Jewish World Review / July 10, 1998 / 16 Tamuz, 5758
Thomas Sowell
"YOU'RE HISTORY!" is one of the popular ways of dismissing someone
Unfortunately, in too many of our schools and colleges today, history itself
is "history."
In many places, history has been replaced by "social studies" -- a
politically correct rendition of current social issues. When there is
history, all too often it is "revisionist" history that looks back through the past
to find things to denounce about America or about Western civilization.
Even the biggest and oldest scholarly organization of historians --
American Historical Association -- has gone politically correct. Not only
they become a lobbying group for various government policies, they take
political positions on things that have nothing to do with history -- AIDS,
environmentalism and "gender diversity," for example.
Too many historians, like too many other academics today, look upon
scholarship and education as an opportunity to carry on politics by other
means. To these politicized professors, the lectern is a soap box and the
students are potential disciples in ideological crusades.
Not everyone in the history profession takes this view, of course.
But few
have stood up to the strident ideologues, who have often been allowed to
become the tail that wags the dog. Now, at last, an alternative organization
for historians in taking shape.
The new organization is called the Historical Society. Its leader,
distinguished historian Eugene Genovese, says that it will focus on plain
history -- not the new trinity of race, class and gender, not esoteric
abstractions or the rest of the self-indulgent agenda of those who see
as just a means to some ideological end.
Predictably, but sadly, the new organization's motives have been
and it is being depicted as a bunch of reactionaries who don't want
looking into things like the postwar development of suburbs or NATO policy.
In point of fact, the new Historical Society has no restrictions and
liberals and leftists, as well as conservatives. Far from being uninterested
in racial issues, its founder, Eugene Genovese, has written one of the
books on slavery in the antebellum South and has spent three years at a
institution, Atlanta University.
The reckless, false and ad hominem charges against the new
organization give
a painful insight into what is wrong with the old one and with the people
have led it down the garden path.
Why is history important? The past is important because the future
important. Without history, many people have no idea how many of today's
baked ideas have been tried, again and again -- and have repeatedly led to
disaster. Most of these ideas are not new. They are just being recycled with
retreaded rhetoric.
Ideas that have become fashionable since the 1960s can be found in
writings of William Godwin in the 1790s. Ancient Greek tyrants played the
political game of redistributing other people's wealth to the poor as a
of gaining despotic power over rich and poor alike. Yet hundreds of millions
of people fell for the same trick in the 20th century -- and tens of
of these people paid with their lives in the Soviet Union under Stalin and
China under Mao.
It is not just bad ideas that history makes us aware of. It also
makes us
aware of how rare our good fortune as Americans has been and what has spared
us the traumas that so many other nations have suffered and still suffer
It is not just our economic prosperity, though that is important. We
have to worry about military coups, though there are countries where juntas
have seized power again and again. Even the racial problems of this country
not begin to compare to what has happened in the Balkans or Rwanda or Sri
Lanka, much less Nazi Germany.
The people who wrote the Constitution of the United States had a
broad and
deep knowledge of history. That is why they wrote the Constitution the way
they did, to cut off despots at the pass, to keep us from slaughtering each
other over religious differences and to prevent politicians from ruining the
However well they did their work, only the living can maintain the
they created. And they can do that only if they understand some of the
of history that are embodied in our laws and institutions -- which are far
more important than the hot topics of the moment that some choose to call
Honest history
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