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Jewish World Review

September 9, 2013

Words should be weighed, not counted.   —   Yiddish Proverb

Darwin's conundrum: Where does compassion come from?
By Jeff Jacoby

A theological and scientific challenge to the highly enlightened

reality check
Could the Oslo Fiasco Have Been Averted?
By Jonathan Tobin

When the 20th anniversary of the beginning of the "New Middle East" is marked later this week, the occasion will be one that will be largely devoted to recriminations rather than celebrations. This is an error

Historic Christian village seized by Syrian rebels, including al-Qaida jihadis
By Mitchell Prothero

A coalition of Syrian rebel groups that includes members of al-Qaida took control of one of the oldest Christian villages in the world on Sunday, raising concern about the potential destruction of ancient shrines and churches

Only worry about 'boot on the ground'?
By Mark Clayton

Retaliation against America will likely be waged by multiple nations in cyberwar

in the money
15 biases that make you do dumb things with your money
By Morgan Housel

Shady financial advisors and incompetent CEOs don't harm your returns a fraction of the amount your own behavior does

Rights to 'World Trade Center' name were sold for $10
By Shawn Boburg

The secret deal that's almost too crazy to believe

ess, ess/ eat, eat!
The Kosher Gourmet
By Mario Batali

The famed chef's roasted mushrooms and Lambrusco secco, the perfect Taste of fall

4 books

[ W O R T H  1 0 0 0  W O R D S  ]

Ripleys Believe It Or Not!
Andy Capp
The Born Loser
Frank & Ernest
The Grizzwells
Moderately Confused
One Big Happy
Prickly City
The Wizard of Id

Eric Allie
Robert Arial
Robert Arial BONUS!
Nate Beeler
Lisa Benson
Lisa Benson BONUS!
Chip Bok
Chip Bok BONUS!
Daryl Cagle
John Darkow
John Deering
John Deering BONUS!
Bob Englehart
Bob Gorrell
Jerry Holbert
Taylor Jones
Mike Keefe
Steve Kelley
Gary McCoy
Rick McKee
Rick McKee BONUS!
Milt Priggee
Steve Sack
Scott Stantis
Scott Stantis BONUS!
Gary Varvel
Gary Varvel BONUS!
Christopher Weyant
Christopher Weyant BONUS!
Adam Zyglis
Michael Ramirez
Michael Ramirez BONUS!

(Attention working columnists and editorial cartoonists: Think you have what it takes to be featured on JWR? Drop us a note by clicking here. Readers, please make suggestions, as well.)

[ L I F E S T Y L E S ]

Bookmark These: Past and present of labor laws

Ask Doctor K by Anthony L. Komaroff, M.D.: Low back pain has many causes, many treatments

Bruce Williams on JWR: Circumstances dictate the best length of term insurance; more

Monica Crowley: Wage a War, Wag the Dog

Julia Gorin: Chelsea 'Serbs are Genociders' Handler: Grandpa was a Nazi Soldier

[ I N S I G H T ]

Mark Steyn: Blunt words about Muslim backwardness

Argus Hamilton: The News in Zingers

News of the Weird by Chuck Shepherd: The Continuing Crisis

Mitch Albom: Why twerking leaves some of us unmoved

Mona Charen: Why Miley Cyrus Matters

Suzanne Fields: Check or Checkmate for Obama

Michael Reagan:: Presidential Dithering

Wesley Pruden:: A legacy for Barack Obama

Steve Chapman: Empty Moralism on Syria

Linda Chavez:: What Syria Means for Future U.S. Influence

Paul Greenberg: Ethics vs. professional ethics

Jonah Goldberg:: Is there more than madness to Obama's methods?

Michael Gerson:: Rallying around a gesture

Robert J. Samuelson: Making a lackluster economy self-fulfilling

Diana West: Obama's 'credibility' is not something americans should die for

David Limbaugh: On Syria, Obama Is All Over the Map

David Shribman: President Obama puts Syria to a vote in Congress, but must he respect the result?

Dana Milbank: Adam Kinzinger, bucking the RINO charge

Debra J. Saunders: Pelosi's Rocky Road to Peace in Damascus

Dick Morris: Say No On Syria

Kathleen Parker: Just a little bit of war against Syria

Rich Lowry: War by euphemism

Michelle Malkin: One Year Later: Camp Bastion Families Still Fighting for Truth

Charles Krauthammer: Unless he's serious, vote no

Bill O': Back to School

Mallard Filmore

Dry Bones

George Will: Clinton vs. Christie? It's not too soon to become dismayed


Rabbi Dr. Warren Goldstein: Rosh HaShana: The Birth of Freedom

Jonathan Tobin: Israel's defenders should be doing Obama's bidding on Syria, don't you know?

Nat Hentoff: Endless extermination of Christians: How much do we care?

Jonathan S. Landay:It's not only Americans who are befuddled by Obama's Syria policy

Daniel B. Wood: From chickens in every pot to iPads in every backpack?

Elizabeth Barber How one scientist hacked another scientist's brain

The Kosher Gourmet by Bill Daley: Sweetly cool for the new year: Festive desserts for a summery Rosh Hashana

Rabbi Dr. Abraham J. Twerski: Let's face it: Some lives are more valuable than others, right?

Caroline B. Glick: Bluster, bluff and backstabbing: Obama's bread and circuses

Truman Brody-Boyd:Security you can see in Israel

Morgan Housel: If this scares you, you shouldn't be investing

Michael Craig Miller, M.D. : Ask the Harvard Experts: Close relationships help you live longer --- and enjoy life more?

Jewz in the Newz by Nate Bloom James Franco Roasted on Comedy Central; Huge Number of Jewish Comedians Featured in NBC Special; Rosanna Arquette Marries a Mentch: Really a Mentch!

The Kosher Gourmet by Faith Durand: Sweet Potato Hash with Caramelized Onions, Sausage and Eggs, a make-ahead brunch


Better late than never? Over 40 Auschwitz guards 'to face German justice'

Edmund Sanders: Israel says it won't stay on sidelines if Syria attacks

George Friedman of Statfor: Obama's Bluff

Stephen Whiteside, Ph.D.: Mayo Clinic Medical Edge: Parenting a child with anxiety

Sharon Palmer, R.D. Wheat: Friend or foe?

The Kosher Gourmet by Faye Levy: Chocolate triumphs in chilled desserts (5 Recipes!)

Jonathan Tobin: A Rabbi Who Can't Tell the Difference Between Iran and America

Harry Bruinius: Could Mrs. Anthony Weiner finally destroy the political career that her hubby, try as he might, couldn't?

Maura Dolan: Atheist parolee sent back to prison must be compensated, court rules

Abby Olena: Fruit juices and smoothies: Dangerous for your health?

Melissa Healy: New studies offer insights to identifying early-onset dementia

Wet noses to the touchscreen, iPads go to the dogs

The Kosher Gourmet by Bev Bennett: This delightful pear and chicken salad mixes a symphony of tastes, spices with crunch

David Zucchino: This man wants to be the Navy's first humanist chaplain

David Zucchino: This man wants to be the Navy's first humanist chaplain

Howard LaFranchi: Crisis in Egypt: US seeks to preserve influence. Is there any left?

Controversy mars historic Merkel visit to Nazi death camp

Melissa Healy: Unavoidable mineral may be playing key role in spreading Alzheimer's

Susan King: The sad life of a funnyman

Ellen Jean Hirst: State agency's website offers Klingon translation

The Kosher Gourmet by Betty Rosbottom: Creamy linguine with zucchini, garlic and capers provides flavor punch as well as verdant splashes of color

Rabbi Benjamin Hecht : How to Know You're Right While Thinking You Could Be Wrong

Caroline B. Glick: Never since America's founding has the US appeared so untrustworthy, destructive, irrelevant and impotent

Edmund Sanders Rise in 'academic doping' on campus

Diana West: When will the media notice that al-Jazeera America is the Muslim Brotherhood channel?

Morgan Housel: What I plan to do when the market crashes

Jewz in the Newz by Nate Bloom: Marty Glickman Documentary: Great Jewish Athlete/Sportscaster; Tony Bennett's Daughter Chooses Judaism; The Monaco Royal Family Circus

Kristen Chick: Christians confronting their own Kristalnacht-like attacks in Egypt

Iran says it has about 18,000 nuclear centrifuges

Colleen Wright Rise in 'academic doping' on campus

Mark Johnson : The end of diseases may no longer be science fiction

Evan Halper: Liberal California ruling-in explosion of food stamp requests

US artist turns $1,000 dumpster into tiny home

The Kosher Gourmet by Noelle Carter: This crispy French toast is to die for

Rabbi Tzvi Hersh Weinreb: Dangerous phrase, popular as it may be, contradicts everything we know about the human experience

Ben Kamisar All US nuclear reactors vulnerable to terrorism, probe finds

Christopher J. Gearon How to Find the Best Center for Assisted Living

Monte Morin: Prostate cancer tumors' aggressiveness may be inherently fixed

Geoffrey Mohan Typhoid Mary case may be cracked, a century later

Jewz in the Newz by Nate Bloom : Liev Schreiber Plays LBJ; Steve Jobs Bio-Pic; Dr. Evil's Son Gets Mean; Pressel Plays Golf for the United States

The Kosher Gourmet by Marialisa Calta: Rethinking the taco: Portobello and zucchini; beans-and-greens with goat cheese

Christa Case Bryant: Jihadis dig in as Egypt cracks down on terrorist sandbox in Sinai

Ali Watkins: Senate intelligence panel could seek to declassify documents; it just doesn't

Veronica Chufo Faith communities come up with alternative to health insurance

Melinda Wenner Moyer: Food can affect your behavior --- even when you just look at it

Juan Guarderas, M.D. Chocolate may help keep brain healthy, sharp in old age, study says

Melissa Healy : Be fruitful and . . . your kids will have healthier marriages

The Kosher Gourmet by Diane Rossen Worthington: This summer fruit crisp is a French twist on an American classic

David G. Savage: White House takes GOP side on potentially far-reaching church-state case

Hannah Allam and Adam Baron: New vision of al-Qaida rises from US Embassy closings

Dan Browning 'Informatics' helps doctors unlock medical mysteries in mounds of data

Morgan Housel: The three most important words in investing

Chocolate may help keep brain healthy, sharp in old age, study says

Mary MacVean: Yawning is how dogs show they love you

The Kosher Gourmet by Robert Rodriguez: Grilling brings out smoky sweetness in nectarines, peaches, grapes

Rabbi Berel Wein: Man's role -- and goal -- in prayer is often misunderstood

Caroline B. Glick: Proud to be the Home of the . . . Weak?

Stephen Whiteside, Ph.D. Mayo Clinic Medical Edge: Knowing what triggers anxiety not always necessary to successfully treat it

Morgan Housel: Monkeys and investing

Andrea N. Giancoli, M.P.H., R.D. : Calcium supplements can be risky

Jewz in the Newz by Nate Bloom : Logan Lerman Battles Monsters Directed by a Jewish Guy Named Thor; Portman to Co-Star In; Direct Film About Israel; Dustin Hoffman Cancer Scare and New Role; Hunky Jewish Guy in New Reality Show; More

The Kosher Gourmet by Joanne Capano: Carrot Zucchini Muffins are tasteful and tantalizing

Eytan Kobre : The trials of New York's religious judge

Hannah Allam: Broad US terror alert mystifies experts; 'It's crazy-pants,' one says

Can the moon really affect your sleep?

P.J. Skerrett, M.D.: Retirement and your health

The Kosher Gourmet by Nancy Baggett: Surprisingly seductive chilly dilly creamy cucumber vegetable soup is perfect starter or a light lunch entree

Christa Case Bryant: Israel's 10th grade anti-cyberterrorists

Debra Nussbaum: Does this outfit make me look rude?

Who owns your data when you're dead?

Kimberly Lankford: Alzheimer's care can be less devastating

Jessie Price: 5 facts about quinoa nutrition and cooking this whole grain

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