
May 17th, 2024


Assault on the Sanctity of Human Life

Oliver L. North & David L. Goetsch

By Oliver L. North & David L. Goetsch

Published May 17, 2022

Assault on the Sanctity of Human Life
For nearly two weeks, thousands of pro-abortion activists have been protesting at the Supreme Court — and at the homes of several justices — hoping to prevent the court from reversing the Jan. 22, 1973, Roe v. Wade decision granting women the right to choose death for their unborn babies without government restrictions. Since then, more than 60 million babies have been murdered. But Roe did more than legalize infanticide; it launched an assault on the sanctity of human life. This past weekend, two mass shootings provided further proof of this assertion.

On Saturday, May 14, while pro-abortion protesters were threatening the safety of Justices Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett, a hate-filled 18-year-old drove more than three hours to Buffalo, New York, to kill 10 and wound three mostly Black Americans. He told investigators all he cared about was the color of their skin.

On Sunday, May 15, a lone gunman opened fire in Geneva Presbyterian Church in Orange County, California, killing one parishioner and seriously wounding four more. At this point we don't know his motive, but we do know he has no regard for the sanctity of human life.

In our new book, "Tragic Consequences: The Price America is Paying for Rejecting G od , we warn of the destructive consequences of pushing G od out of our culture. Chapters 3 and 4 deal with both issues — abortion and mass shootings.

No consequence of rejecting G od equals abortion in its devastating effects. A society that chooses death for unborn babies places no value on human life. This is why such tragedies as mass shootings, gun violence, road rage, human trafficking and child abuse have become common in America. These travesties are defining characteristics of a Godless culture.

Abortion advocates fear the Supreme Court will shine a light on this heinous practice. An open, honest debate on abortion is a nightmare for its advocates. They scrupulously avoid using the word abortion because it describes the barbaric act they support. This is why they engage in semantic subterfuge, calling abortion "choice" instead of what it is: the murder of a baby. It's why they call an unborn baby a "fetus." Referring to a human being growing in its mother's womb as a baby — as President Joe Biden recently did — would require advocates to admit abortion kills an innocent child.

The number of abortions performed in America annually is declining slightly but still exceeds 600,000. Truth may yet prevail. If abortion is a good thing, there would be no need to engage in semantic subterfuge. If it were righteous, people would call it what it is. If abortion weren't an abomination, abortion practitioners wouldn't resort to dehumanizing an unborn baby by calling it a "choice."

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Abortion advocates argue their cause by citing rape and incest. But these represent a tiny percentage of abortions performed in America and do not justify murder. The overwhelming majority of abortions are performed for convenience. More than 90% of abortions are performed on healthy women carrying healthy babies. According to the organization Feminists for Life of America, the reasons women give most often for choosing abortion are:

— The timing is not good; I'm not ready.

— I cannot afford a baby at this time.

— People depend on me. I have grown children. I'm done with having children.

— My relationship is already troubled; I don't want to become a single mother.

— I am too young to be a mother.

— A child would interfere with my education or career plans.

Is inconvenience a sufficient reason to murder a baby? Does hatred justify mass murder? We better pray for the restoration of the sanctity of life.


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