Jewish World Review /June 15, 1998 /21 Sivan, 5758
Don Feder
THERE WAS A TIME when the village atheist sounded somewhat intelligent or was at least
interesting, if not original. Today, he could double as the village idiot.
Driving to work, I had the misfortune of tuning in to the morning mouth on a local talk
station. In an effort to goad listeners into reacting, he declared that religion is dying in
America and (in his opinion) a damned good thing it is.
The excuses given for this Madalyn Murray O'Hair tirade were a case of clerical
misconduct and the reported appearance of the Virgin Mary in a freezer chest. On the
other hand, he may just have been having a spiritual bad-hair day.
He claimed that the Catholic Church can't recruit priests, that Jews are intermarrying,
so they're disappearing, and that by and large people are too savvy to fall for a bunch
of "shabby card tricks performed 3,000 years ago."
Still, no discussion of faith should neglect the prophet of the proletariat. The horrors of
the 20th century -- shaped by intellectuals like Marx and Friedrich Nietzsche -- show
the true face of a world without God.
The century's mass murderers (Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot) all were godless men.
They offered humanity a world free of the drug of divine love. The result was death
camps, gulags and killing fields.
Religion dying in America? I doubt it. Today, 63 percent of American families say grace
or give thanks before meals, compared to 43 percent in 1947.
There are two Americas, one militantly (or inadvertently) secular, the other religious or
groping in that direction. As the Bible says, by their works, you shall know them.
An appreciation for the redemptive power of faith is cropping up in the most unlikely
places. Lately, our devoutly secular news magazines have discovered that religion
treats social trauma.
The April 20 issue of Time magazine had an article on "Brother Bill" Tomes of Chicago,
a Catholic lay worker who, on 53 occasions, has used his body to keep gangs from
shooting up the streets and each other. Time comments, "He understands that he can
be killed, but he knows that this is the core of his work, and he feels an absolute
Newsweek responded with a June 1 cover story ("God vs. Gangs: What's the Hottest
Idea in Crime Fighting? The Power of Religion") on Boston's Rev. Eugene Rivers, a
The magazine observes that both liberals and conservatives are drawn to the
conclusion that: "The only way to rescue kids from the seductions of drug and gang
cultures is with another, more powerful set of values. ... And the only institution with the
spiritual message and the physical presence to offer those traditional values ... is the
The inner city isn't the only place where youths are, in the popular expression, "at risk."
(Roughly 10 percent say they regularly bring a gun to school.) Their need isn't being
met by listening to radio talk shows.
Since a 1990 Supreme Court ruling declared them constitutionally kosher, more than
3,000 after-school prayer groups have formed to bring adolescents the word.
In his new book,
Civility, Yale law professor Stephen Carter identifies the
underpinnings of this virtue (the glue that holds society together) as kindness,
compassion and a willingness to sacrifice for strangers.
Except for totalitarian ideologies, people aren't drawn to sacrifice for secular ideas. It's
been 37 years since a politician called on the American people to sacrifice -- to give up
something for an ideal.
It isn't God who's dying, but the archaic notion that we can somehow live without him,
that a ship without moorings won't quickly become a storm-tossed wreck.
In the 19th century (the high noon of humanistic optimism), it was still possible to
believe that religion was optional. As we reach the bitter dregs of the most godless --
and, consequently, most murderous -- era in history, that quaint illusion has proven as
transitory as the conversation on a morning talk show.
Religion -- God for what ails you
The host, a libertarian, quoted Karl Marx's dictum that religion is the opiate of the
masses. Interesting that this a.m. proponent of laissez-faire believes the father of
communism was so wrong about economics yet so right about metaphysics.
Was the bearded guy wrong about economics,
but right about religion?
Carter writes: "A revival of civility in America will require a revival of all that is best in
religion as a force in our public life. Only religion possesses the majesty, the power and
the sacred language to teach all of us, the religious and the secular, the genuine
appreciation for each other on which a successful civility must rest."
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