Jewish World Review / July 27, 1998 / 4 Menachem-Av, 5758
Thomas Sowell
THEY SAY FAITH CAN MOVE MOUNTAINS. It has certainly moved mountains of evidence
beyond the view of those who think that special prosecutor Kenneth Starr is just out to
get the president for partisan reasons. Let us look at some of those mountains.
First of all, Starr's investigation has turned up enough evidence to get more than 20
felony convictions -- not from partisan Republicans, but from a jury of ordinary citizens
in heavily Democratic Arkansas that elected Bill Clinton governor twice. These include
felony convictions against media martyr Susan McDougal, who refuses to say either
"yes" or "no" as to whether Bill Clinton was in on the fraudulent deal that got her
convicted -- and which benefited the joint venture of the Clintons and McDougals in the
Whitewater land deal.
This was not an imaginary crime. It cost the government more millions than Kenneth
Starr's investigation has cost, but budget-minded liberals complain only about the cost
of the investigation. The feds were investigating this crime before anyone ever heard of
Kenneth Starr and before Judge Starr ever heard of Whitewater.
Incidentally, Susan McDougal, this Joan of Arc in the media, is also under indictment for
embezzlement in California -- and not by Kenneth Starr.
The felony conviction of Webster Hubbell was not imaginary either. Nor were the
hundreds of thousands of dollars that suddenly appeared out of nowhere -- or his
subsequent memory failure when time came to provide the evidence he had promised
in exchange for a lenient sentence.
Vernon Jordan is not a figment of anyone's imagination either. Nor are his
extraordinary good deeds for Webster Hubbell and Monica Lewinsky, when they
became potential witnesses against his buddy in the White House. Inexperienced
Monica was offered a $90,000 job.
Vernon Jordan is a lot more important than Monica Lewinsky, even though the media
have overdosed on her. Whether Jordan was, in effect, paying off witnesses to keep
them quiet is a far more important question than what Clinton and Monica did or didn't
do in the Oval Office.
It was also not a figment of anyone's imagination that the death of White House counsel
Vincent Foster came on the day that the first subpoena was issued in the Whitewater
investigation that led to all the felony convictions.
Nor is it something that Kenneth Starr or anyone else made up that White House aides
spent hours ransacking Foster's office before law enforcement officials arrived to
investigate, despite being specifically asked to leave everything as is.
Phone records show that it was not anyone's imagination that those who were
ransacking Foster's office were also making multiple phone calls to Hillary Clinton over
a period of hours, ending after midnight. It is also a matter of record that none of those
aides could remember anything that was said in those phone calls when they were
called to testify under oath.
It is not imaginary that confidential FBI files on hundreds of Republicans were illegally
in the possession of a White House aide and former bouncer. Mass amnesia also struck
the White House when the question was raised as to who hired this man, much less
what he was doing with those files.
The people who illegally gave big bucks from foreign countries to the Clinton
re-election campaign and then fled the country or took the Fifth Amendment are also
not imaginary. They are another mountain that has been moved by faith beyond the
view of the faithful.
The Chinese nuclear missiles that now have American technology to make them more
accurate -- courtesy of Bill Clinton's overruling military experts -- are neither imaginary
nor just something from a Kenneth Starr fishing expedition. God forbid that Americans
should ever learn from experience how real those missiles are.
The Chinese government has already boasted publicly that their missiles can reach
cities in the United States. They certainly got their money's worth from their illegal
financial contributions to Clinton's political slush fund. To Clinton, it was probably just
another day at the office, collecting money and doing favors in return, leaving it to
others to worry about the long-run consequences for the
Faith and mountains
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