Jewish World Review /May 13, 1998 / 17 Iyar, 5758
Don Feder
ISN'T IT ENOUGH to have a president who can't keep his fly zipped? Must we suffer the
further indignity of a first lady who can't keep her mouth shut -- who, absent the
semblance of a mandate, is driven to policy-making?
To the question, when did Hillary Rodham Clinton become secretary of state, the
answer is: on the same day that she became attorney general, secretary of education,
etc. -- January 20, 1993, the day the groom of Frankenstein became our 42nd
From Abigail Adams to Barbara Bush, other first ladies knew that no one had elected
them to public office and that the expression of their views on controversial subjects
should await their memoirs.
Not Hillary, who last week blundered into the mine field of Middle East politics, tripping
the light fantastic on a claymore.
In a global-satellite interview, the first lady made a pitch for Palestinian statehood. "It
would be in the long-term interests of peace in the Middle East for there to be a state
of Palestine ... a functioning, modern state that is on the same footing as other states,"
Hillary chirped.
Indeed, to the same extent that it was in the interests of peace in Europe for a former
corporal of the kaiser's army to take the helm of the German government in 1933.
The Yassir Arafat is second only to Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin as the major murderer
of Jews in this century. He is a liar, a thug and a man consumed by his mission to
annihilate the Jewish state.
On May 6, another Jew was stabbed to death in Jerusalem -- yet another crime Arafat
has failed to condemn. In the same week, he allowed Abu Abbas (the murderer of
American Leon Klinghoffer) to set up shop in Gaza. Last month, the Palastinian leader
again told an interviewer that the Oslo Accords are merely a tactical maneuver in the
"phased plan" for the piecemeal dismemberment of Israel.
Does Hillary Kissinger understand the implications of Palestinian "statehood"? Her
"fuctioning, modern state" will be a terrorist enclave dedicated to the destruction of
America's best friend in the Middle East, allied with Libya and Iraq, sitting on Israel's
borders with tanks, shoulder-launched rockets and biological weapons.
Since her undergraduate, anti-war days, Hillary has been an ideologue with an airy
disdain for reality.
In the '60s, she and Bill thought a North Vietnamese victory would be in the long-term
interests of peace in Southeast Asia. A quarter of a century, 3 million dead
Cambodians and 1 million Vietnamese boat people later, it's difficult to fathom the
credulity of that young lady with the Coke-bottle thick glasses in a navy peacoat.
Is she ever haunted by the ghosts of political delusions past? Probably not. Hillary is a
Robespierrian citizen of the Republic of Virtue, who drifts through life formulating
theories about what's best for: peace, families, children, patients -- fill in the blank.
Never mind the growing mound of heads at the base of the guillotine.
Consequences are never seriously considered. Take It Takes A Village, the manifesto
of the Clintons' new child-care initiative. Day care, social parenting -- yeah. Declare a
crisis, then solve it with a new federal program.
But don't think about the long-term implications of encouraging parents to default on
their primary responsibility by assigning the upbringing of their children to strangers.
Federal day care might do for middle-class families what welfare did for black families.
Hillary's policy-making debut was her 1993 health-care initiative, an attempt to
nationalize an $800-billion industry. Dr. Rodham thought that would be in the long-term
interests of the uninsured.
But what happens when government controls the health-care purse strings? Rationing?
Patient triage? Again, never look at an issue too closely. Never ask those
uncomfortable what-ifs.
Hillary is part of an arrogant, overeducated, experience-deficient, cliche-driven,
American elite that considers itself ordained by destiny to order the fate of the little
people, be they Southeast Asians, Israelis or American families.
Early in 1992, Hillary would caper before campaign audiences, chortling, "If you vote
for him, you get me." Absent a miracle from special prosecutor Kenneth Starr, we'll
have her for the next three years. Lucky
Hillary knows what's best for everyone
Pre-Hillary, first ladies understood the part the nation wanted them to play -- a
reassuring projection of domestic harmony (in the Clintons' case, a real challenge)
combined with charitable involvement.
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