Jewish World Review / August 27, 1998 / 5 Elul, 5758
Roger Simon
WASHINGTON -- The following column contains information -- and I use the term
loosely -- of a salacious nature that you could easily live without. And if you are as sick
and tired of the Monica Lewinsky story as the polls say you are, you will want to skip
this column entirely.
OK? Here's the column:
It was last week, and a bunch of reporters were sitting in a restaurant talking about the
"Disgusting," another reporter said.
And so, of course, we talked about it for the next 20 minutes.
The cigar, as some of you may have heard, allegedly plays a part in the
Clinton-Lewinsky saga.
The part it plays, if true, involves a sexual encounter between the president and the
"I don't think we're printing it," one reporter said.
And then, we discussed whether that was a good decision or not.
The discussion centered around a) whether the allegation was true, b) how any news
operation could really confirm it and c) if we knew it to be true, does that mean we
should automatically print it?
In other words, are there things that should not be printed or broadcast even if true?
If those things involve an ordinary citizen, the decision becomes easier: Ordinary
citizens have certain rights of privacy.
But does a president? Or is anything a president does (or is alleged to have done) fair
I don't want to pretend that the discussion among the reporters was all serious and
academic. Part of the discussion was pretty raunchy and silly.
But that was OK because we were just discussing things among ourselves. We were not
publishing the information.
And, as it turned out, nobody at the table printed the story.
Everybody practiced some restraint. In fact, as far as I could determine, no American
mainstream publication printed the cigar story last week.
So what happened?
On Monday, the Hotline began with the cigar story.
The Hotline is a very respectable on-line service that reviews hundreds of newspapers,
radio and TV shows and prints a summary, along with polls and other items of political
In just a few years, Hotline has become essential reading in Washington, where just
about every news operation I know subscribes to it.
And Monday, Hotline led with a story quoting the London Times quoting Matt Drudge
about the cigar. Then, Hotline quoted the Drudge Report as saying: "So just what are
these salacious details that journalists are wrestling with this weekend? Let's just say
one episode allegedly involves a cigar. And I've learned they weren't smoking it."
Tuesday, the Hotline's "Quote of the Day" was as follows: "I had to close Hotline,
because my 10-year-old son was looking over my shoulder," said Rep. Joe Scarborough
And then, Hotline reported on how the cigar story had now been reported in the New
York Post and how Jay Leno was now making jokes about it.
Leno, according to Hotline, said Clinton's pet name for Lewinsky was "My little
humidor" and "For the last five years (Kenneth Starr) has been looking for a smoking
gun, when he should have been looking for a smoking cigar."
Wednesday, The Washington Post came out with a story by media writer Howard Kurtz
saying, "The mainstream media, meanwhile, are still grappling with how to deal with
the seamier details of the affair between President Clinton and Monica Lewinsky." Then,
Kurtz quotes Republican commentator Mary Matalin as making a "cryptic reference" to
"cigars" on "Meet the Press."
Got all that?
At first, mainstream American publications refuse to print the story because either they
can't confirm it or they think it's not anything that their readers need to know.
But then, Matt Drudge prints it as "allegedly" happening, and the London Times picks it
up, which leads to Hotline picking it up, which leads to Jay Leno joking about it on the
air and the New York Post and then The Washington Post writing about it.
Yet nobody along the way really knows with any certainty whether it is truth or fiction.
But everybody gets to make the same defense: They didn't say it was true; they were
just quoting the other guy.
They used to call this gossip. Now, they call it
"Appalling," one reporter said.
OK, OK. We couldn't help ourselves.
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