Jewish World Review / May 11, 1998 / 15 Iyar, 5758
Larry Elder
HAVE YOU BEEN WATCHING the NBA playoffs? Have you noticed the increased intensity of
play? Players who seemed lethargic during the regular season suddenly dive for balls,
furiously guard opponents and display greater emotion. Coaches call it "stepping up" ---
trying harder under pressure, doing the little things that add up to victory.
California recently passed Proposition 209, which outlawed race-and gender-based
preferences in college and university admissions. At the more competitive University of
California campuses, the numbers of black and Hispanic students admitted declined.
(Of the post-209 blacks and Hispanics admitted, however, the percentage of those
The re-segregation of higher education, cry critics! But few defenders of affirmative
action urge children, teachers and parents to do the obvious --- step up.
Remember Proposition 48? Georgetown basketball coach John Thompson fought the
measure, which required higher grades and better performance on standardized tests
before a student could play collegiate sports. Thompson feared a decline in the
percentage of blacks eligible to play, depriving them of the collegiate experience and a
chance at a degree. Well, the percentage of NCAA black basketball players did not
decline. High schoolers aspiring to play college ball got the message. They stepped up.
Stepping up means doing that which you must to achieve a long-term objective.
Stepping up means two good, hard hours of homework each night. Stepping up means
sitting at the table in your room, poring over your chemistry book, even as you hear the
sound of a dribbling basketball and your friends' laughter in the street outside.
Stepping up means turning 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 and resisting cigarettes, beer,
marijuana and reckless sex, because, well, everybody's doing it. Stepping up means
resisting the temptation to blame somebody else when the going gets tough.
Stepping up means understanding that academics -- like shooting free throws -- require
repetition, drill, repetition, drill. Stepping up means having enough pride and
self-respect to say, "Sorry, I can't hang out tonight. Got work to do."
Remember Michael Jordan's brief late-in-life attempt at pro baseball? Many pundits
predicted success. After all, name an athlete more gifted, graceful and determined than
Jordan. But one crusty old baseball coach predicted disaster. By the time a baseball
player reaches Jordan's age, he said, the guy's faced some 300,000 fast balls and
250,000 curve balls. Despite Jordan's impressive work ethic, he explained, there's no
way Jordan could catch up and learn that which takes a lifetime to discover and apply.
There is no substitute for time put in -- no short cuts.
Whether math, chemistry, English, violin or hitting the open man on the court,
excellence demands hard work, patience and, above all, focus. Inevitably, we get
bored, indifferent, sloppy. Winners, though, step up.
Stepping up means maintaining a positive outlook when others tell you that forces
conspire against you. "They" don't want you to succeed. "They" don't want you to get
into good schools. Such is the message of leaders like Jesse Jackson, who once
called California's Gov. Pete Wilson the "Susan Smith of politics" because Wilson
opposed affirmative action. So, how should "under-represented" minority children
respond to the demise of affirmative action? A baseball coach once said, "A negative
attitude doesn't affect a team; it infects it." The kids must step up.
Our schools can and must perform better. Our parents can and must understand the
necessity of homework. Our children can and must understand that old or missing
textbooks and deteriorating buildings do not control one essential thing -- your own
effort. You are not a victim. Take off the race-tinted glasses. Step up.
In Barbados, a country with a legacy of slavery, over 50 percent of the public
schoolchildren come from single-parent households. Still, students at some Barbadian
high schools average 1,300 on their SATs. U.S. education expert Charles Glenn said,
"In Barbados, there's no culture saying, 'The schools are racist. The tests are racist.
I'm a victim.' In Britain or the United States, many kids are convinced there is nothing
they can do to succeed."
Stepping up means maintaining pride and dignity under adverse conditions. The great
turn-of-the-century black vaudevillian actor Bert Williams once entered a hostile Boston
tavern. "Give me a shot of whiskey," said Williams. The bartender glowered at him,
while pouring a shot.
"That'll be $50," barked the bartender. The nattily attired Williams reached into the coat
pocket of his expensive suit, pulled out three crisp $100 bills and laid them on the
counter. "Gimme six," said Williams. Pride, dignity, integrity. He stepped
Stepping up
ultimately graduating will increase. Many pre-209 blacks and Hispanic students failed
because preferences placed them on a track too fast and too hard.)
4/30/98: Who's faking whom?
4/16/98:To spank or not to spank