Jewish World Review / May 13, 1998 / 17 Iyar, 5758
William Pfaff
PARIS -- A Sinn Fein conference in Dublin last Saturday
demonstrated the fundamental requirement in solving deeply
rooted political conflicts.
Both sides must deal with the other as it is, not as they might
wish it to be. Its legitimacy in terms of its own constituency
must be conceded.
This why delegates to the Dublin convention approved the
peace compromise concluded April 10 between Sinn Fein
and Northern Ireland's principal unionist groups. The Sinn
Fein, political wing of the terrorist IRA, now is on record as
accepting the principle that Northern Ireland will not be
united with the
An equivalent willingness to deal with the other side in terms
of its own commitments and interests existed until recently
between Israel and the Palestinian Liberation Organization.
This is no longer the case.
The leader of the Ulster Unionist Party, David Trimble, and
the British government have both made an equivalent
compromise to that of Sinn Fein. Despite hostility from much
of the Unionist electorate, including terrorist groups, Mr.
Trimble and Prime Minister Tony Blair have treated Sinn Fein
and, implicitly, the terrorist IRA, as legitimate negotiating
partners. They did this as an act of realism.
The Clinton administration pushed them to do so.
Washington initially dealt with Sinn Fein's leader Gerry
Adams for purely domestic political advantage, but President
Clinton understands that if peace is declared in Northern
Ireland he can take part of the credit. This would pay off for
the Democrats among a wider electorate than the New York
and Boston Irish.
Former British Prime Minister John Major was a victim of the
unwillingness of a part of his Conservative government's
majority to admit that peace in Northern Ireland required
talking with Sinn Fein. Even though Mr. Major launched the
talks with the Dublin government that led to the current
agreement, a minority of his supporters forced him to
demand that the IRA first turn in its weapons ("we will not
talk under terrorist threa"). This was a position of high
righteousness but zero realism.
Because of Mr. Blair's ability to override Unionist objections,
and despite the continuing resistance of armed minorities in
both the IRA and Unionist camps, the Northern Ireland
outlook now is brighter than at any time since the Irish
nation's partition in 1922.
Israel and the Palestinians were on the same road to peace
until a year ago. They now are off it. The Norwegian-initiated
Palestinian-Israeli peace process begun in 1993 required both
sides to acknowledge the legitimacy of the other's cause,
however hateful their past actions had been.
As in Ireland, important factions of militant opinion on both
sides considered this betrayal. But until Israeli Prime Minister
Yitzhak Rabin's murder by a Jewish extremist in 1995, Israel's
leaders were able to carry Israeli opinion with them, and
Yasser Arafat was mostly able to control Palestinian
However, the prolonged negotiating program of the peace
process, meant to give the two parties room for
reconciliation, actually gave enemies of agreement time to
This time factor was ignored by Shimon Peres when he
became prime minister after Mr. Rabin's assassination.
Whether it was by weakness, pride, or because he was too
civilized a man to exploit electoral emotion, he failed to seize
the tide of Israeli opinion in 1996 to put through a final
settlement with the Palestinians.
That failure brought Benjamin Netanyahu to power. In
February 1997 Mr. Netanyahu told the international press at
Davos what he already had told Israeli journalists. He denied
the legitimacy of any Palestinian claim on Jerusalem, and he
opposed creation of an independent Palestinian state.
He said that he would concede self-government to Palestinian
localities but would insist on Israeli supervision of Palestinian
international and security relationships. Expanded Jewish
colonization of the West Bank would be secured by a
network of military-controlled roads separating the
Palestinian enclaves from one another.
This was a repudiation not only of certain previous
agreements but of that bond of respect -- grudging though it
may have been -- that had previously underlain negotiations.
Since then, Mr. Netanyahu has actually been negotiating with
the U.S. government, which has been trying without success
to obtain from Israel terms for the Palestinians which the
other Middle Eastern countries, and West European and
Asian Islamic governments, might consider evidence of
American good faith as a Mideast mediator.
Mr. Netanyahu's rejection of all Mr. Clinton's proposals
coincides this week with his visit to the United States to
address a conference of the American Israel Public Affairs
Committee, the principal organization of the Israeli lobby in
the United States. Mr. Clinton might reasonably see in this a
deliberate provocation.
However, the president owes nothing to Palestinians and a
great deal to pro-Israeli voters. Congress is dominated by the
Israeli lobby's influence in congressional constituencies and
over Senate campaign finances. It is hard to believe that Mr.
Netanyahu will not win his showdown with President Clinton.
The result of such a victory will be bitter for both Israel and
the United States. It will require a repression of the
Palestinians which Israel may, or may not, be able to sustain
for the long run. It will also permanently intensify hostility
toward the United States throughout the
Negotiating in reality, not wishfulness
Irish Republic without the electoral
agreement of its Protestant and pro-British majority.
Things can only get better
and better!
Racial, ethnic, national barriers disappearing
Racial, ethnic, national barriers disappearing
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