Thomas Sowell
A RECENT thought-provoking television special on race, hosted by young black talk-show
host Larry Elder, made me think back to World War II and to what might seem like an
As a teenager then, I noticed that there was a Billy Mitchell bomber and a Billy Mitchell
airfield, so naturally I wondered who this man was. When I looked him up in the library,
I discovered that, when Billy Mitchell was alive, he was court-martialed for saying the
very things for which he was now being honored.
Larry Elder is currently being vilified and threatened, and his sponsors are being
boycotted, because he is one of a growing number of "black conservatives" who do not
march in step with the racial party line, as laid down by the likes of Jesse Jackson and
Louis Farrakhan. However, it is only a matter of time before Elder, Clarence Thomas
and others are vindicated. Moreover, they are young enough that it can happen within
their own lifetimes.
The truth has a way of coming out in the long run, even when it is drowned out at first.
Billy Mitchell did not convince people that he was right, events proved that he was right.
He said that planes could sink a battleship but many did not believe him until Japanese
bombers sank four American battleships at Pearl Harbor.
Today, blacks like Larry Elder are only beginning to make their influence felt. But they
don't have to do the whole job. Events are starting to back them up.
The handwriting is on the wall that affirmative action is on its way out, that welfare as a
way of life is in retreat, and that there is not going to be any national apology for
slavery, much less reparations. Talk about the "root causes" of crime is dying out, even
among liberals, and the shift is toward more cops and more prisons.
As a lady in a cartoon said to her hippy-looking husband, who was strumming a guitar
and singing a sixties song: "Knock it off! The sixties are over. For God sake, the
seventies and eighties are over!"
No matter how many times re-runs of civil rights marchers at Selma are shown on TV,
that is over. It is as much history as the landing of American troops on the beaches at
Normandy. It was a great thing for those troops to have stormed the beaches -- but
there is not a single problem in the world today that is going to be solved by landing
more American troops at Normandy.
The race hustlers can still get a lot of mileage out of staging protest marches in the
name of "civil rights," but this is not going to benefit anybody but themselves. Jesse
Jackson can still shake down corporations who are worried about their image, and
"diversity consultants" can still make big bucks out of loudmouth harangues on campus
or in the corporate suites. But none of that is going to help the kid growing up in Harlem
or Watts.
Despite many advances, a kid growing up where I lived in Harlem half a century ago
has less chance of escaping from poverty today than I did. The big difference is that I
received a solid education in the public schools of that era and these schools can
barely maintain order today, much less educate the students.
Tragically, too many black "leaders" and organizations are dependent on the support of
labor unions in general and the teachers unions in particular. So long as those schools
provide jobs for teachers and administrators, they are a success as far as the teachers
unions are concerned, and what happens to the students is the students' problem.
Naturally, it is presented in a much prettier way than this to the public. But the bottom
line is that a place has to be found for any teacher, no matter how incompetent, and
the more incompetent they are the more likely they are to end up teaching in the
ghetto, because middle-class parents tend to drive out such teachers and tenure
makes it too hard to fire them.
Meanwhile, black "leaders" who are ready to go ballistic over any stupid remark that
could be construed as racist remain very silent while the education of a whole
generation of young blacks is destroyed and their future with it. That is why people like
Larry Elder in Los Angeles, Ken Hamblin in Denver and growing numbers of other black
conservative talk-show hosts across the country are needed to blow the whistle on
what is really happening.
They are not likely to be any more popular than Billy Mitchell was with the army's top
brass. But, with a new century looming ahead, it is time to leave the 1960s behind and
start dealing with today's problems and tomorrow's
unrelated experience.
3/3/98: Cheap Shot Time
2/26/98: The Wrong Filter
2/24/98: Trial by Media
2/20/98: Dancing Around the Realities
2/19/98: A "Do Something" War?
2/12/98: Julian Simon, combatant in a 200-year war
2/6/98: A rush to rhetoric