Don Feder
GOOD CITIZEN that she is, Sandra Feldman is eager to alert us to a mortal menace to
education -- school vouchers. Not coincidentally,
In a recent radio ad, Feldman warned, "Advocates for school vouchers claim they
would do for education what free enterprise has done for our economy." The AFT head
countered by citing a number of for-profit trade schools (that "sprang up to cash in on
public funds for education") that failed rather dramatically.
"Free-market systems are good," Feldman admitted, "but they assume there will be
many failures. In public education, we can't accept that. Yes, too many public schools
fall short (now there's a revelation), but the answer is to fix them, not assume the
market will do the right thing for all kids."
Fix them? How? You know -- cut another hole in taxpayers' pockets. After all, public
education expenditures are only $300 billion annually. And they've only increased 44
percent (in real dollars) in the past 15 years.
Teachers unions are terribly concerned about Americans falling for what they decry as
a scam, so much so that when a choice measure was on the California ballot in 1993,
the California Teachers Association spent a record $15 million to defeat it. Here is
concern verging on hysteria.
Feldman says that in public education, failure is unacceptable. Unacceptable -- but
The latest indication of the enormity of this calamity was a survey by Public Agenda (an
organization well-disposed to the public schools) released in January.
In the opinion poll, 76 percent of college professors and 63 percent of employers said
a high-school diploma from a public school is no guarantee of a basic education.
Also, 68 percent of employers claim graduates aren't prepared to succeed in the
workplace, and 52 percent of professors indicate that the incoming freshmen they
encounter lack the skills to do college-level work.
A New York City employer, quoted in the study, commented: "They can't spell. And
there are other major flaws in their memos. The tenses are not consistent, and all kinds
of things are wrong."
According to Investors Business Daily, this has led to a sharp increase in the
companies offering remedial training, from 4 percent in 1989 to 20 percent today.
Additionally, 22 percent of the freshmen enrolled in four-year colleges in 1995, and 41
percent of those in two-year colleges, take remedial classes.
Public education fails for the same reason collective farms and state factories don't
work. If education vouchers are based on the free-market/competition paradigm, public
education is vintage socialism.
The late Albert Shanker, Feldman's predecessor, once confessed: "It's time to admit
that public education operates like a command economy ... there are few incentives for
innovation or productivity. It's no surprise that our school system doesn't improve: It
more resembles the communist economy than our own market economy."
Shanker, who also opposed vouchers (common sense seldom overcomes
self-interest), hoped that competition among public schools would create a
quasi-marketplace in education. This is wishful thinking in the extreme.
The only significant vouchers experiment in the country (the education lobby has
managed to kill the rest) is in Milwaukee. While sketchy, the results to date are
Equally significant is data showing that poor families are desperate to escape the
public-school gulag. In October 1997, the Washington Scholarship Fund announced that
it had received a grant enabling it to provide an additional 1,000 scholarships to private
or religious schools for low-income D.C. residents.
As of Jan. 31, it had received 7,573 applications -- one for every six children in the
District who are eligible for assistance.
Last fall, a bipartisan coalition in the House of Representatives introduced a measure to
provide 2,000 federally funded scholarships to Washington children. Sen. Edward
Kennedy, who sent his own kids to prep schools, fussed, "D.C. parents and ministers
and local leaders have made it clear that they do not want vouchers." For teachers'
unions and their tools, no lie is too fantastic.
The response to Feldman is this: If vouchers are such a flawed concept, if they would
lead to a fiasco so palpable as to impress all but the most obtuse, why won't the
education lobby allow a national test? Then we would all accept their analysis.
It's not failure, but success, that terrifies
Vouchers Terrify Teachers' Union
Feldman is also the president of the
950,000-member American Federation of Teachers.
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