failure."
To pleas that we forgive the president and move on, the senator notes that forgiveness
is a spiritual not a political concept. "The state's role is to enforce the law and
implement justice," not to grant absolution. The same may be said of the body politic.
"If all a person had to do was confess to avoid consequences, confessions would
constitute a license to do wrong, granted after the fact," Ashcroft observes. "That
would give us a lot of forgiveness and a lawless society."
Unlike the smarmy scoundrel in the White House, he doesn't blubber and rush to lock
us in a consoling embrace. Instead, he speaks moral sense from America's heartland.
To relax, John Ashcroft plays the piano -- like another Missouri senator. And, like Harry
Truman, Ashcroft's plain talking echoes with the virtues that made America -- well,
Ashcroft's plain talking touches responsive chord
He is succinct and sensible, "What happens in the Oval Office, on the job, between the
president and a 21-year-old intern is the people's business," Ashcroft declares.
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