Jewish World Review / June 10, 1998 / 16 Sivan, 5758
Linda Chavez
IN THE WEEK SINCE California voters overwhelmingly rejected bilingual education for
children in their state, I've had some interesting conversations with political leaders,
parents, teachers, researchers and journalists on what the vote will mean for
non-English-speaking children around the country.
Everyone agrees that Proposition 227, which received 61 percent of the California
vote, marks an end to bilingual education as we know it. Nonetheless, a group of
die-hard bilingual advocates has filed suit to block enforcement of the measure.
Nationwide, about 3 million public-school students don't know English. Many school
districts must accommodate children from 60 or more language groups -- some of
whom are 5 or 6 years old and entering school for the first time, others who are older
and may or may not have attended school in their homeland.
Earlier in this century, such children would have been expected to learn English
practically by osmosis, either sinking or swimming on their own. Of course, millions of
children did learn this way, but many others failed, falling further behind each year or
dropping out of school altogether.
In 1974, the U.S. Supreme Court declared it illegal for school districts simply to ignore
the plight of non-English-speaking children, so schools must do something to help kids
learn English. Clearly, teaching them in their native language for four or five hours a day
-- which is what many bilingual programs have done until now -- hasn't worked. But
what will?
First, teaching English to poor, non-English speaking kids isn't always easy, especially
if such children constitute a majority in their classroom or school and speak a single,
common language, which is the case in most school districts with large Hispanic
immigrant populations. It's true that young children absorb language more readily than
older kids or adults, but if these children also happen to have multiple learning problems
-- as many poor kids unfortunately do -- the process may be slow and frustrating.
What's more, the few hours of the school day in which such children can practice
English may not compensate for the disadvantages of living in an environment where
English is rarely, if ever, heard. The answer is not to give up teaching English -- as so
many bilingual programs have -- but to allocate enough resources to get the job done.
Language classes should be smaller than other classes, ideally no more than 15 or 20
students to a class. Large classes deprive students of adequate time to practice
speaking English. No one learns another language simply by listening to others speak
it. Teachers should be specially trained in language acquisition and should have
age-appropriate materials available for the students.
In most cases, it would be helpful if the teacher understands and speaks the native
language of her students, although she should be discouraged from using it except as a
last resort. School districts with large non-English speaking enrollment should set up
after-school and summer programs to provide extra time for English learners to master
skills they missed during the regular school day or year.
Since most school districts don't have extra money to fund such programs, local
businesses and community groups should pitch in to help. Teachers unions should
encourage their members to volunteer their own time, or at least allow outside
volunteers to teach these classes if regular teachers won't.
We have a ways to go in the bilingual war
The group claims that the law, which mandates one year of intensive English instruction
for kids who don't yet speak the language, violates the civil rights of
non-English-speaking children. But even if they win their case -- a highly unlikely event
-- bilingual education as it is now practiced won't survive. The real question is what will
replace bilingual education.
It's unclear whether California will adopt such provisions, and no doubt extremists on
both sides of the bilingual debate, not to mention the teacher unions and
special-interest groups, would object to many of them. But unless a real plan emerges
to teach English to 3 million youngsters who don't yet speak it, the defeat of bilingual
education will be a hollow
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