Jewish World Review / July 15, 1998 / 21 Tamuz, 5758
Linda Chavez
AMY GROSSBERG WAS SENTENCED last week to 30 months in prison for the death of her
newborn son. Her boyfriend Brian Peterson, the baby's father, was sentenced to two
years for his role in the crime.
In November 1996, the fresh-faced teenage couple's arrest made national news when
their infant was found dead in a trash bin behind a Delaware motel where they had
thrown him out in a plastic garbage bag. At the time, prosecutors in the case said they
would seek the death penalty, but they soon weakened in their resolve as local public
opinion shifted toward pity for the teenage parents.
Both Grossberg and Peterson pleaded guilty to manslaughter in separate plea
agreements with prosecutors, but neither parent admitted to inflicting the skull fractures
that contributed to the baby's death. Yet, according to Thernstrom, the evidence clearly
showed that either Amy or Brian -- or both -- "bashed in (the infant's) skull while he was
still alive and then left his battered body in a Dumpster to die."
So why did the young couple get off with such light sentences? Because killing one's
baby usually results in a lighter sentence than killing an adult or even an older child,
reports Thernstrom.
Neonaticide -- the murder of an infant immediately after or within a few hours of birth --
occurs about 250 times a year in the United States. What was unusual about the
Grossberg-Peterson neonaticide was that both parents participated in the newborn's
murder. Usually, only the mother is involved. According to a leading authority cited in
the Thernstrom article, the Grossberg-Peterson case is unique in the 200 years of
recorded history of this particular crime.
"There are no stories of two parents collaborating to kill their baby," says Dr. Neil S.
Kaye, a forensic psychiatrist who studies infanticide. And mothers who kill their babies
often receive scant punishment -- two years in prison is about average.
Under Roman law, Thernstrom reports, parents had the right to kill their own children
until adulthood. Even today, many states do not consider the deliberate killing of a
newborn first-degree murder. In England, the crime is treated as a mental disorder.
And there are even some intellectuals -- among them, moral philosopher Michael
Tooley -- who argue that newborns are not true 'persons' and that killing them is not
really akin to murder.
Steven Pinker, a professor of psychology at MIT, wrote a controversial article in The
New York Times last November arguing that neonaticide is a fairly common practice in
all cultures and that it has served an important role in human evolution, ensuring that
mothers didn't waste time caring for infants whose chances of survival were slim
But if a newborn isn't a person, when exactly does a human being become a full
person? Is it age or intelligence or the capacity to speak or reason that confers
personhood on a human? And what happens if a human loses or lacks whatever
attribute it is that confers the status of personhood? Are we free to kill him then as we
are free to kill any other animal?
"All I want is for it to go away," Grossberg wrote Peterson early in her pregnancy. But
'it' wouldn't go away and she never sought an abortion, despite Brian's pleading with
her to do so. Not even after their baby was born did he become anything more than an
'it' to his parents, a bloody thing to be thrown in the garbage.
"I'll never be able to forgive myself for what has happened," Amy told the judge at her
sentencing. "All I can say is I'm sorry for what happened," Brian added in his
statement. The statements were oddly passive, as if the young couple were spectators
at an event in which they took no part. But their baby's death didn't just happen -- they
caused it. Too bad their punishment fell so far short of justice for such a brutal and
Will 'neonaticide' become the new
"They've been punished enough," a family friend told author Melanie Thernstrom,
whose July 13 New York magazine cover story "Child's Play" dissects not only the
infant's murder but social attitudes toward infanticide generally.
Amy and her parents
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