Jewish World Review /June 25, 1998 / 1 Tamuz, 5758
Larry Elder
IF YOU NEVER UNDERSTOOD JAMES JOYCE'S Ulysses, rest easy. Never quite got the hang of wind surfing, roller-skating or bridge? Relax. There's a reason -- and it ain't you. Your
mother smoked cigarettes while pregnant with you. That's right.
Writing for the Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, "Fetal Nicotine
or Cocaine Exposure: Which One is Worse?" -- Duke University's Dr. Theodore Slotkin
says that cigarette-smoking pregnant mothers propose a greater threat to their unborn
fetuses than those who do crack cocaine.
Slotkin wrote,
What? Dr. Slotkin argues that cigarette smoking poses a greater risk than cocaine for
"perinatal morbidity, mortality and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, and in persistent deficits
in learning and in behavior." Worse, he says, the effects of a cigarette-smoking pregnant
mom may not even show up until the baby gets older. Dr. Slotkin says that, while some
doctors advise crack-smoking expectant mothers to abort, few dare suggest such a thing to
a cigarette-smoking soon-to-be mother.
Now, he acknowledges some problems with his conclusion. After all, most crack smokers
also smoke cigarettes. So, isolating effects of coke vs. smoke on an unborn fetus
becomes difficult.
Still, he says, "Maternal smoking during pregnancy killed between tens of thousands and
possibly over a hundred thousand babies each year in utero. That also results in tens of
thousands of admissions to intensive care units after birth and kills or brain-damages more
during the birth process. Smoking is also responsible for one-third to two-thirds of all cases
of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome."
Studies show that nearly 11 percent of pregnant mothers do illicit drugs, whereas 25
percent of pregnant moms smoke cigarettes. Thus, according to Dr. Slotkin, the extent and
degree of danger to the unborn fetus is far, far greater due to cigarettes than to cocaine.
A word for my reaction to Dr. Slotkin's conclusion -- counter-intuitive. You mean, local news'
graphic images of crack babies on life support understate the problem? That there are
many times more "cigarette babies"?
Pretty strong stuff, doc.
Recently, several states proposed laws to prosecute expectant mother who consume
illegal drugs. South Carolina just prosecuted and sentenced to eight years in prison a
woman who smoked crack while pregnant. This year twelve states debated similar bills.
Well, lawmakers, start your engines! Why should Connie Crackhead do time when Cindy
Cigarettesmoker poses, according to Dr. Slotkin, a far more severe threat to her unborn
But hold the phone. Don't nearly 50 percent of men in Japan smoke? And, presumably,
Japanese women smoke at a higher rate than do their American counterparts. But doesn't
Japan have a lower rate of infant mortality than the U.S.? And don't IQ studies show that
Asians, including the Japanese, score higher than other groups? Now we know how to
reduce our trade deficit with the Japanese. Send them some more smokes!
Hey, maybe this coke's-worse-than-dope-theory explains America's crazy baby boom
generation. The parents of the Love Generation smoked cigarettes! How else to explain
bell-bottom jeans, tie-dyed shirts, Grand Funk Railroad, and "Louie Louie".
In California, the government runs television ads warning that cigarette smokers experience
impotence more frequently than non-smokers. So, will the next media campaign suggest
that cigarettes pose a greater risk to a fetus than crack? Slotkin acknowledges that many in
his field fail to share his concerns. He found in pharmacology texts "80 percent of the
pages devoted to substance abuse concerning illicit drugs, just over 10 percent concerned
alcohol, and less than 5 percent concerned tobacco."
Maybe we should wait until some of Dr. Slotkin's colleagues come around -- if they ever do.
Meantime, imagine the lawsuits. Just recently, a Florida court awarded the family of a dead
smoker a million dollars, despite 35 years of warning labels. The jury found for the plaintiffs,
even though the deceased routinely referred to cigarettes as "coffin nails" or "cancer
Remember those Jonesboro, Arkansas, schoolboy shooters who massacred their
classmates? Maybe their moms smoked. Move over, "Twinkie Defense." Make room for
the "Butt Defense."
But the anti-smoking activists who emphatically tell us -- despite sketchy scientific evidence
-- 50,000 people a year die from secondhand smoke, will require little confirmation. Slotkin
for President!
Fair enough. Put up or shut up, you anti-smoking zealots. Demand that legislators pass bills
allowing cops to bust those Marlboro Moms. I dare you. Go ahead. Make my day.
Who knows, maybe my grandkid won't struggle with the Pythagorean theorem or the infield
And you thought "coke" was worse than smokes
"Headlines concentrate on crack baby's syndrome, a condition for
which there is no current medical consensus...whereas tobacco use during pregnancy
received little or no attention...in actuality, cocaine is less likely to cause malformations than
is cigarette smoking."
Who knew!?
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