Jewish World Review /June 24, 1998 /30 Sivan, 5758
Don Feder
WHEN BILL CLINTON SHAKES HANDS with the devil in Tiananmen Square, the Taiwanese will have every reason to be nervous.
"Will We Have To Go To War For Taiwan?" asks the headline in a June 22 Time
magazine story.
If America is resolute, it need never come to that. Rather, the question is: Will Clinton
push Taipei into negotiating its existence with the People's Republic?
Beijing salivates at the thought of dining on Taiwanese take-out. The communists are
eager to expropriate its $80 billion in foreign-exchange reserves and incorporate the
productive capacity of the world's 14th largest trading nation.
In shaping Chinese policy toward Taiwan, greed vies with fear. Suppose that in 1939,
there were a German state on the borders of the Reich whose inhabitants were free,
happy and prosperous. Would Hitler feel threatened by the implicit challenge of such an
That gives you an idea of how the Marxist mandarins view this isle of peace and plenty
-- the first Chinese democracy in 5,000 years of Middle Kingdom history.
In a decade, Taiwan has gone from authoritarianism to an open society with 84
registered political parties and over 350 newspapers.
Per capita, Taiwan exports $4,400 in merchandise each year, compared to $130 for
the mainland. Taiwanese with higher education are 12.5 percent of the population (in
the People's Republic, it's only 1.4 percent). If you ever have a choice between
spending a Saturday evening in Taipei or Canton, don't think twice.
In May, Maximum Despot Jiang Zemin summoned the party's elite to a three-day
conference to discuss the reunification of Taiwan. They concluded that an all-out effort
should be made to accelerate the process.
The People's Republic insists that negotiations be conditioned on its one-China canon.
By this it means that the communist regime is the sole legitimate authority over all of
China. Taiwan is merely a fractious province.
The communists offer the Taiwanese the one-nation, two-systems formula promised
Hong Kong prior to June 1997. Beijing's first act after marching into the former British
colony was to replace its elected legislature with a rubber-stamp body. It has since
allowed a minority of members to be chosen by popular vote.
Taiwan's President Lee Teng-hui responds that there are two governments in China,
one on the mainland and the other on Taiwan. It's been almost 50 years since Taipei
was ruled from Beijing. In the past century, the mainland and island were united for
exactly four years.
To say that there are two Chinese governments is to give a dictatorship more
deference than it deserves and a democracy less.
Only one government was chosen by ballots; the other is maintained with whips and
chains. Only one allows an independent press, respects religious freedom and has
renounced the use of force in international affairs.
After launching missiles into the waters off Taiwan in 1996 in an attempt to sabotage
its presidential election, calling Taiwan's elected leader the "harlot of history," bending
every effort to diplomatically isolate the island and loudly proclaiming that the military
option is always open, Beijing actually expects the Taiwanese to welcome talks
designed to extinguish their freedom.
To secure Clinton's help, China will dangle the bait of cooperation in areas like its arms
trade with the Third World. If the president bites, he will justify our meddling as
facilitating the resolution of a potentially explosive situation.
America would be insane to push Lee toward reunification. If Taiwan falls, there will be
many sleepless nights in the Philippines, the next target of Chinese territorial ambition.
Like Munich, Beijing's success at blackmail would fuel future aggression.
And yet, Clinton has prodded Israel into a disastrous deal with another terrorist gang. If
he would betray our only reliable ally in the Middle East, what would he do to an island
that we don't even recognize as a sovereign state?
Why should a president who compromised U.S. security by giving Beijing the
technology to upgrade its missiles care about Taiwan's security?
On June 9, the House passed a resolution (411 to 0) urging Clinton to seek assurances
from Beijing that it will never use force or the threat thereof against the island. It's
comforting to know that someone understands America's interests in East
Will Clinton betray Taiwan?
The other represses its subjects,
exports weapons of mass destruction and tries to intimidate its neighbors.
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