Roger Simon
WASHINGTON -- President Clinton has flown off to Africa this week because Africa is
a very important continent and not many people there have heard of Monica Lewinsky
or Kathleen Willey.
Actually, that's probably not true. Probably a lot of people in Africa have heard of both
of them but just don't care.
Which, if the polls are to be believed, makes them not that much different from people
in America.
At 12 days, this will be the longest trip Clinton has made outside the country since
And their prosperity could definitely use some increasing.
"Basically, Africa is a continent that has been left out of this century," Commerce
Secretary William Daley, who will be traveling with Clinton, told me. "In the '60s, Africa
and Asia were at the same level in terms of economics. But Asia takes off, and Africa
goes nowhere."
The Clinton administration now says it is committed to changing that. And not just
because it wants to help those left behind in Africa but because it is good for business
in America.
"We have a growing stake in Africa's success," National Security Adviser Sandy Berger
said. "We have to demystify Africa for Americans."
The White House is using the word "historic" to describe the trip, and it may turn out to
be. It certainly is large.
The president and the first lady are traveling with an entourage of 450 and 200
members of the news media to Ghana, Uganda, Rwanda, South Africa, Botswana and
"It will be a real privilege for me to be the first American president to visit those
countries," Clinton said.
It will also be the first extended trip to Africa by a president in U.S. history. Presidents
Carter and Bush made brief visits to Africa during their terms of office, and Franklin
Roosevelt made stop on the continent in Word War II.
"We, as a nation, still have much to learn about Africa," said Secretary of State
Madeleine Albright. "For many, our impressions are dominated by images of famine
and strife, exotic wildlife and vast deserts."
Clinton's trip, she said, is designed to emphasize Africa's "modern cities, first-rate
universities, fast-developing economies and hard-working people with aspirations very
similar to our own."
It is also designed to promote democracy by convincing African leaders that societies
that have free markets, free elections, a free press and tolerance of ethnic diversity
have the greatest chance to make economic strides in the coming century.
The United States also wants to wean African nations off aid and get them into trade.
"Obviously, in the view of the president, it would be much better to have economic
partners in Africa rather than depending on relationships that go one way, primarily
through economic aid," said White House spokesman Mike McCurry.
But even though Clinton emphasizes "the renaissance that is the African continent
today," the nations south of the Sahara Desert, known as sub-Saharan Africa, still have
along way to go.
"It is difficult to get an American firm to open a plant in a country when they will only get
electricity for an hour a day," Daley said. "But that can also be an opportunity: We are
trying to get U.S. power companies to invest in Africa."
While about 100,000 Americans have jobs directly tied to U.S. exports to Africa,
African trade is only 1 percent of all U.S. trade, and only 7 percent of Africa's imports
are American.
"There are clearly economic opportunities there," Berger said.
There are also political opportunities here. Some 30 million Americans can trace their
roots to Africa, and for President Clinton to make an extended trip to Africa, filling the
news day after day with sounds, words and pictures from that continent sends a
powerful message.
White House advance teams have been working for months to pick dramatic settings
for the trip:
In South Africa, Clinton will visit Robben Island, where South African President Nelson
Mandela was imprisoned for 18 years.
In Senegal, Clinton will not only watch a military exercise designed to show how African
forces can maintain peace on the continent, but he will also visit a port that was the site
of the slave trade for 300 years.
In Rwanda, where an orgy of killing over a three-month period in 1994 left 800,000
people dead, Clinton will meet what the White House terms "genocide survivors."
In Botswana, Clinton will go on a photo safari in a game preserve and emphasize the
importance of protecting the environment.
In Uganda, Clinton will take part in a summit of African leaders in order to encourage
"an end to killing, and establish political and social networks based on inter-ethnic
Somewhere along the way, the president will also talk about narcotics, global terrorism
and land mines.
The event the White House is most nervous about, however, is the joint press
conference Clinton will have with Mandela in South Africa.
White House aides are already taking bets as to whether U.S. reporters will have the
guts to ask Clinton about Lewinsky, Willey, Tripp and Starr on foreign soil.
And Berger was asked at a press briefing in Washington if Clinton wasn't leaving the
country for 12 days just to escape a bunch of ugly questions.
"No," he said sadly and looked out at the reporters in the room. "We're taking you with
Bill's 12-day safari
being elected. His official purpose is to persuade African nations that by embracing
democracy, they will increase their prosperity.
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