
May 17th, 2024


We the People Must Exert Our Authority

Oliver L. North & David L. Goetsch

By Oliver L. North & David L. Goetsch

Published Oct. 6, 2022

America is the first and only country on Earth to be governed by "We the People." Our Constitution promises, inter alia, to "establish Justice, insure (sic) domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense ... and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity."

Since ratification of the Constitution in June 1788 and of the Bill of Rights in December 1791, tens of millions of Americans, we among them, have donned military and law enforcement uniforms and solemnly swore to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic." More than a million of our comrades have lost their lives in their "last full measure of devotion" to our Constitution while protecting American citizens from tyranny.

We want our children and grandchildren to inherit "the Blessings of Liberty" promised in our Constitution. If that is to happen for our "Posterity," now is the time for every American patriot to "stand guard."

Since January 2022, rapacious politicians, led by the most compromised and destructive president in our lifetimes, have failed us, our Western allies and our nation's future. The hopes and dreams of our progeny have been put at grave risk by the Biden regime's embrace of a far-left, domestic and foreign, globalist agenda.

On his first day in office, Sleepy Joe destroyed our nation's energy independence. Now, with the sabotage of the only undersea pipeline capable of supplying Germany and much of Europe with natural gas to heat homes and businesses in winter, the Biden regime is hoping to consummate a deal with the despotic ayatollahs in Tehran to get fossil fuel for European consumers.

Domestically, the Biden regime's plan to recruit, train and deploy 87,000-plus IRS officials will make biblical tax collectors look like benefactors. His White House has opened our southern border to millions of undocumented immigrants while ignoring an unprecedented nationwide crime wave and horrific overdose deaths from Communist Chinese-concocted fentanyl.

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Meanwhile, our God-given liberties enumerated in the Bill of Rights are being trampled. If that statement seems hyperbolic, ask Ryan-Marie Houck.

Mrs. Houck's husband, Mark, was arrested by more than a dozen heavily armed FBI agents on Friday, Sept. 23, as he and his family started their day. The charge? Nearly a year earlier, Mark twice pushed a man away from his 12-year-old son as the abortion worker harassed the boy for offering prayerful "sidewalk counseling" to those entering an abortion clinic.

A civil suit against Mr. Houck by the Planned Parenthood escort was dismissed in July 2022. But the Biden regime's U.S. attorney general, Merrick Garland, ordered his FBI agents to the Houck home, where they terrified Mr. Houck's family and hauled him off to jail.

A far-left troika — Biden, Pelosi and Schumer — has declared war on Christians, conservatives, hardworking Americans, members of our Armed Forces and anyone unwilling to bow to their unfettered authority. Left unchecked, this terrible trio will convert America into a third-world country governed by unelected globalists thousands of miles from our shores. They are a threat to our Constitution and the Judeo-Christian principles upon which the United States of America was founded. Undeterred, their actions will prevent the USA remaining the freest, most productive, prosperous and generous nation on Earth.

In just 35 days we can stop the Biden, Pelosi, Schumer Troika from destroying our Constitutional Republic. We the People have the power to end their reign of tyranny. Our Founders gave us the weapon we need to avoid a catastrophe. It's called an election.

For all who love "In G od We Trust" on our currency, we must fire another "shot heard 'round the world" by getting out to vote.


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