
July 3rd, 2024


Joe Biden turning to dangerous rhetoric to deflect from his own weaknesses

Joe Battenfeld

By Joe Battenfeld

Published May 29, 2024

 Joe Biden turning to dangerous rhetoric to deflect from his own weaknesses


Joe Biden is again fueling divisive, hateful rhetoric among his supporters, saying Donald Trump is "unhinged" and must be stopped — in a deliberate strategy to deflect attention from his own mental deficits.

"He's only obsessed with one thing about losing in 2020," Biden said of the former president during a Boston fundraiser Tuesday. "It unhinged him. I meant it. The guy's a little unhinged."

And Trump critics say he is the one spewing hate speech.

But the dangerous rhetoric is coming from Democrats, too, not just MAGA.

"Trump and the MAGA Republicans are in disarray. It's clear when he lost in 2020 something snapped in this guy," Biden prattled on during the Boston fundraiser. "I mean, really, there's something different. He just can't accept the fact that he lost."

If Trump is unhinged, then what about all the voters in battleground states where he's clobbering Biden? Are they losing their minds, too?

Biden is president and should be above going in the gutter.

But his campaign has apparently decided the only way to beat the 77-year-old Trump is to denigrate him personally.

He's not calling for civil discourse and calming things down. Instead, he's completely sliming his opponent — way beyond negative campaigning. And it's apparently okay because Trump is the one being slimed.

The lawsuit strategy against Trump is not working and appears to be backfiring so Democrats are now switching tactics — comparing the Republican opponent to Hitler.

By focusing on Trump's mental status, the 81-year-old Biden is also deflecting criticism of his own mental abilities.

It's a tried and true tactic. Biden is sending a message to the most extreme elements of the party that Trump is a Hitler who won't accept the outcome of the election.

"Trump says if he loses again in November, there will be a bloodbath," Biden said in Boston. "Trump isn't running to lead America. He's running on revenge. He really is."

The Democratic president's decision to portray Trump as losing his mind comes at a dangerous time in the country when voters are concerned about the election getting violent.

A new poll of swing state voters conducted by Bloomberg News and Morning Consult found that half are worried about violence surrounding the election.

Equal numbers of Democrats and Republicans have that fear, and independents are even more concerned about the prospect of violence, the poll showed.

That poll also showed Biden losing by a narrow margin in several key swing states — another reason his campaign has ratcheted up the hate rhetoric.


Joe Battenfeld
Boston Herald/(TNS)

Joe Battenfeld is a veteran Boston Herald political columnist and multimedia reporter.

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